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41. MBB 447b3 (747b3) Syllabus This course will provide an overview of bioinformatics, the application of computational Summer Jobs in bioinformatics. If you re really motivated, http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/mbb447b-99/ | |
42. Expert: Bioinformatics And Genomics Expert Related Expert Areas for bioinformatics and Genomics Expert 724799. Expert in Genomics, bioinformatics and Molecular Biology. Expert 722071 http://www.intota.com/subject.asp?strTermID=0070321 |
43. HPCGG Bioinformatics The HPCGG bioinformatics Core recognizes that quantitative analytic methods are now central to the pursuit of biomedical research. http://www.hpcgg.org/Bioinformatics/index.jsp |
44. Bioinformatics Zen I work in bioinformatics because I like writing code to solve problems, and my first response is to start coding, rather than look to see if someone has http://www.bioinformaticszen.com/ | |
45. Bioinformatics Solutions Inc. (PEAKS De Novo & PID, RAPTOR & PatternHunter) Professional algorithmic and software solutions for the bioinformatics industry PROSPECT for protein structure prediction, PatternHunter for identifying http://www.bioinformaticssolutions.com/ | |
46. Molecular Biology Protocols | Bioinformatics A molecular biology portal for molecular protocols and methods, listings for bioinformatic tools and product information, the latest news and views on http://www.molecularstation.com/ | |
47. SCPD - Programs - BioMedical Informatics Required Courses. BIOMEDIN214 Representations and Algorithms in Computational Biology. Electives. BIOMEDIN217 Translational bioinformatics (Bio Focus) http://scpd.stanford.edu/scpd/programs/certs/bioinformatics.htm | |
48. CoE Bioinformatics - Buffalo bioinformatics research center with over 100 scientists with biological, physical and computational expertise engaged in interdisciplinary research. http://www.bioinformatics.buffalo.edu/ | |
49. Bioinformatics At The NIH Welcome to the NIH bioinformatics Web Site Your Source of Information about Biomedical Computing at the National Institutes of Health http://www.bisti.nih.gov/ | |
50. Eastern Michigan Bioinformatics bioinformatics at Eastern Michigan is an exciting new interdisciplinary program that involves faculty from the departments of Biology, Chemistry, http://www.emich.edu/bioinformatics/ | |
51. Bioinformatics This is a bioinformatics site created by undergrads primarily for undergrads. It has instructions and links for bioinformatic tools and resources. http://www.colorado.edu/chemistry/bioinfo/ | |
52. Professional Science Master's Programs: Bioinformatics bioinformatics has important applications in such areas as drug design, genetic disease testing, and agricultural biotechnology. Industries active in these http://www.cosm.sc.edu/professional/cosm0.html | |
53. PCBI: Penn Center For Bioinformatics Our interdisciplinary center focuses on research and education in the rapidly emerging fields of bioinformatics and computational biology, disciplines which http://www.pcbi.upenn.edu/ | |
54. Welcome To The Homepage Of The Bioinformatics Center At Rensselaer And Wadsworth The bioinformatics Center at Rensselaer and Wadsworth focuses its work on collaboration and training in a rapidly developing new field of biological science http://www.bioinfo.rpi.edu/ | |
55. Oxford Journals | Life Sciences | Bioinformatics | Information For Authors bioinformatics About This Journal Contact This Journal Subscriptions Current Issue Archive Search Oxford Journals Life Sciences http://www.oxfordjournals.org/bioinformatics/for_authors/index.html | |
56. Journal Of Bioinformatics And Computational Biology (JBCB) www.worldscinet.com/jbcb/jbcb.shtml http://www.worldscinet.com/jbcb/jbcb.shtml | |
57. Laboratory For Interdisciplinary Technologies In Bioinformatics Our aim is to develop a Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Technologies in bioinformatics (LITBIO) applied to Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics and http://www.litbio.org/ | |
58. Bioinformatics Protocols Comprehensive guide to almost every aspects of bioinformatics such as database searching, algorithms, sequence analysis, protein structure and more. http://www.protocol-online.org/prot/Bioinformatics/ |
59. Biobrew Bioinformatics Packages BioBrew is a collection of opensource applications for life scientists and an in-house project at bioinformatics.Org. The BioBrew Roll for Rocks can be http://biobrew.bioinformatics.org/ | |
60. Bioinformatics Resources At OSC OSC offers bioinformatics software, enabling technologies, and application database resources to Ohio s higher education community. http://www.osc.edu/research/bioinformatics/ | |
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