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         Exobiology:     more books (100)
  1. EXOBIOLOGY IN EARTH ORBIT by D:, Brownlee, D.: Tarter, J.: Usher, D.: Irvine, W.: And Klein, H.: (Ed Defrees, 1989-01-01
  2. EXOBIOLOGY: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Science and Religion</i> by STEVEN J. DICK, 2003
  3. Exobiology in Solar System Exploration: The Proceedings of a Symposium Held in August 1988 by Glenn C. Carle, Deborah E. Schwartz, 1992-12
  4. Exobiology in Solar System Exploration (Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by the Exobiology Program of NASA's Division of Life Sciences) by unknown, 1992
  5. Exobiology in Earth Orbit; The Results of Science Workshops Held at Nasa Ames Research Center by Ames Research Center, 2010-01-17
  6. Current Aspects of Exobiology by g mamikunian, 1965
  7. Exobiology - The Search for Extraterrestrial Life (Aas/Aaas Symposium) Dec. 30, 1967, New York, Ny (Science & Technology Ser)
  8. Exobiology in solar system exploration : the proceedings of a symposium held in August 1988 (SuDoc NAS 1.21:512) by NASA, 1992
  9. NASA research announcement soliciting proposals for research in exobiology (SuDoc NAS 1.53/3:96-OSS-6) by NASA, 1996
  10. Life Sciences: Exobiology (Advances in Space Research) by COSPAR, 1998-09-30
  11. Exobiology in the solar system and the search for life on Mars: Report from the ESA Exobiology Team Study, 1997-1998 (SP)
  12. Exobiology: A bibliography, (STL Technical Library. Advanced Research Group. Research bibliography) by L. R Magnolia, 1964
  13. Scientific legitimation: The history of exobiology by David Feinman, 1977
  14. Publications of the exobiology program for 1981: A special bibliography (NASA technical memorandum) by Linda G Pleasant, 1982

21. Exobiology - Memory Alpha, The Star Trek Wiki
exobiology (also called astrobiology or xenobiology) is the biological science concerned with the study animals from other planets.
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From Memory Alpha, the free Star Trek reference.
Jump to: navigation search Comparative xenobiological chart Exobiology (also called astrobiology or xenobiology ) is the biological science concerned with the study animals from other planets Time's Orphan ") Exobiology was also a course taught at Starfleet Academy TNG Encounter at Farpoint The Host A biologist who specializes in the field of exobiology is referred to as an exobiologist , xenobiologist, or astrobiologist. The sub-discipline known as comparative xenobiology is the scientific study of the physiological features of various alien lifeforms. (Refer to comparative xenobiological chart.) On Starbase 515 , an exobiology research division was located in room 03-1444. ( TNG Samaritan Snare
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22. Exobiology Module
exobiology is a discipline that deals with the origin, occurrence and distribution of life in the Universe. Although this subject is of widespread interest
Sample Teaching Module in Exobiology Snipped from the on-line course Exobiology for High School Students by Steve Brown, Science Teacher at La Jolia High School One Thread of BioPoint, an on-line Full-year Secondary Biology Course (which in turn is a thread of the Science Learning Network) [Science Learning Network:
Exobiology is a discipline that deals with the origin, occurrence and distribution of life in the Universe. Although this subject is of widespread interest to high school science students, it is not generally dealt with comprehensively in most textbooks. In addition, teachers often have inadequate resources available to prepare classroom presentations on how life may have begun on Earth and whether these processes might take place elsewhere in the solar system and the Universe. This module provides introductory teaching lessons for classroom coverage of Exobiology and the origin of life that is suitable for use in both general and advanced high school biology courses.
Any discussion of the origin of life must first consider the definition of life. This Exobiology teaching module defines life is an autonomous replicating system that evolves by natural selection. With this definition, the origin of life is synonymous with the origin of evolution. The transition from the abiotic chemistry of the primitive Earth to the first self-replicating molecular systems capable of undergoing Darwinian evolution marked the point of the origin of life. On Earth, subsequent evolution of these self-replicating molecules then gave rise to the RNA world and ultimately the DNA/protein world that is characteristic of all modern life.

23. Exobiology? « Open Learning
Also known as astrobiology, exobiology is the “study of life in space, combining aspects of astronomy, biology and geology. It is focused primarily on the
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December 9, 2007 in Concepts Video
Tags: astrobiology carolyn porco Cassini-Huygens drake equation ...
Does Life Exist Elsewhere in the Universe?
Also known as astrobiology exobiology Some major astrobiological research topics include: What is life ? How did life arise on Earth? What kind of environments can life tolerate? How can we determine if life exists on other planets? How often can we expect to find complex life? What will life consist of on other planets? Will it be DNA/Carbon based or based on something else? wiki Meaning of Life An estimate for the number of planets with (intelligent) extraterrestrial life can be gleaned from the Drake equation , essentially an equation expressing the probability of intelligent life as the product of factors such as the fraction of planets that might be habitable and the fraction of planets on which life might arise:

24. Exobiology: Matter, Energy, And Information In The Origin And E... - Biochem...J
exobiology Matter, Energy, and Information in the Origin and Evolution of Life in the Universe Biochemistry. Leading researchers in the area of the sci/biochemistry/book/978-0-7923-5172-6
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Exobiology: Matter, Energy, and Information in the Origin and Evolution of Life in the Universe
Proceedings of the Fifth Trieste Conference on Chemical Evolution: An Abdus Salam Memorial, Trieste, Italy, 22-26 September 1997
Chela-Flores, J.; Raulin, Fran§ois (Eds.)
1998, 408 p., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-7923-5172-6
Order now, and we will ship when available. (Your credit card will not be charged until we ship). About this book Table of contents About this book Leading researchers in the area of the origin, evolution and distribution of life in the universe contributed to

25. Centauri Dreams » Blog Archive » The Colors Of Exobiology
The Colors of exobiology. Speaking of biosignatures, as we did at the end of yesterday’s 18 Responses to “The Colors of exobiology”. James Nicoll Says

26. Exobiology - Definition At YourDictionary
exobiology definition, words related to exobiology, proper usage and pronunciation of the word exobiology from
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exobiology Definition
exo·bi·ol·ogy eks′ō bÄ« ¤l ə jē noun the branch of biology investigating the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the effects of extraterrestrial environments on living organisms from the earth
exobiology Related Forms
ex′o·bi′o·log i·cal adjective ex′o·bi·ol o·gist noun aj_server = ''; aj_tagver = '1.0'; aj_zone = 'ltk'; aj_adspot = '322771'; aj_page = '0'; aj_dim ='286700'; aj_ch = ''; aj_ct = ''; aj_kw = ''; aj_pv = true; aj_click = ''; Browse dictionary entries near exobiology
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    27. Astronomy, Exobiology, & Cosmology -
    Astronomy, exobiology, Cosmology. User Name, Remember Me? Password Threads in Forum Astronomy, exobiology, Cosmology, Forum Tools. Announcement

    28. Astrobiology: The Living Universe - Exobiology Introduction
    What is exobiology? exobiology is the study of organisms that originate from outside of Earth. As yet, there has been no conclusive evidence of

    29. Exobiology - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
    Definition of exobiology from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
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     a branch of biology concerned with the search for life outside the earth and with the effects of extraterrestrial environments on living organisms adjective noun Learn more about "exobiology" and related topics at Pronunciation Symbols

    30. Connotea: Ben's Bookmarks Matching Tag Exobiology
    Posted by ben to space exobiology readme on Thu Sep 01 2005 at 1751 UTC info related. Prev 0 Showing entries 1 to 1 of 1 total Next 0
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    ben Frood smount ben's bookmarks matching tag exobiology Number of articles per page: Life on Mars: A Definite Possibility :: Astrobiology Magazine :: Search for Life in the Universe Posted by ben to space exobiology readme on Thu Sep 01 2005 at 17:51 UTC info related
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    31. Astrobiology
    exobiology and Astrobiology the New Science . exobiology Branch of Ames Research Center NASA, exobiology Program, Office of Space Science
    Exobiology and Astrobiology: the New Science Overview
    Scientists Widen the Hunt for Alien Life
    " ... a quiet revolution is now challenging this view and shaking the foundations of exobiology, the study
    of the possibility of life elsewhere in the cosmos. Alien life, the new thinking goes, might not actually need the warming rays of a nearby star. It might thrive inside dim moons and planets. The dark ecosystems would be warmed by inner heat, bathed in melted ice and powered by chemicals."
    New York Times, 5/6/97 The Search for Life on Other Planets (book summary)
    " In The Search for Life on Other Planets, Jakosky offers a scientific foundation for thinking there may be life elsewhere in the Universe. Using the early history of the Earth and the conditions that would allow life to exist, he creates a sound, scientific foundation for the possibility of life on planets other than our own."

    The significance of the questions the “science” of exobiology may answer warrants its active pursuit. These questions range from whether life exists
    SIGNIFICANCE AND STATUS OF EXOBIOLOGY A paper presented at the annual meeting of A.I.B.S., Boulder, Colorado, on August 26, 1964 GILBERT V. LEVIN Hazleton Laboratories, Inc., Falls Church, Virginia ABSTRACT Although there are no direct data on extraterrestrial life, planetary observations and statistical considerations support the possibility of such life. The significance of the questions the “science” of exobiology may answer warrants its active pursuit. These questions range from whether life exists elsewhere to fundamental inquiries in all the sciences. The title of this paper, “Significance and Status of Exobiology,” has been carefully selected. The significance of the term “exobiology” is in dispute and there are those who declare that the subject has no status . The term is of recent origin and is intended to denote the study of extraterrestrial life. The argument arises not only from those normally protesting the adulteration of the English language with newly-coined words but from those who literally interpret the prefix “exo” as meaning “out of, outside, or outer layer.” Some contend that a better term would be “xenobiology” in that the prefix “xeno” connotes “strange or foreign.” Others feel that “biology” is sufficient, for it would encompass extraterrestrial creatures. These arguments may have semantic merit, but “exobiology” has been adopted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and is now a part of the literature. A dispute over nomenclature should not discourage biologists from pursuing the subject.

    33. ITWire - All Items Tagged With Exobiology
    Technology news, views and jobs, A list of all items tagged with exobiology.,com_tag/tag,Exobiology/tag_id,26349/
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    Expedition to track down extreme living creatures
    By: William Atkins
    Antarctica is filled with tiny organisms that love conditions too extreme for most other living thing. And a team of international scientists is looking for more of them at Lake Untersee in the cold confines of Antarctica.
    Read More About Expedition To Track Down Extreme Living Creatures...

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    34. Exobiology It's Life...isn't It? : Article : Nature
    exobiology is becoming more prominent, he says. NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) are moving from rock and mineral experiments to biological ones,
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    News Feature
    Nature doi ; Published online 14 July 2004
    Exobiology: It's life...isn't it?
    John Whitfield
  • John Whitfield is a science writer based in London.
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    Scientists find it hard enough to pin down evidence of early life on our own planet. How on Earth do we plan to determine whether life exists elsewhere? John Whitfield finds out. Galileo, admittedly, was not designed to detect life. And it did have a rather distant view of our planet, with only hints from the atmosphere to work out what was going on at the surface. But some dedicated, close-up examinations have proven no more conclusive. Efforts to detect faint traces of life in Earth's oldest rocks, some 4 billion years old, and in martian rocks that have fallen to Earth, have likewise produced results that are both ambiguous and disputed; claims of errors in procedure and interpretation fly back and forth with regularity.

    35. Astrochemistry & Exobiology
    Learn about the chemistry of the cosmos and the chemistry of extraterrestrial life. These are resources for astrochemistry, including research groups,
    zOBT=" Ads" zGCID=" test1" zGCID+=" test9" zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') z160=zpreC(160,600);z336=zpreC(336,280);z728=zpreC(728,90);z133=zpreC(336,133);zItw=160 Search over 1.4 million articles by over 600 experts Search
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  • Home Education Chemistry
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    Chemistry Disciplines Astrochemistry
    Learn about the chemistry of the cosmos and the chemistry of extraterrestrial life. These are resources for astrochemistry, including research groups, degree programs, lecture notes, conferences, and databases. Exobiology as it relates to chemistry is also included. Searching for Extraterrestrial Life There's some serious chemistry involved in the search for life on other planets (or gas clouds or asteroids or comets). However, other disciplines come into play as well, such as robotics, aeronautics, biology, geology, and economics. Here's an overview of how we search for ETs. Spiders in Space Columbia's STS-107 carried Australia's first animals into space. Learn about the Columbia spider experiment and the Skylab 3 experiment and visit links to ground-based research and space exploration.
  • 36. Evolution, Morphology And Exobiology - Science Forums, The Original
    Discussion of Darwin s theories, modes of natural selection, life form structures, and life off Earth.

    37. Astronomy Supplement - Exobiology
    Astronomy Supplement 25. exobiology. Latest Modification October 26, 1998. Table of Contents. 25.1. Life in the Solar System. 25.1.1.
    Astronomy Supplement 25.
    Latest Modification: October 26, 1998
    Table of Contents
    • 25.1. Life in the Solar System
      • 25.1.1. The Chemistry of Life on Earth
      • Box 25.1. - The Genetic Code, DNA Molecules
      • 25.1.2. Intelligent Humanoids
      • 25.1.3. The Search for Life in the Solar System
    • 25.2. Life in the Universe
      • 25.2.1. Beyond the Solar System
      • 25.2.2. How Many Civilizations in Our Galaxy Now?
      • 25.2.3. Extraterrestrial Communication and Interstellar Travel
      • 25.2.4. Has the Earth Been Visited?
    • 25.3. Traveling the Universe?
      • 25.3.1. Interstellar Travel
      • 25.3.2. Has the Earth Been Visited?
      Biologists are not unanimous on all the factors in the definition of life, but most agree that life is different from nonlife: It evolves or changes (by chance mutations or otherwise) as time goes on while interacting with its environment in a unique way. But most important, life is not a "thing", it is a process made up of an unimaginably large number of complex chemical reactions that collectively produce all the characteristics we associate with life.
      25.1. Life in the Solar System

    38. ResearchChannel - Europa And The Rebirth Of Exobiology
    The past decade has seen remarkable progress in exobiology, and the coming century holds even greater promise. Within the next twenty years,

    39. Cnes - Exobiology
    Bioastronomy, astrobiology, exobiology… Whatever you call it, it’s all the same—the study of the origins of life and in particular its evolution,
    About CNES Space central to today's key social concerns Meeting society's needs Sustainable development ... Exobiology Exobiology Bioastronomy, astrobiology, exobiology… Whatever you call it, it’s all the same—the study of the origins of life and in particular its evolution, its distribution across Earth and the universe, and the structures and processes involved. Scientific advances have enabled us to detect life in the most unexpected places. The existence of living organisms in some of Earth’s most extreme environments has led to serious consideration of their existence elsewhere in the universe. Since Earth is as yet the only planet where life is known to have developed in all its diversity, scientists use it as a starting point in their search throughout the solar system for signs of organic activity—the carbon-based elements capable of generating new life systems.
    Jargon Organic
    In biology, the term organic applies to anything involving organs, living tissues and—by extension—organized life forms.
    Organic chemistry, as opposed to mineral chemistry, deals with the study of compounds and in particular carbon compounds. What’s the connection? The basic building blocks of life, such as proteins and nucleic acids, consist of chains of elements based on carbon compounds.

    40. Triablogue: Exobiology
    exobiology. In answer to a couple of questions I received. I don’t see that either scenario has any impact on Christian theology.
    @import url(""); @import url(""); var BL_backlinkURL = "";var BL_blogId = "6789188";
    Sunday, August 26, 2007
    In answer to a couple of questions I received.
    I don’t see that either scenario has any impact on Christian theology.
    “I've been hearing through the blogosphere that some scientists are saying they are close to creating artificial life.”
    i) Scientists wouldn’t be creating life from scratch, a la creation ex nihilo. They would be imitating rather than creating life.
    a) They would be working with preexisting materials, since God already created all the raw materials.
    b) They would also be working with a how-to manual or blueprint for life, since all you have to do is take an organism apart to see how it was put together in the first place.
    It’s like saying that if you hand a chef a recipe as well as the ingredients, he can “create” a meal. Well, in a very derivative sense—yes. But he could only cook up the meal because he already had the recipe and the ingredients.
    And even if we carry this back a step, the farmer doesn’t really create the produce. He plants seeds in the ground. But all the initial conditions have to be in place. He doesn’t create the initial conditions.

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