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1. Daniel Defoe (1819-1880) British Writer. (16601731) British writer. As an author of commercial and moral works, Daniel Defoe revealed himself as a skilled writer. Defoe s Essays Upon Literature http://classiclit.about.com/od/defoedaniel/Defoe_Daniel.htm | |
2. Daniel Defoe - MSN Encarta Defoe, Daniel (1660?1731), English novelist and journalist, whose work reflects his diverse experiences in many countries and in many walks of life . http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761555676/defoe_daniel.html | |
3. Biography Center : Biographies Of Daniel Defoe In Writers Biographies of Defoe Daniel and, for more detail Biography of , , http//www.oxforddnb.com/index/101007421, www.incompetech.com/authors/defoe, http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/816-Defoe_Daniel.html | |
4. Daniel Defoe English novelist, pamphleteer, and journalist, author of ROBINSON CRUSOE (1719), a story of a man shipwrecked alone on an island. http://www.thepirateking.com/bios/defoe_daniel.htm | |
5. A Journal Of The Plague Year By Daniel Defoe - MasterTexts(TM) The complete text of A Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe is available at MasterTexts(TM); a site that presents the full texts of literary http://www.mastertexts.com/Defoe_Daniel/A_Journal_of_the_Plague_Year/index.html | |
6. Porydd http//encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761555676/Defoe_Daniel.html visit Edit. Thumbnail of http//www.spartacus. Spartacus Daniel Defoe http://odp.rpfuller.org/porydd/?cat=Kids_and_Teens/People_and_Society/Biography/ |
7. Defoe, Daniel LiteraryTraveler.com Premium Account Info Advertise with us About LiteraryTraveler.com. Home; Literary Articles; Literary Tours; Books; Travel; My Account; Contact Us http://www.literarytraveler.com/authors/defoe_daniel.aspx | |
8. Daniel Defoe, 1661?-1731: Free Web Books, Online Project Gutenberg Consortia Center, Classic Literature Online, a member of the World eBook Library Consortia, World s Largest eBook Collection. http://worldlibrary.net/eBooks/Adelaide/aut/defoe_daniel.html | |
9. Daniel Defoe Biography Search Biographies. Browse Biographies. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Defoe_Daniel.html | |
10. Defoe Daniel - ANobii Defoe Daniel, books, reviews, news, discussions, profile and more! http://www.anobii.com/contributors/Defoe_Daniel/1340/language/1/ | |
11. Daniel Defoe Quotes A collection of quotes attributed to British novelist, pamphleteer, and journalist Daniel Defoe. http://www.notable-quotes.com/d/defoe_daniel.html | |
12. DANIEL DEFOE You are not to take it, if you please, the saying of an ignorant man, when I press my opinion that such a book as Robinson Crusoe never http://www.ulib.niu.edu/badndp/defoe_daniel.html | |
13. Defoe, Daniel : Authors : 18th Century - Mega Net Login. mega net. Search Mega Net. Home Library Humanities Literature Periods Movements 18th Century Authors Defoe, Daniel. Defoe, Daniel http://www.mega-net.net/library/humanities/literature/periods_and_movements/18th | |
14. The Further Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe ( Read Online ) Daniel Defoe The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe By Daniel Defoe. But not to crowd this part with an account of the lesser part of the rogueries with which they http://book.joyurl.com/en/1/defoe_daniel/lvsa_2.html | |
15. Daniel Defoe Pathfinder REFERENCE SOURCES The following reference books can be used to get both biographical and critical information about authors. http://faculty.valenciacc.edu/ckatz/Author_Pathfinders/defoe_daniel.htm | |
16. Defoe, Daniel: Adventure: DVDs, Cinema, Movies - Films.ie Defoe, Daniel Adventure - Selection of DVDs and films to suit all tastes. http://www.films.ie/action-577590-Defoe_Daniel.html | |
17. Defoe Daniel Get immediate access to thousands of, high quality papers and essays. Mega Essays Home Questions? Acceptable Use Customer Care Site Search http://www.megaessays.com/essay_search/defoe_daniel.html | |
18. Your Directory : Defoe%2C Daniel Your Directory selected category is Top Kids_and_Teens People_and_Society Biography Authors Defoe%2C_Daniel. http://www.your-directory.co.uk/Top/Kids_and_Teens/People_and_Society/Biography/ | |
19. Romane - Carti Doar La LibrariaOnline.ro Disponibile (3). Toate editurile. Toate editurile; LEDA; LITERA INTERNATIONAL; POLIROM. Defoe, Daniel. Toti autorii; Abalos, Rafael; Abani, Chris; Abbott, http://www.librariaonline.ro/beletristica/literatura_universala/romane/autor,100 | |
20. From London To Land's End By Defoe, Daniel CyberRead carries over 40000 of your favorite books from both major and independent publishers for your PDA and PC. Buy eBooks (ebooks) in popular formats. http://www.cyberread.com/info/21061/indypublish_co/defoe_daniel/from_london_to_l | |
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