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1. Storytelling (2001) Directed by Todd Solondz. With Selma Blair, Leo Fitzpatrick, Robert Wisdom. College and high school serve as the backdrop for two stories about dysfunction http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0250081/ | |
2. Storytelling - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia storytelling is the ancient art of conveying events in words, images, and sounds often by improvisation or embellishment. Stories have been shared in every http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storytelling | |
3. Storytelling storytelling is one person telling others of something. The story can be of a real event or it can be made up. storytelling is often a part of our everyday http://42explore.com/story.htm | |
4. Storytelling In Business,storytelling In Organizations,organizational Storytelli world s leading thinkers explore the role of storytelling in business,storytelling in organizations,organizational storytelling,Why storytelling now,What http://www.creatingthe21stcentury.org/ | |
5. Storytelling Websites It s all storytelling, you know. That s what journalism is all about. Tom Brokaw, Northwestern University Byline Spring 82 http://courses.unt.edu/efiga/STORYTELLING/StorytellingWebsites.htm | |
6. International Storytelling Center International storytelling Center, Jonesborough TN, promotes the power of storytelling and its creative applications to produce positive change in our http://www.storytellingcenter.net/ | |
7. Story Arts | Story Arts Online! Educational Web site, designed for teachers, librarians, and students,explores the use of storytelling in the classroom to enhance speaking, listening, http://www.storyarts.org/ | |
8. National Storytelling Network - Home The web page of the National storytelling Network, with links to its Festival, organization, and resources. http://www.storynet.org/ | |
9. Illinois Storytelling Festival Third weekend of September. Spring Grove, Illinois, USA. http://www.storytelling.org/ | |
10. Neopets Story Competition storytelling Competition (click for the map) (printer friendly version) Every week we will be starting a new Story Telling competition - with great http://www.neopets.com/art/storytell.phtml | |
11. Storytelling! What I like about this tenlesson literature-based storytelling unit is that it gives children with a dramatic flair some time on stage, but the activities http://www.planetesme.com/storytelling.html | |
12. Center For Digital Storytelling www.storycenter.org/ 1k - Center for Digital storytellingThe Center for Digital storytelling is a California-based non-profit 501(c)3 arts organization rooted in the art of personal storytelling. http://www.storycenter.org/ |
13. ProTeacher! Storytelling Lesson Plans For Elementary School Teachers A storytelling Festival This lesson provides you with ways you can have a festival either by having the students work individually or in small groups http://www.proteacher.com/070163.shtml | |
14. *Storytelling, Story Telling* AARON SHEPARD'S STORYTELLING PAGE *Telling A Story Resources for storytelling (or story telling), including the acclaimed series Gifts of Story. http://www.aaronshep.com/storytelling/ | |
15. Storytelling Alice storytelling Alice was created by Caitlin Kelleher as part of her doctoral work in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. For details on the design http://www.alice.org/kelleher/storytelling/ | |
16. National Storytelling Festival - International Storytelling Center 36th Annual National storytelling Festival Dont miss this worldrenowned celebration. Hear all your favorite tellers, plus festival traditions like http://www.storytellingcenter.com/festival/festival.htm | |
17. Storyteller.net Storytelling, Storytellers, Stories, Story, Hear storytelling, Storyteller, Stories, how to, listen to stories, read stories, find tellers and storytellers. http://www.storyteller.net/ | |
18. Rosina Lippi - Award Winning Author In any case I m an author, and this is my weblog, called storytelling. I try to post daily on issues having to do with narrative (on paper or screen or http://rosinalippi.com/weblog/ | |
19. The Kids' Storytelling Club The only way to become a storyteller is to tell stories. The way to become a better storyteller is to learn new storytelling skills. http://www.storycraft.com/ | |
20. Educational Uses Of Digital Storytelling Welcome to a website devoted to the Educational Uses of Digital storytelling. Above are links to various sections of the site. http://www.coe.uh.edu/digital-storytelling/ | |
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