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61. Defoe Daniel - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia Defoe Daniel (16601731), angielski pisarz i publicysta. Przedsi biorca i dziennikarz wspó pracuj cy z rz dem. Wydawca czasopisma Review http://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/61946,,,,defoe_daniel,haslo.html | |
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63. Daniel Defoe - Biographie De Daniel Defoe - Dicocitations ⢠Translate this page Daniel Defoe - Romancier et journaliste anglais (v. 1660-1731) auteur de Robinson Crusoé, dont l oeuvre romanesque reflète les nombreux voyages et le goût http://www.dicocitations.com/biographie/1277/Defoe_Daniel.php | |
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66. Defoe Daniel (1660-173 ... - Wypracowanie - Portal Edukacyjny ESzkola.pl - Wypra Na stronie znajdziesz wypracowania, streszczenia lektur, biografie oraz wiele innych materia ów edukacyjnych a tak e kursy, ci gi, pytania maturalne, http://www.eszkola.pl/czytaj/Defoe_Daniel/8117 | |
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68. Directopedia : Directory : Kids And Teens : People And Society : Biography : Aut http//encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761555676/Defoe_Daniel.html. Daniel Defoe Ranking. Details + Preview. http//www.spartacus.schoolnet. http://www.directopedia.org/directory/Kids_Teens-People_Society/Biography-Author | |
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70. * Elektronická Knihovna * - Console-Forum.net http//rapidshare.com/files/90371066/Defoe_Daniel.zip http//rapidshare.com/files/90371067/Delany_S. http://console-forum.net/showthread.php?t=21269 |
71. PH/HA Winter 2001/02 Newsletter A Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe http//www.mastertexts. com/Defoe_Daniel/A_Journal_of_the_Plague_Year/Index.htm http://www.phha.mlanet.org/archives/newsletter/winter12.html |
72. 4shared - Free File Sharing And Storage - Share Folder - My 4shared Defoe_Daniel, 1 file(s), File Folder, 200707-11. Doyle_Arthur, 5 file(s), File Folder, 2007-07-11. Fibich_Karel, 1 file(s), File Folder, 2007-07-11 http://detektivky.4shared.com/ | |
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76. Defoë, Daniel : Opinión Defoë, Daniel Opinión De Consumidores Translate this page Opiniones Literatura Libros,Todos los autores por orden alfabético ,D,Defoë, Daniel. http://www.testandvote.es/Defoe_Daniel-ar-AAAEACADADAAAA.html | |
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78. Defoe, Daniel :Translation Language And Linguistics: Dictionaries Defoe, Daniel Dictionaries - Translation, language and linguistics resources. http://www.translationresearch.com/ukbooks/dictionaries-577590-Defoe_Daniel.html | |
79. Pitbook.com - Daniel Defoe By keywords By authors - By titles. - Home - Free ebooks - Ebooks for sale - Free MP3s - New. - Magazines - webmaster http://www.pitbook.com/English/authors/defoe_daniel.htm | |
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