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         Exobiology:     more books (100)
  1. Astrobiology: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Science, 3rd ed.</i> by Agnieszka Lichanska, 2004
  2. The needless search for extraterrestrial fossils on Earth [An article from: Earth Science Reviews] by A.J. van Loon, 2005-01-01
  3. GROWING FOOD ON THE FINAL FRONTIER.(production of food crops in space)(Brief Article): An article from: Techniques by Cutshall Sandy, 2001-09-01
  4. EXTRATERRESTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY: An entry from Gale's <i>World of Microbiology and Immunology</i>
  5. On the search for extrasolar planets.: An article from: Daedalus by Alan P. Boss, 2004-06-22
  6. SAGAN, CARL (1934-1996): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Earth Science</i>
  7. Astrobiology: Water and the Potential for Extraterrestrial Life: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Water: Science and Issues</i> by Jack D. Farmer, 2003
  8. Astrobiology: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Space Sciences</i> by Jack D. Farmer, 2002
  9. Mars: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Science, 3rd ed.</i> by Jeffrey C. Hall, David T., Jr. King, 2004
  10. Life Everywhere by David Darling, 2002-05-02
  11. Martian Genesis: The Extraterrestrial Origins of the Human Race by Herbie Brennan, 2000-04-11
  12. Astrobiologist (Weird Careers in Science) by Mary Firestone, 2005-11-30
  13. Mars: The Living Planet by Barry E. DiGregorio, 1997-07-23
  14. Thawing Eden by Paul David Binkley, 2010-02-19

81. Exobiology - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Exobiology
Hutchinson encyclopedia article about exobiology. exobiology. Information about exobiology in the Hutchinson encyclopedia.
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Study of life forms that may possibly exist elsewhere in the universe and of the effects of extraterrestrial environments on Earth organisms. Techniques include space probe experiments designed to detect organic molecules, and the monitoring of radio waves from other star systems. hut(1)
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Email Feedback Sign in Email: Password: Register Your Ad Here Mentioned in References in periodicals archive No references found While the author thoroughly describes the work of the well-known SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute, it is her discussion of research in the fields of planetary geology, astronomy, exobiology , and mathematics that makes the book unique.

82. Topic:Exobiology - Wikiversity
The Center for exobiology is a Wikiversity content development project where participants create, organize and develop learning resources about the search
From Wikiversity
Jump to: navigation search Welcome to the Wikiversity Center for Exobilogy, part of the School of Biology How common are the conditions required for life? Exobiology , also known as xenobiology or astrobiology is a speculative field within biology concerned with extraterrestrial life. The Center for Exobiology is a Wikiversity content development project where participants create, organize and develop learning resources about the search for life beyond Earth.
  • Where are the data?
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    Terrestrial Planet Finder. Astrobiology is an idea in search of data. Many scientists expect that life is common, probably having come into existence on millions of planets. However, astrobiology is a speculative field within biology; nobody has evidence for extraterrestrial life. Astrobiology includes the concept of artificial life, since any life form with human-like intelligence could conceivably create artificial life in a laboratory. Such artificial life might be more suitable than a biological organism for interstellar travel. While currently funded efforts in astrobiology focus on planetary exploration and attempts to detect planets with Earth-like atmospheres, it has been suggested that we should also look closely at Earth for signs that alien artificial life is already here.
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83. Planetary Protection Bibliography - Exobiology References
Raulin, Planetology and the Origins of Life From Space Exploration to exobiology, and Related Interdisciplinary Programs, 43 (1/2) Planetary and Space
Exobiology References
  • Gustaf Arrhenius, and Stephen Mojzsis, Extraterrestrial life: Life on Marsthen and now, 6 Current Biology 1213 (1996)
  • K. Biemann, et al, The Search for Organic Substances and Inorganic Volatile Compounds in the Surface of Mars, Scientific Results of the Viking Project 4641 (reprinted from Jour. of Geophysical Res.)(Sept. 30, 1977).
  • R. J. Bond et al, Microorganisms on Mars, 156 Science 1436 (1967)
  • William A. Bonner,Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Sources of Molecular Homochirality, 21 Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere 407 (1991)
  • A. Brack, Why exobiology on Mars? 44 Planetary and Space Science 1435 (Nov. 1996).
  • Michael Carlowicz, Did Mars Once Harbor Life? 76 EOS, Trans. of Amer. Geophys. Union 442 (1995)
  • S. Chang, Organic Chemical Evolution, Life in the Universe 21 (J. Billingham, ed. 1981).
  • Chemical EvolutionPhysics of the Origin and Evolution of Life: Proc. 4th Trieste Conf. Chemical Evolution, (Julian Chela-Flores and Francois Raulin, eds. 1996).
  • Comets and the Origin and Evolution of life (Paul J. Thomas, Christopher F. Chyba, Christopher P. McKay, eds., 1997).
  • 84. ~ David Watanabe
    Astronomy and space news daily.
    david watanabe david watanabe

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