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         Physiology:     more books (100)
  1. Anatomy & Physiology by Kevin T. Patton PhD, Gary A. Thibodeau PhD, 2009-02-12
  2. Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function by Kenneth Saladin, 2006-08-15
  3. Vander's Renal Physiology, 7th Edition (LANGE Physiology Series) by Douglas Eaton, John Pooler, 2009-03-30
  4. Clinical Physiology Made Ridiculously Simple by Stephen Goldberg, 2010-07-01
  5. Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance (Exercise Physiology ( MC Ardle)) by William D. McArdle, Frank I. Katch, et all 2006-04-06
  6. Renal Physiology: Mosby Physiology Monograph Series (Mosby's Physiology Monograph) by Bruce M. Koeppen MDPhD, Bruce A. Stanton PhD, 2006-09-05
  7. Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: An Integrated, Case-Based Approach (Point (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)) by John B. West, 2007-01-03
  8. Biology: Life on Earth with Physiology (9th Edition) by Gerald Audesirk, Teresa Audesirk, et all 2010-03-21
  9. Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function by Kenneth Saladin, 2009-01-05
  10. Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, Fetal Pig Version, Update (9th Edition) (Benjamin Cummings Series in Human Anatomy and Physiology) by Elaine N. Marieb, Susan J. Mitchell, 2009-10-17
  11. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Atlas and Registration Card by Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan H. Derrickson, 2005-04-26
  12. Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual (4th Edition) by Elaine N. Marieb, 2008-01-20
  13. Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series)
  14. Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd Edition (LANGE Basic Science) by Kim E. Barrett, Susan M. Barman, et all 2009-07-24

41. AJP - Lung Cellular And Molecular Physiology
Web site for AJP Lung Cellular and Molecular physiology.

Editor's Homepage
Information for authors Subscriptions Advertising ... The American Physiological Society publishes AJP - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Stanford University Libraries' assists in the publication of AJP - Lung Online Visit the Highwire Portal for more information and features. Learn about the APS AUTHORCHOICE Program Special Call: Editorship of AJP - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Special Call: Editorship of
Articles in PresS

Peer-reviewed manuscripts published before print Select an Issue from the Archives Recent: October 1997 - March 2008
Legacy (searchable): January 1898 - September 1997
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Most Read

Review collection (AJP - Lung Physiol)

Review collection (all APS Journals)
Current Issue:
March 2008 (Next: April 11) Patients who need an article - click here Quick Search advanced Author: (e.g., Smith, JS) Keyword(s): Year: Vol: Page: For an alternate route to AJP - Lung Online use this URL: (More Information) Electronic ISSN: 1522-1504 Print ISSN: 1040-0605

42. AJP - Endocrinology And Metabolism
subsection of American Journal of physiology. Current articles and archived articles are available.

Editor's Homepage
Information for authors Subscriptions Advertising ... The American Physiological Society publishes AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism
Stanford University Libraries' assists in the publication of AJP - Endo Online Visit the Highwire Portal for more information and features. Learn about the APS AUTHORCHOICE Program Special Call: Editorship of AJP - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Special Call: Editorship of
Articles in PresS

Peer-reviewed manuscripts published before print Select an Issue from the Archives Recent: October 1997 - March 2008
Legacy (searchable): January 1898 - September 1997
Browse for Articles Most Cited
Most Read

Review collection (AJP - Endo Physiol)

Review collection (all APS Journals)
Current Issue:
March 2008 (Next: April 10) Patients who need an article - click here Quick Search advanced Author: (e.g., Smith, JS) Keyword(s): Year: Vol: Page: For an alternate route to AJP - Endo Online from these locations use this URL: Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, The Netherlands, UK. (More Information) Electronic ISSN: 1522-1555 Print ISSN: 0193-1849

43. Nephron Physiology
Karger is a medical publisher, scientific publisher and biomedical publisher of print and online journals and books.
Unwin R.J. (London)
Year Vol. Issue pp. No. 3 Published online first (Issue-in-Progress) No. 2 March 2008 No. 1 February 2008
Journal Home Journal Content Guidelines Editorial Board Aims and Scope Subscriptions Journal Contacts Advertising Congress Announcements Library Recommendation Online Sample Top 10 Articles
Online Submission Online Peer Review Search in this journal
S. Karger AG, Basel

44. Physiology And Biophysics::Weill Medical College Of Cornell University
Department of physiology and Biophysics, Weill Medical College of Cornell University.
Home News Events Search News:
Oct 2007:
Thijs Beuming gets 2nd prize at the Postdoc Research Day for his oral presentation: The binding sites for cocaine and dopamine in the dopamine transporter are overlapping Abstract
Sep 2007:
Scientists Find Clues to Crack Brain's "Neural Code" Press Release Dr. Daniel Butts
Nicotine May Accelerate Atherosclerosis, May Be as Dangerous as Tar Press Release Dr. Daniel Catanzaro
Apr 7th; 4:00pm-5:00pm:
Proteolytic Modification of the Proteome in vivo: Degradomics Cuts to the Answer - Christopher Overall, Ph.D., The University of British Columbia; C200 [PBSB Seminar]
Apr 11th; 4:00pm-5:00pm:
Tissue Micro-environments in Cardiac Morphogenesis and Pathogenesis - Kevin Kit Parker, Ph.D.; Harvard University; Weill Auditorium, C-200 [PBSB Seminar] Thursday, March 27, 2008

45. Department Of Physiology, UW-Madison
Course and faculty web sites, with an overview of the doctoral program, seminars, staff, news, and undergraduate courses.
UW Home Medical School Physiology Home Site Search Physiology Home Chair's Message Department News Job Opportunities Education Graduate Undergraduate Affiliated Programs Research Faculty Research Research Facilities Research Links People Directory Graduate Students Administration Physiology Alumni Faculty Resources Online Services Campus Resources Contact Us Contact Physiology Physiology at UW-Madison The U.W. Department of Physiology is pioneering the development of new approaches to study cells, organs, and higher level systems to advance the understanding of their function, to understand the basis for dysfunction, and to ultimately improve human health. The department is internationally recognized for performing innovative, interdisciplinary research; and its faculty have received several awards recognizing their commitment to education and advancement of interactive teaching methods. Read More: Quick Facts
The first annual Physiology Research Retreat was held May 21-22, 2007 at the Heidel House in Green Lake, WI.  This two day retreat offered students, post-docs and faculty in the department the opportunity to present their latest research. Read more...

46. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine
A comprehensive list of Nobel Prize Laureates in physiology and Medicine, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Winners 2007-1901
also available in alphabetical arrangement brought to you by The Nobel Prize Internet Archive
The prize was awarded jointly to: M ARIO R. C APECCHI ... VANS , and O LIVER S MITHIES for their discoveries of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells The prize was awarded jointly to: A NDREW Z. F IRE , and C RAIG C. M ELLO for their discovery of RNA interference - gene silencing by double-stranded RNA The prize was awarded jointly to: B ARRY J. M ARSHALL , and J. R OBIN W ARREN for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. The prize was awarded jointly to: R ICHARD A XEL , and L INDA B B UCK for their discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system The prize was awarded jointly to: P AUL C. L AUTERBUR , and S IR P ETER ... ANSFIELD for their discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging. The prize was awarded jointly to: S YDNEY B RENNER ... H. R

47. Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts
Welcome to the Cardiovascular physiology Concepts web site! This site is a webbased resource of cardiovascular physiology concepts that has been written
HOME Search Contents Keywords ... Tutorials Topics: A rrhythmias Cardiac Valve Disease Coronary Artery Disease ... Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts, Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts Richard E. Klabunde, Ph.D. introduction technical requirements acknowledgements ... author Welcome to the Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts web site! This site is a web-based resource of cardiovascular physiology concepts that has been written for students, teachers, and health professionals. The contents of this site can be entered by several different routes. Searches can be conducted on individual words or phrases, keywords can be used to link to specific topics, a clinical-based content outline provides an organizational structure for the content, and tutorials can be used to course through the contents. This web site provides abbreviated content of some of the material found in the textbook by the same author and title (Klabunde, R.E., Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts Revised

48. Internet Public Library: Anatomy & Physiology
Anatomy physiology. Information about the human body and its functions. Get Body Smart An Online Examination of Human Anatomy and physiology
Search the IPL

49. AccessMedicine - TOC
Gastrointestinal physiology Kim E. Barrett. Preface Copyright Author CONTENTS Section I. The Integrated Response to a Meal Chapter 1.

50. U Of S: Prospective Students
physiology is the study of life and how living cells and tissues function, The Department of physiology has provided support and encouragement and an
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Prospective Students
Programs Aboriginal First Year Experience Program (AFYEP) Aboriginal Public Administration Anthropology Archaeology Biochemistry Bioinformatics Biology Biomolecular Structure Studies Business Economics Chemistry Computer Science Drama Economics English Environmental Earth Sciences Food Science Geography Geology Geophysics History International Studies Linguistics Mathematical Physics Mathematics Music Native Studies Palaeobiology Philosophy Physics Physiology Political Studies Prairie Studies Psychology Public Administration Religious Studies Sociology Sociology of Biotechnology Statistics Summer University Transition Program for Aboriginal Students Toxicology
Conduct research on the physical effects of cardiac arrest and other medical conditions. Complete a laboratory project in the area of your choice and present your research at the Health Science Research Day. These are just a few opportunities available to you when you choose to major in Physiology at the University of Saskatchewan.
What is Physiology?

51. Journal Of Exercise Physiology Archives
JEPonline is the first electronic peer reviewed exercise physiology journal in the history of the profession. It is founded for the purpose of disseminating
Journal of Exercise Physiology online
Official Journal of the
American Society of Exercise Physiologists
ISSN 1097-9751
1998 through 2007
Submission Guidelines
Jon Liderman, PhD, EPC

The University of Dayton
Vol 10 No 2 April 2007

Vol 10 No 1 February 2007
Vol 9 No 3 December 2006 Vol 9 No 2 April 2006 ... Vol 1 No 1 April 1998 The Journal of Exercise Physiology online , published by the American Society of Exercise Physiologists ASEP ), is a professional peer reviewed Internet-based journal devoted to original research in exercise physiology. The journal is directed by the Editor-In-Chief and the Managing Editor with supporting editorial assistance via Associate Editors knowledgeable in the field of exercise physiology. JEP online is the first electronic peer reviewed exercise physiology journal in the history of the profession. It is founded for the purpose of disseminating exercise physiology research and, thus to serve specifically the professional needs of the exercise physiologist. The Editors welcome both empirical and theoretical articles. Please refer to the Guidelines for Contributors to determine writing style, length of articles, copies, and reference style.

52. Archive Of "Plant Physiology".
Plant physiology Vols. 1 to 143; 1926 to 2007. Vol. 143 Articles from Plant physiology are provided here courtesy of

53. Osteoporosis And Bone Physiology
Educational site for patients and physicians discusses the condition and its diagnosis, treatment, and underlying physiology.
Osteoporosis Prevention Treatment Bone density ... Patient handouts Bone Biology for Kids Fracture risk calculator Animations This is an educational site for physicians and patients. It has no funding. Advertisements are not accepted. Site maintained by Susan Ott, MD Associate Professor Department of Medicine University of Washington We comply with the HONcode standard for health trust worthy information: verify here Send email message Updated March 21, 2008 TRUDY

54. University Of Alberta | Physiology
Department of physiology Phone (780) 4923359 Fax (780) 492-8915 Chair Dr. Chris I. Cheeseman Department of physiology 7-55 Medical Science Building
Department of Physiology
Phone: (780) 492-3359
Fax: (780) 492-8915
Chair: Dr. Chris I. Cheeseman
Phone: (780) 492-2620 Postal Mail:
Department of Physiology
Medical Science Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton Alberta
Faculty Members
Staff Directory Education Exam Results ... University of Alberta

55. UA Physiology - Welcome
Research, instruments and techniques, history, publications, and the lecture archives for a number of courses.

56. Human Physiology - Wikibooks, Collection Of Open-content Textbooks
Human physiology is a featured book on Wikibooks because it contains substantial content, it is wellformatted, and the Wikibooks community has decided to
Human Physiology
From Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection
Jump to: navigation search Human Physiology is a featured book on Wikibooks because it contains substantial content, it is well-formatted, and the Wikibooks community has decided to feature it on the main page or in other places. Please continue to improve it and thanks for the great work so far! You can edit its advertisement template Human Physiology
Cells Integumentary Nervous ... Answers A Wikibookian suggests that Medical Physiology be merged into this book or chapter.
Discuss whether or not this merger should happen on the discussion page Welcome! This book began as a class project in July 2006 with a small class of pre-nursing students. We knew nothing about how to create or edit a Wikibook, but we decided to do it anyway. We received a lot of help from the active Wikibooks community, and through the chaos a book emerged! I didn't teach physiology again until spring 2007, when we used this book as our textbook and improved upon it chapter by chapter. We are happy with our accomplishments, but the book could still be much improved. We need YOUR help to make this the best introductory physiology textbook available, not simply the best

57. University Of Washington Physiology And Biophysics Department
University of Washington Department of physiology and Biophysics Graduate Program. Studies in the areas of Cardiorespiratory physiology,
home the graduate program postdoctoral training people ... site map
1705 NE Pacific St.
Harris Hydraulics Rm 309, Box 357290
Seattle, WA 98195-7290
Phone: (206) 543-0950
Fax (Harris): (206) 685-0619
Fax (J-wing): (206) 685-3191 H/G Wing Renovation Updates
also see the official renovation site at more news >
upcoming department seminars: (new time) HHL - 322
Seminar Series - "Neuronal glutamate transporters shape synaptic signaling and plasticity in the hippocampus" by Jeff Diamond , NIH / NINDS more...
Seminar Series - "Dissecting the Mechanics of Cell Division Using Multimode-Microsurgery" by Dahong Zhang , Oregon State University more... 2:00 pm T - 733 Hille Lecture - "Synaptic receptor trafficking in health and disease" by Robert Malinow MD PhD , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories more...

58. Respiratory Physiology Neurobiology - Elsevier
Respiratory physiology Neurobiology publishes original articles and invited reviews concerning the field of respiration in its broadest sense.
Home Site map Elsevier websites Alerts ... Products Journal information Product description Editorial board Audience Abstracting/indexing ... Special issues and supplements Subscription information Bibliographic and ordering information Conditions of sale Dispatch dates Journal-related information Contact the publisher Impact factor Most downloaded articles Other journals in same subject area ... Select your view
Former title: Respiration Physiology
P. Scheid

See editorial board for all editors information
Forthcoming Special Issues - click here

publishes original articles and invited reviews concerning the field of respiration in its broadest sense. Although a special focus is on topics in neurobiology, high quality papers in respiratory molecular and cellular biology are also welcome, as are high quality papers in traditional areas, such as mechanics of breathing; gas exchange in lungs, gills, skin, and tissues; acid-base balance; respiration at rest and exercise; respiration in normal and unusual conditions, like high or low pressure or changes of temperature, low ambient oxygen; embryonic and adult respiration; comparative respiratory physiology. Papers on clinical aspects, articles on original methods, as well as theoretical papers are also considered as long as they foster the understanding of respiratory physiology.
ISSN: 1569-9048
Commenced publication 1966 Subscriptions for the year 2008, Volumes 160-164, 15 issues

59. Developmental Physiology
promote a sense of identify and connectivity among interested scientists and students active in the burgeoning field of developmental physiology
D EVELOPMENTAL P HYSIOLOGY A "community" web site by and for developmental physiologists and their students studying physiological ontogeny at molecular through organismal levels. Home New Researcher Database Opinions ... List-Serve Please help keep this site current by sending information to the webmaster at: ~170 Researchers and growing!! DEVELOPMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY is designed to: offer timely information regarding meetings, publications, products, funding sources, and other information of interest to developmental physiologists distribute employment information - including opportunities for graduate studies, post-doctoral fellowships and research and academic positions maintain a searchable researcher data base - including areas of individual or group expertise, organisms/models used and current research projects facilitate new collaborations by linking like-minded researchers contemplating or carrying out similar types of experiments promote a sense of identify and connectivity among interested scientists and students active in the burgeoning field of developmental physiology offer a communication forum through our associated list-serve , which you are invited to join Suggestions for New Content Welcome!!!

60. TTUHSC Physiology Home Page
Department of physiology at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.

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