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21. African Storytelling web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/hum211/afrstory.htm Similar pages Handbook for StorytellersA handbook for teachers, librarians and others interested in the art of storytelling. http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/hum211/afrstory.htm | |
22. Storytelling - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of storytelling from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/storytelling | |
23. Digital Storytelling the elements of digital storytelling, overview media action relationship context communication examples research resources http://www.inms.umn.edu/elements/ | |
24. The Art Of Story Telling The Art of storytelling will help you learn how, and includes hints on techniques, contacts with online story resources and websites, storytellers, http://www.eldrbarry.net/roos/art.htm | |
25. TPRS Publishing What is TPR storytelling? to learn more click here. Who is TPRS Publishing? to learn more click here. Click here to listen to samples from our new CD of http://www.tprstorytelling.com/ | |
26. Connecticut Storytelling Center The website of the Connecticut storytelling Center. http://www.connstorycenter.org/ | |
27. Signifyin And Testifyin Storytelling Festival Annual fall festival held in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. Presented by the Black Storytellers Alliance. http://www.blackstorytellers.com/ |
28. LANES League For The Advancement Of New England Storytelling Member directory, event listings, news letter, mailing list, festival and conference information. New England and Upstate New York. http://www.lanes.org/ |
29. Digital Storytelling Digital storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories derive their power by weaving images, music, narrative and http://electronicportfolios.org/digistory/ | |
30. Untitled Document The Digital storytelling Festival was founded in1995 as an annual gathering where professionals and enthusiasts who use technology to communicate and share http://www.dstory.com/ |
31. Jason Ohler : Education And Technology :: Art, Storytelling, Education And Techn Announcement Jason s new book about digital storytelling and new media narrative in education Digital storytelling in the Classroom New Media Pathways http://www.jasonohler.com/storytelling/ | |
32. Tejas Storytelling Association A nonprofit organization that is dedicated to fostering the appreciation of storytelling of all facets through out the South Central Region. http://www.tejasstorytelling.com/ | |
33. Tech Head Stories Storytellers of the New Millenium. The World of Digital storytelling By Corey Excellent example of digital storytelling on the web from the Modesto Bee. http://tech-head.com/dstory.htm | |
34. Timpanogos Storytelling Festival - Home Information about the Timpanogos storytelling Festival in Orem, UT. http://www.timpfest.org/ | |
35. Corporate Storytelling - How To Breathe Life And Success Into Your Organization One of the most inspiring keynote speakers and workshop facilitators on corporate storytelling in organizations, Evelyn Clark works with leaders who want to http://www.corpstory.com/ | |
36. JakesOnline!-Digital Storytelling The process of digital storytelling enables students to tell their stories with a compelling and competitive voice. On this page, find links to articles and http://www.jakesonline.org/storytelling.htm | |
37. Learn Storytelling-learn To Tell Stories-learn About Storytelling-learn Use Of S Learn the modern uses of the ancient art of storytelling the springboard story ignites action in organizations-learn about storytelling-learn use of http://www.stevedenning.com/learn.htm | |
38. Storytelling Power ... Use The Power Of Storytelling At Home, At Work And In You Stories, articles about storytelling, and story resources. http://www.creativekeys.net/StorytellingPower/sphome.html | |
39. Circle Of Stories . Storytellers | PBS Are you a storyteller? Share a memory of a place or landscape or join in a dialogue about language and cultural conservation. Be a part of the storytelling http://www.pbs.org/circleofstories/storytellers/index.html | |
40. Storyfest - The Art Of Storytelling storytelling art and craft by Robert and Kelly Vilhelm. Festivals, seminars, tours (Wales, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Hawaii, New Mexico), apprenticeship in http://www.storyfest.com/ | |
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