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61. Biotech / Biomedical For the scientifically inclined, read all about the biotechnology industry, what it takes to start and manage a biotech company and information on http://biotech.about.com/ | |
62. JS Online: Business - Biotechnology Rising Star awards acknowledge success in biotechnology field BY KATHLEEN GALLAGHER (Published 10/19/2007; Page 1D; Madison) http://www.jsonline.com/archive/index.aspx?id=ah739 |
63. UC Davis - Biotechnology Program As we embark on a new year and a new directorship for the UC Davis biotechnology Program, I would like to say that I am filled with excitement. http://www.biotech.ucdavis.edu/ | |
64. Agricultural Biotechnology The Pew Initiative on Food and biotechnology examined health and environmental issues raised by genetically modifying animals and plants, as well as the http://www.pewtrusts.org/our_work.aspx?category=442 |
65. African Journal Of Biotechnology Topics include nucleic acid research, subcellular processes and plant studies. Also, has preview of next issues, archives and article search. http://www.academicjournals.org/AJB/ | |
66. OBA Home Page Monitors scientific progress and ethical issues in basic and clinical research involving recombinant DNA and human gene transfer at NIH funded institutions. http://www4.od.nih.gov/oba/ | |
67. Master Of Biotechnology Degree Program Penn State s Master of biotechnology Degree Program is a multidisciplinary, innovative Professional Science Masters degree that emphasizes handson learning http://www.huck.psu.edu/education/biotechnology/ |
68. Trends In Biotechnology Trends in biotechnology is unique in drawing together a wide readership of scientists and engineers from the many disciplines of the applied biosciences. http://www.trends.com/tibtech/default.htm | |
69. Biotechnology Advances - Elsevier In this review journal, biotechnology is viewed in a comprehensive context a multidisciplinary field in which biological systems are developed and/or used http://www.elsevier.com/wps/locate/biotechadv | |
70. Biotech, Clinical Research, Pharmaceutical News & Jobs biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Channel Medical Device and Diagnostics Channel Clinical Research Channel, Employers Post Job Search Resumes http://www.biospace.com/ | |
71. Virginia Biotechnology Association Both houses of the Virginia General Assembly have approved a plan to appoint a joint legislative biotechnology subcommittee. The subcommittee of legislators http://www.vabio.org/ | |
72. Mathtools.net : Java/Biotechnology Listing of Java biotechnology related links, tools, and resources. http://www.mathtools.net/Java/Biotechnology/index.html | |
73. Biotechnology Information Institute biotechnology, biopharmaceuticals, biologics, recombinant proteins, pharmaceuticals, drugs, BIOPHARMA, manufacturing, biogenerics, biosimilars, http://www.bioinfo.com/ | |
74. NYBA Assistance with technology transfer, financing, recruiting, and supply purchasing for member companies, institutions, and agencies in the New York area. http://www.nyba.org/ | |
75. American Attitudes: Americans & The World A plurality believes that to date the benefits of biotechnology have outweighed the harmful effects, and a modest majority believes that biotechnology will http://www.americans-world.org/digest/global_issues/biotechnology/bio_summary.cf | |
76. Laboratory Researchers & Science Trade Shows Current Science Event, Biotechno Are you a laboratory researcher interested in planning a science trade show? BiotechCalendar.com can help you plan your biotechnology seminar! http://www.biotech-calendar.com/ | |
77. BIOTECHNOLOGY DICTIONARY In a field expanding as rapidly as biotechnology, a glossary (64K) of terms can be very helpful. This will be updated occasionally. http://filebox.vt.edu/cals/cses/chagedor/glossary.html | |
78. Environmental Engineering www.nbif.org/ biotechnology Center Part IBIOSCIENCE biotechnology JOURNALS BIOSCIENCE biotechnology COURSES, DATABASES, VIDEOS/MOVIES BIOSCIENCE biotechnology BY SUBJECT http://www.nbif.org/ | |
79. USDA ERS Browse - Biotechnology As the largest market for U.S. producers, American consumers will render the ultimate verdict on the future of agricultural biotechnology in the United http://www.ers.usda.gov/Browse/FoodSector/Biotechnology.htm | |
80. DuPont Biotechnology | Home Welcome to DuPont biotechnology. biotechnology holds a great deal of promise to enhance our lives and planet. With a world population expected to reach http://www2.dupont.com/Biotechnology/en_US/ | |
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