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41. The Atlanta Friends Meeting (Quakers): Homepage The Atlanta Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends is an unprogrammed, nonpastoral Quaker Meeting. We believe that each person has the http://atlanta.quaker.org/ | |
42. RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: CAN-ONT-QUAKERS A mailing list for anyone researching their Quaker or Religious Society of Friends ancestors in Ontario, Canada. http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/other/Religion/CAN-ONT-QUAKERS.html | |
43. Public Inexcusably Tolerant Of Bushs Law-Breaking illegal wiretapping and email monitoring include the quakers and PETA (People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals). And its only going to get worse. http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0106-27.htm | |
44. Under Construction Welcome to the quakers Girls Ice Hockey Program Home of the 2005 USA Hockey 14U Girls National Bronze Medalists! Congratulations to the 16U quakers Girls http://www.quakergirls.com/ |
45. American Revolution: Quakers The Quaker religion, also called the Society of Friends, was started by George Fox. He thought that the only way to talk to God was through an inner http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0312848/quaker.htm | |
46. Fifteenth Street Monthly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers In On Fifteenth Street Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends quakers in Manhattan, New York City. http://15stfriends.quaker.org/ | |
47. Madison Monthly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) The Madison Monthly Meeting website has moved and changed name. The new address is www.madisonfriends.org. Please change your records and bookmarks. http://danenet.wicip.org/mmm/ | |
48. Sheffield Quakers Why have I posted this on a Quaker site? I have done so because in Advices and Queries we are told about our responsibilties with respect to peace and the http://sheffieldquakers.blogspot.com/ | |
49. New York Quakers Welcome to the New York quakers site! My name is Stefani Evans, and I am Coordinator of this topic page for New York State. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ny/topic/quaker/ | |
50. ESPN - Pennsylvania Quakers News, Schedule, Players, Stats, Video - Men's Basket Pennsylvania quakers news, schedule, players, stats, photos, rumors, and highlights on ESPN.com. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/clubhouse?teamId=219 |
51. Genealogy Of The Quaker O'Nealls And Friends Most of my ancestors on my father s side were quakers, at least from about 1700 until about 1900. Hence, the name of the site, which refers to O Nealls as http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~joneall/ | |
52. Quakers And The Arts etexts of Quaker writings on the arts. E-texts of significant writings about the arts by quakers past and present http://home.att.net/~quakart/ | |
53. Quakers Of Richmond And Wayne County, Indiana quakers believe that God speaks to the heart and mind of every person. Equality is centrally important to Friends, who strive to address that of God in http://www.earlham.edu/Q/brochure1/ | |
54. Peace 1947 Friends Service Council (The quakers), American Friends Service Committee (The quakers). Friends Service Council (The quakers), American Friends Service http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1947/ | |
55. Social Class & Quakers In a couple of places in the Quaker blogosphere, some people have suggested that Quaker theology should be a block to poor and working class people. http://quakerclass.blogspot.com/ | |
56. Q-LIGHT Has Moved LGBT and questioning quakers and seekers has moved to egroups.com. To subscribe, send a blank message to. qlight-subscribe@egroups.com http://world.std.com/~rice/q-light/ | |
57. New Philadelphia City Schools www.npschools.org/sports/ http://www.npschools.org/sports/ | |
58. Quakers The early quakers gathered for worship in silence, without liturgy or any appointed preacher. In its simplest form this concept says that every person has http://www.farnsworth.org.uk/quakers.htm | |
59. Home Here at Northwest quakers Aviary we welcome you to share the joy of Quaker Parrots. We are Chuck and Sharon Pearce, our Aviary is located just outside Salem http://www.northwestquakers.com/ | |
60. Street Corner Society - Introducing Chicago Area Quakers An informal history of Friends in the Chicago area. Remarks to Friends World Committee for Consultation, 3/18/00, by David H. Finke. http://www.strecorsoc.org/docs/chicago.html | |
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