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1. Histology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia histology (from the Greek ) is the study of tissue sectioned as a thin slice, using a microtome. It can be described as microscopic anatomy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histology | |
2. LUMEN Histology Home Page Lesson plans with slides and practicals for the Loyola University Medical Education Network histology course. http://www.meddean.luc.edu/LUMEN/MedEd/Histo/frames/histo_frames.html | |
3. Histology-World! A comprehensive, fun and entertaining site devoted exclusively to histology. Learning histology was never so easy! This site includes histology quizzes, http://www.histology-world.com/ | |
4. UDHISTOLOGY Course syllabus and class resources, including microscopic images, ultrastructural images, 3D models, and labelled diagrams. http://www.udel.edu/biology/Wags/histopage/histopage.htm | |
5. SIU SOM Histology These online histology specimens at the University of Iowa Department of Pathology, may be examined with full range of magnification and movement. http://www.siumed.edu/~dking2/ | |
6. JayDoc HistoWeb A comprehensive histology atlas. Highres images, complete descriptions, and easy navigation. Perfect for med students. http://www.kumc.edu/instruction/medicine/anatomy/histoweb/ | |
7. Blue Histology histology pages, School of Anatomy and Human Biology, UWA, Australia, by Lutz Slomianka. http://www.lab.anhb.uwa.edu.au/mb140/ |
8. Internet Atlas Of Histology, College Of Medicine, University Of Illinois At Urba More than 1000 labeled images, with descriptions, practice labs, and quizzes. Created by the UIUC College of Medicine. http://www.med.uiuc.edu/histo/large/atlas/ | |
9. Medical Histology Index Medical histology Index. http://www.bu.edu/histology/m/index.htm |
10. UF College Of Medicine Histology Tutorial histology Tutorial. by Thomas George, MD / Thom.George@medicine.ufl.edu Wojciech Pawlina, MD / Pawlina.Wojciech@mayo.edu http://medinfo.ufl.edu/year1/histo/ | |
11. Ed's Basic Histology Gallery KCUMB Students who complete this exercise can expect to be successful on the first histology signoff. (We are considering this as a requirement for http://www.pathguy.com/histo/000.htm | |
12. UW Histology Homepage Unit 1. Unit 2. Unit 3. Unit 4. Connective tissue Digestive. Skip HA 120. Endocrine Bone Epithelium Liver Lymphatic Respiratory II http://www.histology.wisc.edu/histo/uw/htm/ttoc.htm | |
13. Anatomy-Histology Tutorials Anatomyhistology Tutorials. Return to the WebPath main menu. Normal Anatomy A set of Visible Human Project images demonstrates sectional anatomy of the http://library.med.utah.edu/WebPath/HISTHTML/HISTO.html | |
14. Histology Techniques (Microscopy & Imaging, Cellular Imaging Core, SWEHSC) Contains links to sites with images, protocols and techniques, and general histology resources. http://swehsc.pharmacy.arizona.edu/exppath/micro/histology.html | |
15. HISTOLOGY FULL-TEXT How does one illustrate the descriptions and ideas of histology? The solution chosen here is to develop links to freely accessible (but copyrighted) http://wberesford.hsc.wvu.edu/histol.htm | |
16. Visual Histology Text Book Dave Moran and Carter Rowley s histology Course and Review Video Series and histology Program now available on DVD and PowerPoint. http://www.visualhistology.com/Visual_Histology_Atlas/ | |
17. 136 Histology, Full Year Course 2004-2005 - OpenCourseWare - Tufts University histology is the study of microscopic anatomy dealing with the structures of cells, tissue and organs in relation to their functions. http://ocw.tufts.edu/Course/4 | |
18. Histology Web Labs histology Web Labs Adopted from histology Laboratory Assistant CDROM by Lamperti, Marino, and Sodicoff. Blood and Bone Marrow Cartilage and Bone http://astro.temple.edu/~sodicm/labs/index.htm | |
19. Definition: Histology From Online Medical Dictionary histology. study The study of cells and tissue on the microscopic level. (27 Sep 1997). Previous histoincompatibility, histologic, histologic http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/omd?histology |
20. Histology And Histopathology histology AND HISTOPATHOLOGY is an international journal, the purpose of which is to publish original works in English in histology, histopathology and cell http://www.hh.um.es/ | |
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