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         Bronte Charlotte:     more books (100)
  1. Charlotte Brontë and Victorian Psychology (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture) by Sally Shuttleworth, 2004-12-16
  2. Charlotte Brontë: The Imagination in History by Heather Glen, 2004-04-15
  3. The Green Dwarf (Hesperus Classics) by Charlotte Bronte, 2003-05-01
  4. Tales of Glass Town, Angria, and Gondal: Selected Early Writings (Oxford World's Classics) by Christine Alexander, The Brontes, 2010-11-15
  5. Shirley (Penguin Classics) by Charlotte Brontë, 2006-09-26
  6. Brontes:Charlotte Bronte and Her Family by Rebecca Fraser, 1990-01-14
  7. The Brontës and Religion by Thormählen Marianne, 2004-05-20
  8. Charlotte Bronte and Female Desire (Sexuality and Literature) by Jin-Ok Kim, 2003-01
  9. Charlotte Brontë and Sexuality (Cambridge Paperback Library) by Maynard, 1987-01-30
  10. The Brontes at Haworth: The World Within by Juliet Gardiner, 1993-08-24
  11. The Art of Charlotte Bronte by Earl A. Knies, 1969-06
  12. Fictions of the Female Self: Charlotte Bronte, Olive Schreiner, Katherine Mansfield by Ruth Parkin-Gounelas, 1991-12
  13. Holy Ghosts: The Male Muses of Emily and Charlotte Bronte by Irene Tayler, 1993-09
  14. The Bronte Collection (CSA Word Classics) by Emily Bronte, Charlotte Bronte, et all 2009-11-10

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Zu Ihrer Suche nach " Bronte Charlotte " im Shop "" wurde gefunden: 207 Angebote: The Letters of Charlotte Bronte Bronte, Charlotte Complete texts of letters previously published inaccurately or in part provide valuable insight into her other friendships. Those to Elizabeth Gaskell in particular have an important bearing on our interpretation and assessment of her Life of Charlotte, published early in 1857; and the inclusion of Harriet Martineau´s angry comments on the Life (´Hallucination!´ [Friendship] was never attained.´) enhances our understanding of Charlotte´s break with Martineau after her review of Villette. The ... EUR 110.95* Im Shop ansehen oder bestellen Zur Hauptkategorie des Angebotes ... Literature, Science, Psychoanalysis, 1830-1970: Essays in Honour of Gillian Beer Small, Helen / Tate, Trudi (eds.) Among its recurrent themes are: curiosity and epistemology; ´growth´, ´maturity´, and ´coming of age´ as structuring metaphors (several essays focus especially on childhood); taxonomy; sleep and dreaming and elusive knowledge; the physiology of truth; and the gender politics of scientific theory and practice. The essays also reflect Beer´s extensive influence as a literary critic, with close readings of works by Charlotte Bronte, Alfred Lord Tennyson, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, Henry James, ...

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Rok wydania Powieść Jane Eyre ukazała się po raz pierwszy w październiku 1847 roku w trzech tomach i okazała się wielkim wydawniczym sukcesem. Jane Eyre zbiera motywy, kt³re są niezwykle romansowo nośne, na przykład tr³jkąt, uwiedzenie,... Cena rynkowa: 22.9 zł
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Autor: CHARLOTTE BRONTE Wydawnictwo: RICHMOND PUBLISHING ISBN: 8429449116 cena: 13,95 z³ 15,00 z³
z dnia: 31.03.2008 JANE EYRE Autor: CHARLOTTE BRONTE Wydawnictwo: WYDAWNICTWO ZIELONA SOWA ISBN: 9788374354509 cena: 21,30 z³ 22,90 z³
z dnia: 31.03.2008 SHIRLEY Autor: CHARLOTTE BRONTE Wydawnictwo: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ISBN: 0192833782 cena: 26,22 z³ 28,19 z³
z dnia: 30.03.2006 Koszyk Twój koszyk jest pusty
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72. Jane Eyre - CARTI BELETRISTICA - 33,00 RON
Jane Eyre Anul aparitiei 2005 Pagini continute 560 Dimensiuni 14/21
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Jane Eyre
Autor: Bronte, Charlotte Editura: LEDA Categoria: Carti Literatura universala Romane Status: Disponibil Pret: 33,00 RON Rating: /7 (0 voturi)
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Ihre Suche nach bronte charlotte (Ergebnisse 1 bis 10) Seite: Die Geschwister Bronte. portrait, Band 31012 von Sally Schreiber
aus der Reihe portrait
Erschienen bei dtv, 12.1998
Ist nicht mehr lieferbar. Kundenbewertung:
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Erschienen bei dtv, 03.1997
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Erschienen bei Diogenes Verlag, 07.2006
Versandfertig ab sofort versandkostenfrei! EUR Metamorphosen. Anglistische Forschungen, Band 355 aus der Reihe Anglistische Forschungen Versandfertig ab sofort versandkostenfrei! EUR Die Schwestern Bronte. rororo Monographien, Band 456 von Werner Waldmann Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten aus der Reihe rororo Monographien Erschienen bei Rowohlt Taschenbuch, 2005

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76. Bronte Charlotte - Książki Napisane Przez Bronte Charlotte
Bronte Charlotte ksi ki napisane przez Bronte Charlotte mo na kupi wysy kowo w naszej księgarni. Wejd i zobacz promocyjne ceny ksi ek autorstwa
Ksiegarnia internetowa MegaBook Bronte Charlotte Beletrystyka ... Zwierzęta domowe
Dostępnych jest 2 książek - autor Bronte Charlotte
Jane Eyre (wersja anglojęzyczna)
Autor Bronte Charlotte Nasza Księgarnia Angielski Literatura
Promocyjna cena: 7.20 złotych
Jane Eyre (wydanie anglojęzyczne)
Autor Bronte Charlotte Oxford University Press Angielski Literatura Promocyjna cena: 15.30 złotych

77. NationMaster - Encyclopedia: Charlotte Bronte
Online editions of Charlotte Bront works (http// au/aut/Bronte_Charlotte.html); Charlotte Bront Drawing by George Richmond
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Updated 1146 days 15 hours 14 minutes ago. Charlotte Bront - idealized portrait, 1873 (based on a drawing by George Richmond, 1850) Charlotte Bront April 21 March 31 ) was an English writer Bront was born at Thornton , in Yorkshire England , the eldest surviving daughter of a clergyman, Patrick Bront (who had changed his surname from Brunty or Prunty) and his wife, Maria Branwell. In the family moved to the now world-famous rectory at Haworth , where the children created their own fantasy world which would inspire them to take up writing. Charlotte's mother died of cancer on

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