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1. Biophysical Society A FASEB member and publisher of the Biophysical Journal. Extensive resources include an online textbook, meetings, and career placement. http://www.biophysics.org/ | |
2. Biophysics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia biophysics (also biological physics) is an interdisciplinary science that employs and develops theories and methods of the physical sciences for the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biophysics | |
3. Biophysics Graduate Group - U. C. Berkeley Trains graduates for careers at the interface of the biological and physical sciences. Includes course details, admission requirements, research, http://biophysics.berkeley.edu/ | |
4. Biophysics Corresponding Member of the RAS, Professor, Institute of Cell biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow oblast, Russia. http://www.maik.rssi.ru/journals/biophys.htm |
5. Department Of Biophysics The Department of biophysics at the Medical College of Wisconsin is dedicated to quality in research, as well as graduate and postdoctoral training. http://www.mcw.edu/biophysics.htm | |
6. BIOPHYSICS : BIOPHYSICS Mar 22(Sat),1000 to 1600(JST). Published by, The Biophysical Society of Japan. Production, Nakanishi Printing Co., Ltd. Publisher information http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/biophysics | |
7. Biophysics Graduate Program At The University Of Michigan Biophysicists at Michigan are working in the fields of Structural Biology, Spectroscopy and Microscopy, Computational biophysics and Bioinformatics, http://www.umich.edu/~biophys/ | |
8. JHU - Biophysics biophysics is the application of the analytical viewpoints, methods and/or instrumentation of physics to the investigation of biological problems. http://biophysics.jhu.edu/ | |
9. Applied BioPhysics An electrical biosensor, Electric Cellsubstrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS) for quantitative mammalian cell morphology, attachment, and spreading measurement http://www.biophysics.com/ | |
10. Biophysics Graduate Group @ UCSF Multidisciplinary graduate study in quantitative biology at the molecular, cellular and systems levels. http://biophysics.ucsf.edu/ | |
11. The Ohio State University - Biophysics Graduate Program Provides details on courses, faculty, current students, and events. http://www.biosci.ohio-state.edu/~biophys/ | |
12. Graduate Program In Biophysics, Harvard University Initiated in 1959 by Arthur K. Solomon, the Committee on Higher Degrees in biophysics at Harvard University has a long history of important research http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~biophys/ | |
13. ScienceDirect - Advances In Biophysics, Volume 38, Pages 3-235 (2004) An international review journal. Most reviews are written in response to invitations and present a complete account of the author s work on a topic. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0065227X | |
14. Theoretical And Computational Biophysics Group Located at the Beckman Institute of the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. Research is centered on the function and structure of supramolecular http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/ | |
15. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Physiology & Biophysics (Biosciences) Lists higher education, association and resource links within the field. A part of Cornell University s World Wide Web Virtual Library. http://neocortex.med.cornell.edu/VL-Physio/ | |
16. Harvard Biophysics Aims to educate and train individuals to apply the concepts and methods of the physical sciences to the solution of biological problems. http://arep.med.harvard.edu/biophysics/ | |
17. International Union For Pure And Applied Biophysics Established worldwide professional society based in England for all biophysicsrelated disciplines. http://www.iupab.org/ |
18. Physics_Footer Galactic Astronomy biophysics Space Physics Atomic/Molecular High Energy Astrophysics Surface/Condensed Matter Nuclear and Particle http://www.physics.rice.edu/bio.cfm | |
19. Chiropractic Biophysics Online A.k.a. Clinical Biomechanics Of Posture, Develope Dedicated to the science of Chiropractic biophysics Technique founded by Don Harrison, DC, PhD, MSE and developed by his son Deed Harrison, http://www.idealspine.com/ | |
20. Center For Biophysics And Computational Biology | University Of Illinois At Urba A group of research facilities and educational institutes at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. http://www.life.uiuc.edu/biophysics/ | |
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