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61. Fourth Presbyterian Church: A Light In The City Founded in 1871 to serve the needs of the local presbyterian Church of USA community. Site features sermon and worship schedule, news and events. http://www.fourthchurch.org/ | |
62. Central Presbyterian Church Worship times, sermon archive, events calendar, information on Christian education, mission programs outreach and congregational news. http://www.central-presbyterian.org/ |
63. Presbyterian/St. Luke S Medical Center - Home Page presbyterian/St. Luke s Medical Center features over 80 specialties, 1000 specialists and primary care physicians, and advanced medical technology http://www.pslmc.com/ |
64. The Westminster Presbyterian The Westminster presbyterian has articles on Reformed theology, the Westminster Confession, and Puritan worship, several by Sherman Isbell. http://members.aol.com/RSISBELL/church.html | |
65. First Presbyterian Church Of Austin, Texas Located in northwest Austin. Contact information, worship and class schedule, and an overview of the congregation s mission and special programs. http://www.fpcaustin.org/ | |
66. Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital - Delivering Healthcare To Southeastern LA presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital, a notfor-profit regional hospital and health center, delivers healthcare services to southeastern Los Angeles County http://www.whittierpres.com/ | |
67. First Presbyterian Church Of Palo Alto A More Light Church, Welcoming Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals into Full Membership. http://www.fprespa.org/ | |
68. Westminster Presbyterian Church In response to the grace of God through Jesus Christ, the mission of Westminster presbyterian Church is To proclaim and celebrate the Good News of Jesus http://www.ewestminster.org/ | |
69. Colonial Presbyterian Church | Kansas City, MO A Discipling Community, Inwardly We are a discipling church where God s power is changing lives, now and for eternity. http://www.colonialkc.org/ | |
70. Clarendon Presbyterian Church The Clarendon presbyterian Church is convenient to the Orange Line Clarendon Metro station. Worship services are held at 1000 AM Sundays. http://www.clarendonpresbyterian.org/ | |
71. Sunsetpres.org Portland, Oregon. Events calendar, information on worship services, groups and ministries. http://www.sunsetpres.org/ | |
72. Presbyterian Border Ministries Joint ministry of the Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana de Mexico and the presbyterian Church (USA). Information on border issues, ministry sites, http://www.binationalministry.org/ | |
73. Central Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, Maryland Central presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland is an active, warm, growing, evangelical church, striving to be faithful to Jesus Christ, our Lord and http://www.centralpc.org/ | |
74. Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Greenville Seminary trains preachers of the gospel in the historic Reformed faith. http://www.gpts.edu/ | |
75. Town North Presbyterian Church, PCA - Home Welcome to Town North presbyterian Chuch in Richardson, Texas. We are members of the PCA (presbyterian Church in America) denomination, believing in an http://www.tnpc.org/ | |
76. Trinity Presbyterian Church, St. Louis (University City), MO: Welcome! Trinity presbyterian Church in University City, Missouri. http://www.trinityucity.org/ | |
77. RPTS: Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary Providing a quality historic reformed education to prepare men for the pastoral ministry and to prepare men and women for active Christian service. http://www.rpts.edu/ | |
78. Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church In Fort Lauderdale Florida Coral Ridge presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale Florida. http://www.crpc.org/ | |
79. Chesapeake Presbytery - Presbyterian Church In America Church directory and profiles for the Marylandbased presbytery. http://www.chesapeakepresbytery.org/ | |
80. P & R Publishing the formation of Westminster Seminary and the Orthodox presbyterian Church, the rise of neoevangelicalism, and American reception of Karl Barth. http://www.prpbooks.com/ | |
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