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1. John Jacob Astor, American Fur Company, Pacific Fur Companies John Jacob Astor, American Fur Company, Pacific Fur Companies, Southwest Fur Company, john jacob astor, american fur company, pacific fur companies, http://www.linecamp.com/museums/americanwest/western_names/astor_john_jacob/asto | |
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5. Astor, John Jacob - Ninemsn Encarta Astor, John Jacob (17631848), German-American merchant and financier, born near Heidelberg. He emigrated to the United States in 1783, almost http://au.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761574420/astor_john_jacob.html | |
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19. Astor, John Jacob - MSN Encarta Winkler Prins Encyclopedie Translate this page Astor, John Jacob (Waldorf, Duitsland, 17 juli 1763 New York 29 maart 1848), Amerikaans zakenman, arriveerde in 1783 in de Verenigde Staten, waar http://nl.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_1021503009/Astor_John_Jacob.html | |
20. GOTUNEED: ASTOR JOHN JACOB Translate this page ASTOR JOHN JACOB. Altro su World. Scheda; Commenti. Astor John Jacob, celebre commerciante di pellicce americano di origine tedesca (Waldorf 1763-New York http://www.gotuneed.com/news/1584565/ASTOR_JOHN_JACOB.html | |
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