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         Zoology:     more books (100)
  1. Invertebrate Zoology: A Laboratory Manual (5th Edition) by Robert L. Wallace, Walter Kingsley Taylor, et all 1996-12-27
  2. A Treatise On Zoology, Part 4 by Edwin Ray Lankester, 2010-03-09
  3. Fish & Wildlife: Principles of Zoology & Ecology by Burton, 2001-12-07
  4. Laboratory Studies in Integrated Principles of Zoology by Cleveland Hickman, Frances M Hickman, 1996-12
  5. Zoology w/Online Learning Center Password Code Card by Stephen A Miller, John P Harley, et all 2001-07-14
  6. Tetrapod Zoology Book One by Darren Naish, 2010-08-03
  7. Advances in the Zoology of Tapeworms, 1950-70 by Robert A. Wardle, etc., 1974-10-24
  8. Animal Studies: A Text-Book of Elementary Zoology for Use in High Schools and Colleges, by David Starr Jordan, 2009-04-27
  9. General Zoology Laboratory Guide by Charles F. Lytle, 1991-02
  10. Light's Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central California Coast: S. F. Light's Laboratory and Field Text in Invertebrate Zoology, Fourth printing, corrected and updated
  11. Laboratory Explorations in General Zoology by R.D. Burns, 1977-05-01
  12. Molecular Zoology: Advances, Strategies and Protocols
  13. A Photographic Atlas for the Zoology Laboratory by Kent Van De Graaff, 1995-01
  14. From College to Career: Entry-Level Resumes for Any Major From Accounting to Zoology (Wetfoot.Com Insider Guide) by Donald Asher, 1999-10-31

41. Archive Of "Frontiers In Zoology".
Frontiers in zoology Vols. 1 to 5; 2004 to 2008. 2004 to 2008 Articles from Frontiers in zoology are provided here courtesy of BioMed Central

42. Darren Naish: Tetrapod Zoology
As many of you correctly guessed, Tetrapod zoology is moving, so you will need to update your browsers, change links etc. The full transition is occurring
@import url(""); @import url(""); var BL_backlinkURL = "";var BL_blogId = "21278704";
Darren Naish: Tetrapod Zoology
"It is the best zoological blog out there, period"
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tetrapod Zoology ver 2
It is done: Tetrapod Zoology is moving. Please go over to....

See you on the other side! posted by Darren Naish at 5:58 PM 7 comments links to this post
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Goodbye blogspot....
Remember I said that things were going to change? (go here , for example). Well, things are going to change. Please watch this space: it will take a few days to happen, but I will keep you posted.
Why the chalicothere, I hear you ask? Well that would be telling, wouldn't it. Sorry about lack of promised vampire post , it's still due to appear. Sorry also to those owed emails, please be patient.
UPDATE (added 23-1-2007): I should be able to let you know what's happening later today. And no prizes for the many that have guessed correctly already.

43. SI NMNH Invertebrate Zoology Home
Within the Department of Invertebrate zoology, scientists conduct original research on all 30 major invertebrate animal groups (phyla) of the world (except
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
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Department of Invertebrate Zoology
A drawing by Giesbrecht (1892) of the Copepoda, Sapphirina auronitens Claus, 1863
Department of Invertebrate Zoology
Within the Department of Invertebrate Zoology, scientists conduct original research on all 30 major invertebrate animal groups (phyla) of the world (except insects), and are stewards for the 35 million specimens of invertebrates that comprise the U.S. National Collection. The study of invertebrates offers great challenges and opportunities to contribute to the world's knowledge of these organisms.
Notice of Loan and Shipping Service Interruption 2008
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Dr. Frederick M. Bayer
Current Highlights:
World of
... IMAX

44. The Online Books Page: Browse Call Numbers: QL
Curious Creatures in zoology (London John C. Nimmo, 1890), by John Ashton Online Dictionary of Invertebrate zoology , ed. by Armand Maggenti and Scott

45. Animal Diversity Web
the Homeland Foundation and the University of Michigan Museum of zoology. The ADW Team gratefully acknowledges their support. Report Error — Comment
Overview News Technology Conditions of Use ... Report an Error Featuring
southern cassowary
Casuarius casuarius
Browse Kingdom Animalia Amphibians

... and others
Sponsored in part by the Interagency Education Research Initiative,
the Homeland Foundation and the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
The ADW Team gratefully acknowledges their support. Report Error Comment

46. WFVZ -- Western Foundation Of Vertebrate Zoology
The Western Foundation of Vertebrate zoology, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, is both a natural history collection specializing in eggs and nests of
Home About Us The Collections
Our Programs
... WFVZ Gift Shop a non-profit corporation Home About Us RESEARCHERS Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. Please contact us by phone (805/388-9944) or email , and give us at least 48 hours notice if you want access to the collections. For a list of services offered to researchers, click here. PUBLIC TOURS The staff of the WFVZ will conduct a public tour of its large collection of bird eggs, nests, and mounted specimens on Friday, February 29, March 28, and April 25, 2008, at 3:00 pm . Please call at least one day in advance to get on the waiting list (805/388-9944). Our suggested donation for tours is $3 per person. Tours for the general public are usually scheduled on the last Friday of the month at 3:00 pm. OTHER TOURS Special tours ( see our flyer ) can be arranged for schools, community groups and other organizations. Please call to arrange a tour at least 3 months in advance. Our suggested donation for tours is $3 per person. Please visit our Education Program page and contact the Foundation for more information.

47. Science/AAAS | Collections: Zoology
zoology. Refine by Section. View all, Original Research, News, Reviews, Perspectives Essays, Editorials, Letters Policy Forums, Editors Choice This
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48. University Of Wyoming Zoology Department
The Department of zoology and Physiology is the largest academic department at the University of Wyoming, with 30 faculty FTEs, 350 undergraduate majors,
This site will look much better in a browser that supports web standards , but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device. Skip Navigation skip menu and banner
The Department of Zoology and Physiology is the largest academic department at the University of Wyoming, with 30 faculty FTEs, 350 undergraduate majors, 60 graduate students, and $3,000,000 in extramural research funding yearly. Three undergraduate degrees are offered: Biology (jointly with Botany); Zoology and Physiology; and Wildlife and Fisheries Biology and Management. M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Zoology and Physiology also are offered. Several departmental faculty also supervise graduate students in several interdisciplinary Ph.D. programs, including Neuroscience and Ecology The teaching mission ranges from General Biology (inquiries related to General biology program should be directed to the Director, Tel: 307-766-2818 e-mail:

49. Zoology Dept, UNH
Emphasis on ecological and physiological processes in aquatic animals and animal ecosystems.
Skip to Content Find it Fast This browser does not support Cascading Style Sheets. document.write(displayImage); document.write(displayText); "Brief Description" document.write("Learn more..."); Learn more... Undergraduates News Graduate Students News Faculty News ...
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Last updated 07 March 2008 UNH Search:
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50. Zoology - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Definition of zoology from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
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2 entries found.
zoology zo-
Main Entry: Pronunciation: Function:
New Latin zoologia, from zo- -logia -logy
 a branch of biology concerned with the classification and the properties and vital phenomena of animals 2 a  animal life (as of a region) fauna b  the properties and vital phenomena exhibited by an animal, animal type, or group noun Learn more about "zoology" and related topics at Pronunciation Symbols

51. Bird Division, University Of Michigan Museum Of Zoology
Bird Division, University of Michigan Museum of zoology maintains a collection of resources for people who conduct research on or need information about
About UMMZ Personnel Publications Collections ... Herbarium Bird Division The Bird Division of the Museum of Zoology is a collection of resources for people who conduct research on or need information about birds. The two Division curators and various graduate students conduct research on the phylogenetic relationships, evolution and behavior of a wide variety of birds using museum collections, molecular techniques, and captive and field studies. Publications The Cuckoos by Dr. Robert B. Payne.
The Evolving World by Dr. David P. Mindell.
Birds of the Keweenaw Peninsula by Laurence C. Binford ( more Nestling Mouth Markings and Colors of Old World Finches Estrildidae : by Robert B. Payne ( more Recent News We are participating in the NSF funded Ornis project to georeference our localities, allowing mapping of specimens and retrieval of data. Data entry begins in September 2007. Thanks to a grant from the National Science Foundation , we have replaced all of our old study skin and egg specimen cases with new archival quality cases, including acid free paper, new case and drawer labels, and new egg boxes. We moved the specimens starting in July 2003 and finished in April 2005.

52. University Of Michigan Museum Of Zoology
Aquatic Insects of Michigan Michigan Odonata Survey Michigan Entomological Society Michigan Cicadas. WWW Museum of zoology.
We have moved to a new server! You can find the new Insect Division pages here:
Other services will remain on this server:
WWW Museum of Zoology

53. Museum Of Vertebrate Zoology Archival Field Notebooks Query Page
This site provides access to specimen data and archival materials in the collections of the Museum of Vertebrate zoology (MVZ), University of California,
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology Data Access
University of California, Berkeley
The MVZ specimen database has moved to
Query field notebooks : Press button at right.
Query reprints : Press button at right. This site provides access to specimen data and archival materials in the collections of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ), University of California, Berkeley. MVZ data records may be used by individual researchers or research groups, but they may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the express written consent of a curatorial staff member of the MVZ. Likewise, photographic images, field notebook pages, and other archival materials may be reprinted and distributed for non-commercial and research or educational purposes only, and shall not be used for resale. Specimen data are refreshed weekly. Although we are constantly updating our database, outdated taxonomic names, mistaken specimen identifications, and erroneous localities inevitably occur. We urge investigators to verify all data by direct examination of the specimens, and we appreciate notification of discrepancies. The Regents of the University of California hold all rights, title and interest in specimens and archival materials in the MVZ collections. If any of these data or materials are used in an analysis or report, the original provenance must be acknowledged and the MVZ notified. The Museum should be acknowledged as "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley." The MVZ and its staff are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data.

54. Zoology Archive
Nov 8, 2004, What does a zoologist and former Peace Corps volunteer do when she has an uncontrollable urge to have a moosehead on the wall or a bearskin on
tasty snacks for the intellectually starved [ articles posted to Zoology recent articles Search ] [ archives by Date Subject Author Friday
Sep 7, 2007
Temple Grandin , a doctor of animal science, devotes her life to designing more humane abbatoirs. That site is a treasure trove of information on both animal behavior as well as humane ways of dispatching them in ways that conform with modern technology and religious restrictions. And she is autistic, to boot. Her essay, "Animals are Not Things" is a good way of showing that one can care about animal welfare and still enjoy eating them.
to Zoology by isosceles Monday
Dec 4, 2006
Pandas sneeze and steal
to Zoology by roo Saturday
Sep 16, 2006
There is a thriving dinosaur porn industry. The results are terrifying and astounding.
to Zoology by isosceles Monday
Dec 12, 2005
Pandas pandas pandas pandas ! So many pandas
to Zoology by riotnrrd Thursday
Mar 3, 2005
The famed Geico Gecko (a reptile ) has a blog. to Zoology by isosceles Tuesday Mar 1, 2005 In 2002, a lioness in Kenya made news by adopting a baby oryx antelope as its own child; caring for it, protecting it and accompanying it. Unsurprisingly, the oryx met a tragic end at the claws of other lions, but the undaunted lioness tried

55. Carl T. Bergstrom - University Of Washington
3D surface image . Home People Research Publications Teaching Signalling Journal economics Carl T. Bergstrom
Carl T. Bergstrom
Associate Professor
Department of Biology
University of Washington
Box 351800
Seattle, WA 98195-1800
External Faculty
Santa Fe Institute
1399 Hyde Park Rd.
Santa Fe, NM, 87501
Office: Lab: Fax:
We use mathematical models and computer simulations to study a range of problems in population biology, animal behavior, and evolutionary theory. Our current research efforts are concentrated in two areas:
  • Information in biological systems. How do living organisms acquire, store, and make use of information? How and why does communication evolve? How does information flow through biological or social networks? The ecology and evolution of infectious disease. How do pathogens evolve and spread through populations? How do populations evolve in response to pathogen challenge?
  • February 29, 2008: Ben Althouse was awarded a Mary Gates Research Scholarship for 2008.

    56. Welcome!
    Graphical supplement for teaching and learning about amphibian development from the University of Wisconsin.
    Welcome to the Amphibian Embryology Tutorial ! This tutorial is part of an ongoing project designed to implement multimedia and computer-based learning materials in the university undergraduate classroom. The materials presented here are NOT designed to replace either hard work outside of class wrestling with the dynamic nature of embryonic development, nor are they meant as a substitute for "wet lab" experience using a real microscope and real embryos. Instead, this tutorial is meant to supplement the presentation of standard videotape, laser video, digitized video and animation sequences in the traditional lecture period. A common comment in student evaluations is the wish for more opportunities to interact with the visual data presented in class in a more "hands-on" manner. This tutorial is designed as a beginning step in that process. For information about the development of this tutorial and to ask questions, click HERE . For a brief description of the control buttons and the features of QuickTime controllable movies, click HERE . Otherwise, use the buttons above (Forward/Back) to navigate through the tutorial. Have fun!

    57. BiologyBrowser - Biology Resources By Subject
    Counts of New and Changed Names Reported in Zoological Record Indicates Nomenclatural Glossary for zoology An alphabetical list of specialist terms.
    Please enable your browser's JavaScript Search BiologyBrowser Organism (ex. fungi)
    Subject (ex. biodiversity)
    Geography (region)
    All Counts of New and Changed Names Reported in Zoological Record Indicates trends in assigning names to new animals by taxonomists. Search the Index to Organism Names
    The Index to Organism Names project uses name data from the resources of BIOSIS and other collaborating organizations. Conferences
    Nomenclatural Glossary for Zoology

    An alphabetical list of specialist terms.
    For basic answers to who's who in the Animal Kingdom.
    Main Category: Subjects
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    Results 1 - 10 of at least 38
  • ABRS - National Taxonomy Forum 2007
    PowerPoint presentations and programme from the Australian National Taxonomy Forum (4-5 October 2007) Agricultural Conferences, Meetings, Seminars
  • 58. Traffic Zoology ||
    The future of traffic zoology will be radically effected by such innovations. Perhaps the researchers should become proactive and influence the decisions

    create account
    help/FAQ contact links ... MLP We need your support: buy an ad premium membership k5 store
    Traffic Zoology

    By CheeseburgerBrown in Culture
    Wed Sep 03, 2003 at 05:40:13 AM EST
    Tags: Technology all tags There is a secret zoo that runs encaged along the roads.
    They are liquid, semi-visible goliaths that rage through the streams and chunks of ordinary traffic, with the effervescent tendrils of mile-long tails whipping behind them like Chinese dragons. Though composed of hundreds of pounds of steel, glass and plastic, they are able to pass through solid objects. They are bound by the laws of the highway, but not by any conventional notion of time or space.
    They are Aggregate Traffic Animals : a menagerie of emergent beasts drawn from the interacting behaviours of many individual human beings driving many individual cars with many individual goals, their collective activity giving rise to something with greater presence, power and purpose than the sum of its constituents. They take on a host of different forms, each to serve a different end.
    They are real, and they drive among us.

    59. Zoology Information
    zoology is the part of biology which relates to the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits, and distribution
    @import "";
    Find out about?
    Life Sciences
    Zoology Search jobs. Post your Resume. Get career Advice Zoology Jobs Search UK and worldwide zoology jobs at
    Zoology Information
    What is Zoology
    Zoology is the part of Biology which relates to the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits, and distribution of all animals, both living and extinct. Below are related Zoology information resource web sites.
    Zoology Degrees

    Zoology Jobs

    Zoology Organizations

    Zoology News

    Reference Sites - of at least 5 Biosys Online Guide to Zoology
    Biosys's Online guide to Zoology and other related sciences. Primis Zoology Primis Zoology is an online Zoology textbook which covers relevant Zoology university topics. Zoology - Academic Info A directory of Internet resources and information on Zoology.

    60. Zoology: Selected Internet Resources (Science Reference Services, Library Of Con
    Selected Internet Resources in zoology. Links of Interest in zoology http// Links provided by the Illinois State
    The Library of Congress Especially for Researchers Research Centers Home ... Selected Internet Resources Find in Science Reference Pages Researchers Web Pages All Library of Congress Pages
    Selected Internet Resources - Zoology
    Unless otherwise noted, the sites listed in this directory are provided by organizations other than the Library of Congress. These links are being offered as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the Library of Congress of any of the products, services, or opinions of the corporation, organization or individual. The Library of Congress bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
    National Biological Information Infrastructure
    "...electronic gateway to biological data and information maintained by federal, state, and local government agencies; private sector organizations; and other partners around the nation and the world."

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