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1. Religious Society Of Friends - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Accordingly, individual quakers may develop individual religious beliefs Although quakers throughout most of their history and in most parts of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_Society_of_Friends | |
2. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) This makes the quakers difficult to describe in a short essay. We attempt here to portray mainstream Quaker practice. Some Quaker meetings at the liberal http://www.religioustolerance.org/quaker.htm | |
3. Quakers And The Political Process - Who Are The Quakers? quakers and the Political Process, Living our Faith into Action Who are the quakers? History, beliefs, and testimonies. http://www.pym.org/exhibit/p045.html | |
4. Quakers-Society Of Friends The quakersSociety of Friends. Please choose a topic. History of the quakers The Doctrine Organizational Structure Bibliography Quaker WWW Links http://www.cdli.ca/~wking/blair/friends.htm | |
5. The Quaker Corner A repository of resources for enhancing your Quaker genealogical research! http://www.rootsweb.com/~quakers/ | |
6. Information On Quakerism - Online Resources On The Religious Society Of Friends Articles, news and other resources related to the Religious Society of Friends (quakers). http://www.quakerinfo.com/ | |
7. Quakers The quakers are a form of Protestant Christianity which was started by George Fox in 1652 and which emphasizes the spiritual aspect of Christain faith and http://atheism.about.com/library/glossary/western/bldef_quakers.htm | |
8. FGC Home | Friends General Conference Information about Friends General Conference, and resources for Friends (quakers). http://www.fgcquaker.org/ | |
9. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Society Of Friends (Quakers) Although the Friends repudiate creeds as external and human , yet they, at least the early quakers and their orthodox modern followers, http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06304b.htm | |
10. Soc.religion.quaker Answers To Frequently Asked Questions Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the Religious Society of Friends (quakers), compiled for the soc.religion.quaker news group by Marc Mengel. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/Quaker-faq/ | |
11. QUAKERS ICE HOCKEY She has been a team manager over the years, a valuable asset when the quakers Bantam AA team hosted the USA Hockey 2005 14U AA Nationals at IceLine. http://www.quakersicehockey.info/ | |
12. Beliefnet Presents A Comprehensive Look At Liberal Quakers: Beliefs And Practice Beliefnet Presents a Comprehensive Look at Liberal quakers Beliefs and Practices. http://www.beliefnet.com/story/80/story_8038_1.html | |
13. Famous Friends (Famous Quakers) Famous quakers members of the Religious Society of Friends. List and links. http://www.adherents.com/largecom/fam_quaker.html | |
14. The Quakers' Colonel a West Point graduate and Vietnam veteran, is the Senior Fellow on Military Affairs for the Friends Committee on National Legislation (quakers). http://quakerscolonel.blogspot.com/ | |
15. Quaker Proscecutions quakers, like Puritans, had their origins in the hotbed of European religious dissent. In addition to the many quakers who suffered abroad, there were some http://www.mayflowerfamilies.com/enquirer/quakers.htm | |
16. Quaker Finder : Finding Local Quakers & Quaker Meetings Quakerfinder.Org lets you search for Quaker Meetings by town postal code. We have almost of the unprogrammed Meetings in the database, including many http://www.quakerfinder.org/ | |
17. Society Of Friends - Quakers Several articles on quakers or the Society of Friends. A source of information for deeper understanding of religious subjects. http://mb-soft.com/believe/txc/quakers.htm | |
18. Official CollegeSports.com University Of Pennsylvania Quakers Team Page The Official College Sports Online Team Page for the University of Pennsylvania. http://pennathletics.ocsn.com/ | |
19. PHMC: Pennsylvania History English quakers were the dominant element, although many English settlers The mixture of various national groups in the Quaker Province helped to create http://www.phmc.state.pa.us/bah/pahist/quaker.asp | |
20. Quakers In The News HOME Quaker Witness in Africa concerned Friends and Friends Meetings share information and news on Humanitarian Assistance Projects on the continent of Africa. http://qinhome.blogspot.com/ | |
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