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         Biophysics:     more books (100)
  1. An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics by Gaylon S. Campbell, John M. Norman, 1997-12-19
  2. The Biophysics Basis for Acupuncture and Health by Shui Yin Lo, 2004-01
  3. Biophysics of Computation: Information Processing in Single Neurons (Computational Neuroscience) by Christof Koch, 2004-10-28
  4. Biophysics: An Introduction by Rodney Cotterill, 2002-06-15
  5. Methods in Molecular Biophysics: Structure, Dynamics, Function by Igor N. Serdyuk, Nathan R. Zaccai, et all 2007-05-14
  6. Cellular Biophysics, Vols. 1 and 2 by T. F. Weiss, 1996-03-06
  7. Molecular and Cellular Biophysics by Meyer B. Jackson, 2006-03-20
  8. Introductory Biophysics: Perspectives on the Living State by James Claycomb, Jonathan Tran, 2010-04-01
  9. Molecular Biophysics: Structures in Motion by Michel Daune, 1999-04-01
  10. Biophysics: An Introduction by Roland Glaser, 2010-11-30
  11. Introduction to Molecular Biophysics (Pure and Applied Physics) by Jack A. Tuszynski, Michal Kurzynski, 2003-02-26
  12. Methods in Modern Biophysics by Bengt Nölting, 2009-10-05
  13. Theoretical Molecular Biophysics (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering) by Philipp O. J. Scherer, Sighart F. Fischer, 2010-07-13
  14. Muscle Biophysics: From Molecules to Cells (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)

1. Biophysical Society
A FASEB member and publisher of the Biophysical Journal. Extensive resources include an online textbook, meetings, and career placement.
Work for BPS! Comments on the website? Send Feedback Current Topics SAVE THE DATE! 2009 Annual Meeting February 28 - March 4, 2009 Boston, Massachusetts

2. Biophysics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
biophysics (also biological physics) is an interdisciplinary science that employs and develops theories and methods of the physical sciences for the
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Biophysics (also biological physics ) is an interdisciplinary science that employs and develops theories and methods of the physical sciences for the investigation of biological systems. Studies included under the umbrella of biophysics span all levels of biological organization , from the molecular scale to whole organisms and ecosystems. Biophysical research shares significant overlap with biochemistry nanotechnology bioengineering and systems biology Molecular biophysics typically addresses biological questions that are similar to those in biochemistry and molecular biology , but the questions are approached quantitatively. Scientists in this field conduct research concerned with understanding the interactions between the various systems of a cell, including the interactions between DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis, as well as how these interactions are regulated. A great variety of techniques are used to answer these questions. Fluorescent imaging techniques, as well as

3. Biophysics Graduate Group - U. C. Berkeley
Trains graduates for careers at the interface of the biological and physical sciences. Includes course details, admission requirements, research,
Home About Us Admissions Academics ... Students Contact Biophysics Student Affairs
299 Life Science Addition
MC 3200
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3200
Tel: (510) 642-0379 E-mail Student Affairs Officer:
Kate Chase
Jesse Dill
Welcome The Biophysics Graduate Group is an independent Ph.D. program at U. C. Berkeley. Our program trains graduate students for careers at the interface of the biological and physical sciences.
Approximately 55 faculty members are affiliated with the Biophysics Group, spanning over a dozen departments at U. C. Berkeley. Faculty from outside the group are often available upon request. For more information about our graduate program, please click on one of the topics above. Support Our group is supported by the National Science Foundation IGERT Training Grant and by U. C. Berkeley. External Links Of Interest A collaboration between biophysicists Ehud Isacoff and Richard Kramer leads the way towards restoring sight to blind retinas. Their optically switched neurons allow researchers to stimulate blind retinas with light, giving hope for exciting future clinical therapies. Click above to read more.

4. Biophysics
Corresponding Member of the RAS, Professor, Institute of Cell biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow oblast, Russia.

5. Department Of Biophysics
The Department of biophysics at the Medical College of Wisconsin is dedicated to quality in research, as well as graduate and postdoctoral training.
All MCW Department Only
The Department of Biophysics at the Medical College of Wisconsin is dedicated to quality in research, and graduate and postdoctoral training. The research interests of our faculty are broadly based with strong programs in:
  • Free radicals and nitric oxide Spin labeling and protein structure Paramagnetic metal ions, a structural determination of active sites EPR instrumentation Functional MRI Molecular imaging Research on Drugs of Abuse Statistical methods in fMRI
Graduate Program for Biophysics
Our Graduate Program for Biophysics is designed for those young scientists who wish to develop research skills to use in academic and clinical settings. Ready to Enroll?
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Mar 22(Sat),1000 to 1600(JST). Published by, The Biophysical Society of Japan. Production, Nakanishi Printing Co., Ltd. Publisher information
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7. Biophysics Graduate Program At The University Of Michigan
Biophysicists at Michigan are working in the fields of Structural Biology, Spectroscopy and Microscopy, Computational biophysics and Bioinformatics,
Biophysics Home UM Home Site Index Search For application information on the interdisciplinary Program in Chemical Biology, click here
Biophysics at University of Michigan
Biophysicists at Michigan are working in the fields of Structural Biology, Spectroscopy and Microscopy, Computational Biophysics and Bioinformatics, and Biophysical Chemistry. Approximately 80 graduate students, post-docs and professors work in our well-equipped laboratories. The graduate program offers a flexible curriculum of exciting courses related to these fields, taking advantage of the resources available at a major research University.
  • Biophysics
  • University of Michigan
  • 4028 Chemistry Building
  • 930 North University Avenue
  • Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1055
  • U.S.A.
  • Phone: +1 (734) 764-5257
  • Fax: +1 (734) 764-3323
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Page last updated: Wed, May 25, 2005

8. JHU - Biophysics
biophysics is the application of the analytical viewpoints, methods and/or instrumentation of physics to the investigation of biological problems.
Krieger School of Arts and Sciences University Calendar University News Search JHU ...
Additional Resources

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Biophysics WWW
Thomas C. Jenkins
Department of Biophysics
110 Jenkins Hall
3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218 410-516-7245 phone
410-516-4118 fax
Thomas C. Jenkins Department of Biophysics Biophysics is the application of the analytical viewpoints, methods and/or instrumentation of physics to the investigation of biological problems. By this definition the domain of biophysics is limited only by the imagination of biophysicists, and ranges over areas such as molecular structure and energetics, motility, and membrane structure and assembly. Our principal professional organization, The Biophysical Society, reflects this variety with Special Interest Subgroups in such diverse areas as Motility, Membrane Structure and Assembly, and Bioenergetics. Research in biophysics requires training in both the physical and the biological sciences. News: Click Here for information about the 2007 Carlson Lecture Home About the Department Undergraduate Program Graduate Program ... Additional Resources

9. Applied BioPhysics
An electrical biosensor, Electric Cellsubstrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS) for quantitative mammalian cell morphology, attachment, and spreading measurement
ECIS Theory
Site Map
Applied BioPhysics, Inc. 185 Jordan Road, Troy, New York 12180
Phone: 518-880-6860 1-866-301-ECIS (3247) Fax: 518-880-6865
2007 Applied BioPhysics
Learn more about how Applied BioPhysics came to be. Who we are, our philosophies, and partners.
ECIS Community
that ECIS users fall into a finite population of researchers defined by their unique application(s). ECIS researchers reference and discuss their experimental protocols freely. We have created a place where ECIS users can connect and network.
Define, download, find answers to common ECIS questions, or view time lapse video. The Resource center is your reference guide to ECIS and technical support.

10. Biophysics Graduate Group @ UCSF
Multidisciplinary graduate study in quantitative biology at the molecular, cellular and systems levels.
Biophysics Graduate Group @ UCSF : Multidisciplinary graduate study in quantitative biology at the molecular, cellular and systems levels Home
  • Program Description: People: Admissions Information: BBC Joint Retreat Photos
    Monterey, CA
    December 3-5, 2006
    • The online application for our graduate Ph.D. program is now closed. A faculty committee is now in the process of reviewing applications to the undergraduate internship program
    Biophysics is a discipline that develops an understanding of living systems through the application of physics and chemistry, seeking quantitative information about biological processes at the molecular, cellular and systems levels. As biochemistry emphasizes the description of the chemical constituents and reactions of living things, biophysics emphasizes the description of their physical properties, structures and interrelationships. Our program spans research at the interface of physics, biology and chemistry. The interdepartmental group at UCSF consists of forty-five faculty members drawn from a variety of fields employing biophysical and computational techniques. Approximately sixty students are enrolled in the program. The Graduate Group in Biophysics is part of the Integrative Program in Quantitative Biology , a cross-disciplinary training program at UCSF.

11. The Ohio State University - Biophysics Graduate Program
Provides details on courses, faculty, current students, and events.
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12. Graduate Program In Biophysics, Harvard University
Initiated in 1959 by Arthur K. Solomon, the Committee on Higher Degrees in biophysics at Harvard University has a long history of important research
The program is designed to nurture independent, creative scientists. Applicants for graduate training should have sound preliminary training in a physical or quantititative science; especially chemistry, physics, computer science, or mathematics. The primary objective of the program is to educate and train individuals with this background to apply the concepts and methods of the physical sciences to the solution of biological problems. Initiated in 1959 by Arthur K. Solomon, the Committee on Higher Degrees in Biophysics at Harvard University has a long history of important research achievements. Over 60 faculty members from departments including Physics, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Engineering Sciences, the Division of Applied Sciences, the Division of Medical Sciences (Genetics, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Cell Biology, Neurobiology, Systems Biology, and the Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology), the teaching Hospitals (Children¹s Hospital, Beth Israel Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital), and the Dana-Farber Cancer institute participate in the training of students in the Biophysics Program. Faculty affiliated with the Harvard-MIT program in Health Science and Technology (HST) can also serve as research advisors. Owing to the interdepartmental nature of the program, a student's research options are increased greatly. Research programs may be pursued in any of the departments or hospitals mentioned.

13. ScienceDirect - Advances In Biophysics, Volume 38, Pages 3-235 (2004)
An international review journal. Most reviews are written in response to invitations and present a complete account of the author s work on a topic.
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Transferred to Japan Scientific Society Press as of 2005
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Volumes 31 - 38 (1995 - 2004) Volume 38
pp. 3-235 (2004) Volume 37
pp. 1-122 (2003) Volume 36
pp. 1-212 (1999) Volume 35
pp. 1-147 (1998) Volume 34 Volume 33 pp. 3-241 (1996) Volume 32 pp. 1-206 (1996) Volume 31 pp. 3-235 (1995) Volumes 21 - 30 (1986 - 1994) Volumes 15 - 20 (1982 - 1985) Volume 38, Pages 3-235 (2004) No next vol/iss Article List Full Abstracts articles Preface Pages iii-iv Setsuro Ebashi and Haruhiko Noda Abstract View Related Articles Preface to volume 38 Pages v-vi Hideo Ikeda, Shigeru Iida and Eiichi Ohtsubo

14. Theoretical And Computational Biophysics Group
Located at the Beckman Institute of the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. Research is centered on the function and structure of supramolecular
Group Overview

15. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Physiology & Biophysics (Biosciences)
Lists higher education, association and resource links within the field. A part of Cornell University s World Wide Web Virtual Library.
A component of The World-Wide Web Virtual Library
Maintained by The Department of Physiology and Biophysics
at Weill Medical College of Cornell University
2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Awarded to Richard Axel and Linda B. Buck
2004 Nobel Prize to:
  • Richard Axel
  • Linda B. Buck
4 October 2004 The 2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Richard Axel and Linda B. Buck for discoveries concerning "odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system." Axel is University Professor at Columbia's College of Physicians and Surgeons and Buck is currently a Member at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle. Their work has increased our understanding of the sense of smell in mammals, including the diversity of odorant receptors and the mechanisms by which we experience one of our most complex senses in an orderly fashion. In many mammals, there are about one thousand odorant receptor molecules, each a member of the same family of membrane proteins but distinct in their odorant specificity. Axel and Buck identified this gene familyforming about three percent of the genomeand found that each olfactory receptor cell in the nasal epithelium expresses only one of the thousand genes. Each receptor responds to a selective set of odors, and combinations of receptor activity account for our ability to sense many distinct odors. Additional work by Axel and Buck showed that these genes also control connections the sensory cells make on neural way stationsthe glomeruliwhich display similar specificity.

16. Harvard Biophysics
Aims to educate and train individuals to apply the concepts and methods of the physical sciences to the solution of biological problems.

The Harvard University
Biophysics Program
  • Program Description and Philosophy Admissions (and suggested undergraduate preparation) Financial Support Living and Housing Costs Degree Requirements Faculty and Graduate Students use this link to access research descriptions and home pages) Administration Life in Cambridge and Boston Links to Other Harvard Resources Links to Other Harvard Graduate Programs ... Relevant Predoctoral Fellowship websites
  • Description and Philosophy
    Initiated in 1959 by Arthur K. Solomon, the Committee on Higher Degrees in Biophysics at Harvard University has a long history of important research achievements. Over 60 faculty members from departments including Physics Molecular and Cellular Biology Engineering Sciences , the Division of Applied Sciences, the Division of Medical Sciences Genetics Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Cell Biology ... Neurobiology and the Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology ), the teaching Hospitals ( Childrens' Hospital Beth Israel Hospital Massachusetts General Hospital ), and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute participate in the training of students in the Biophysics Program.

    17. International Union For Pure And Applied Biophysics
    Established worldwide professional society based in England for all biophysicsrelated disciplines.

    18. Physics_Footer
    Galactic Astronomy biophysics Space Physics Atomic/Molecular High Energy Astrophysics Surface/Condensed Matter Nuclear and Particle
    Galactic Astronomy Biophysics Space Physics Atomic/Molecular ... Nuclear and Particle
    Biological Physics Jason Hafner
    Assistant Professor Huey Huang
    Professor Ching-Hwa Kiang
    Michael W. Deem

    Research Highlights of Biological Physics Faculty
    Jason Hafner
    Biological applications of plasmon resonant nanoparticles Membrane electrostatics
    Huey Huang
    Mechanisms of membrane-active peptides, proteins and drugs X-ray/neutron resolution of lipidic structures in membranes
    Ching-Hwa Kiang
    Reconstruction of protein folding free energy surfaces Single molecule dynamic force spectroscopy
    Michael W. Deem
    Immune response to variable or multi-strain viruses and vaccines Physical theories of pathogen evolution
    Single molecule force spectroscopy uses a microscopic AFM cantilever to grab individual proteins attached to a gold surface. This protein consists of eight repeats of the I27 domain of the heart muscle protein titin, a domain found in the extensible region of the striated muscle. The protein is stretched by retracting the cantilever from the sample surface at a constant velocity, and the force required to manipulate the molecule is monitored by the bending of the cantilever.
    Dept Home
    Graduate Study Undergraduate Study Courses ... Rice

    19. Chiropractic Biophysics Online A.k.a. Clinical Biomechanics Of Posture, Develope
    Dedicated to the science of Chiropractic biophysics Technique founded by Don Harrison, DC, PhD, MSE and developed by his son Deed Harrison,
    Clinical Biomechanics of Posture® a.k.a. Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP®) Technique can best be characterized as full spine and pelvis corrective / rehabilitative procedures having a firm foundation in the sciences of biomechanics and physics. CBP® Technique integrates Drop Table, Diversified, Toggle, and Instrument-assisted Postural MIRROR IMAGE® Adjusting, Postural MIRROR IMAGE® Exercises and Postural MIRROR IMAGE® Traction to correct subluxations by restoring normal spinal mechanics Click To Here Learn More

    20. Center For Biophysics And Computational Biology | University Of Illinois At Urba
    A group of research facilities and educational institutes at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign.
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 156 Davenport Hall MC-147, 607 South Mathews Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 USA Ph: (217) 333 1630, FAX: (217) 244 6615, E-Mail: Director: Martin Gruebele Administrative Coordinator: Cindy Dodds Quick Links: UIUC Student Links: Grad College Links: School of MCB Links: Other Program Links: Outside Links:
    Recent News:
    Posted 2.7.2008
    This month's feature article in Experimental Biology and Medicine, entitled "Engineering chimeric polypeptides to illuminate cellular redox states", is co-authored by Biophysics graduate student Bryan Spring and advisor Bob Clegg , in conjunction with others at the U of I Institute of Genomic Biology.

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