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61. PhD In Computational Biology Bioinformatics - Duke University The PhD Program in Computational Biology bioinformatics (CBB) is an integrative, multidisciplinary training program that encompasses the study of biology http://www.cbcb.duke.edu/ |
62. Archive Of "BMC Bioinformatics". Articles from BMC bioinformatics are provided here courtesy of BioMed Central. Write to PMC PMC Home PubMed NCBI U.S. National Library of Medicine http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/tocrender.fcgi?journal=13&action=archive |
63. IBM Bioinformatics And Pattern Discovery Group / TEIRESIAS: Sequence Pattern Dis Several genomics and proteomics tools, including multiple alignments, gene expression analysis, tandem repeat and motif discovery. http://cbcsrv.watson.ibm.com/Tspd.html | |
64. The Genomics And Bioinformatics Group Publications, tools and dataset by the genomics and bioinformatics group. http://discover.nci.nih.gov/ | |
65. Poxvirus Bioinformatics Resource Center The Poxvirus bioinformatics Resource Center has been established to provide resources to the scientific community for basic research and to facilitate the http://www.poxvirus.org/ | |
66. UCSD Bioinformatics And Systems Biology Group bioinformatics and Systems Biology. university of california. Research Projects People Publications Jobs Home. Website designed and developed by http://genome.ucsd.edu/ | |
67. UC Berkeley Extension -- Bioinformatics UC Berkeley Extension bioinformatics. http://www.unex.berkeley.edu/prog/bioinformatics/ |
68. NCICB: Home National Cancer Institute Center for bioinformatics The NCI Center for bioinformatics (NCICB) helps speed scientific discovery and facilitates http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/ | |
69. EURASIP Journal On Bioinformatics And Systems Biology — An Open Access Jou The overall aim of EURASIP Journal on bioinformatics and Systems Biology is to publish research results related to signal processing and bioinformatics http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bsb/ | |
70. IEEE/ACM Transactions On Computational Biology And Bioinformatics Recent content for Transactions on Computational Biology and bioinformatics. EditorialAssociate Editor Appreciation and Welcome. Dan Gusfield http://www.computer.org/tcbb/ |
71. An SVM And ANN Based HLA-DR Bininding Peptide Prediction Method Coordinator, bioinformatics Centre Institute of Microbial Technology Sector 39A, Chandigarh, India Phone +91172-690557 +91-172-690908 http://bioinformatics.uams.edu/mirror/hladr4pred/ | |
72. Symposium On Applied Computing Expanded version of 45 top ranking papers will be accepted for publication in the International Journal of Data Mining and bioinformatics http://www.cs.iupui.edu/~bioin/ | |
73. HSLS: OBRC: Online Bioinformatics Resources Collection The Online bioinformatics Resources Collection (OBRC) contains annotations and links for 1783 bioinformatics databases and software tools. http://www.hsls.pitt.edu/guides/genetics/obrc | |
74. Bioinformatics B.S. - Bioinformatics - Programs - Jack Baskin School Of Engineer The Department of Biomolecular Engineering offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in bioinformatics. Students majoring in another, related subject may minor http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/programs/bioinformatics/undergraduate/ | |
75. Welcome An Introduction to bioinformatics Algorithms We feel that the materials that are used in different bioinformatics courses at different institutions are http://www.bioalgorithms.info/ | |
76. Snowdeal.org > {bio,medical}informatics The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) is currently the only learning institution in the state that possesses an accredited bioinformatics program. http://snowdeal.org/section/informatics/ | |
77. IGB :: Institute For Genomics And Bioinformatics Specializing in making publicly available software and database services for computational biology. http://www.igb.uci.edu/ | |
78. Computational Biology Or Bioinformatics References A complaint about the sloppy use of the term homology in the biology and bioinformatics literature. Some good points, but neglects the problem that http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/~karplus/compbio_pages.html | |
79. Bioinformatics In 2001, the bioinformatics Graduate Program was created by joining the disciplinary strengths found in the departments of Mathematics, Statistics, http://gp.bbc.mcw.edu/ | |
80. Website Is Down For Maintenance This website is temporarily down for Maintenance. It will be back up as soon as possible. http://www.bis.med.jhmi.edu/ | |
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