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61. Digital Storytelling Digital storytelling is the intersection between the age old art of storytelling and access to powerful technology that is easy to learn and use. http://www.teachingteachers.com/ | |
62. PIZZAZ! Creative Writing And Storytelling Ideas Offers activities with copyable handouts for use with students of all ages. Utilizes poetry and fiction. http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~leslieob/pizzaz.html | |
63. International Conference On Virtual Storytelling This international conference will gather researchers from the scientific, artistic and industrial communities to discuss and explore ideas for the use of http://www.virtualstorytelling.com/ |
64. Confessions Of An Aca/Fan: Transmedia Storytelling 101 I designed this handout on transmedia storytelling to distribute to my students. More recently, I passed it out at a teaching workshop at the Society for http://www.henryjenkins.org/2007/03/transmedia_storytelling_101.html | |
65. Quantum Storytelling Quantum storytelling Contact Blogroll Quantum Reading. The Probabilities of storytelling. Evolving Character Conflicts. March 22nd, 2008 Category http://www.redchurch.com/quantum/ | |
66. Storytelling.html In this article, I want to discuss one of the nonformal methods I use storytelling. storytelling is an integral part of my approach to design, http://www.pliant.org/personal/Tom_Erickson/Storytelling.html | |
67. Virginia Storytelling Alliance (VASA) Go Home Calendar The Gathering storytelling Resources Links About Us About Us Purpose of the Virginia storytelling Alliance Benefits of membership http://www.vastorytelling.org/ |
68. A List Apart: Articles: A Case For Web Storytelling Much ink has been spilt lately bemoaning the lack of quality content on the web. Too much ink. http://www.alistapart.com/articles/storytelling/ | |
69. The North Carolina Storytelling Guild (NCSG) The North Carolina storytelling Guild (NCSG) serving the storytelling community, storytellers and storylistening audiences, storytelling events, tips, http://www.ncstoryguild.org/ | |
70. The Forest Storytelling Festival 2007 The Story People of Clallam County invite storytellers from around the world to Port Angeles, Washington. October 15 17, 2004. http://www.dancingleaves.com/storypeople/ | |
71. Storytelling Association Of Alta California : Welcome The storytelling Association of Alta California sponsors the anual Bay Area storytelling Festival and provides community, education, resources and more for http://www.storysaac.org/ | |
72. Integrating Digital Storytelling In Your Classroom Resources Digital storytelling with iMovie (softcover text) by Mark Standley Skip Via -Digital storytelling Finds Its Place in the Classroom. Storyboarding http://its.ksbe.edu/dst/ | |
73. Riverway Storytelling Festival Uplifting and provocative a week of storytelling for all ages in Albany, New York each April. Includes family storytelling, ghost stories, http://www.riverwaystorytellingfestival.org/ | |
74. Northstar Storytelling League The Northstar storytelling League serves Twin Cities storytellers, listeners and the storytelling community. http://www.northstarstorytelling.org/ | |
75. Home2 If you are interested in taking a workshop with storytelling Arts or just want to learn more about upcoming events, please provide us with your name and http://www.storytellingarts.net/ |
76. Welcome To MO-TELL Promoting storytelling in Missouri, USA. http://www.motell.org/ | |
77. The Jonesborough Storytellers Guild Members of the Jonesborough Storytellers Guild are professional, semiprofessional, part-time or hobbyist tellers of tales, singers of songs, http://www.storytellersguild.org/ |
78. Star Wars Galaxies - Storyteller Storyteller is a new system that allows players to place decorations, effects and even combat NPCs in ways that have previously only been available to the http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/players/content.vm?id=66938&resource=fe |
79. Cariadoc's Miscellany: Period Sources For Story Telling Thus, for instance, a Muslim storyteller can follow a recitation of The Raven Banner (written by Malkin Grey and based on an incident in Njal Saga), http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/cariadoc/period_sources_for_story_telling.html | |
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