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         Defoe Daniel:     more books (100)
  1. Novels and miscellaneous works; with a biographical memoir of the author, literary prefaces to the various pieces, illustrative notes, etc., including all contained in the edition attributed to the late Sir Walter Scott, with considerable additions Volume 7 by Daniel, 1661?-1731 Defoe, 2009-10-26
  2. The compleat English gentleman. Edited for the first time from t by Defoe. Daniel. 1661?-1731., 1890-01-01
  3. Memoirs of a cavalier etc. by Defoe. Daniel. 1661?-1731., 1885-01-01
  4. A letter to Mr. How, by way of reply to his considerations of the preface to An enquiry into the occasional conformity of dissenters by Daniel, 1661?-1731 Defoe, 2009-10-26
  5. The history of the plague of London. together with Religious cou by Defoe. Daniel. 1661?-1731., 1860-01-01
  6. Robinson Crusoe. Edited after the original editions with a biogr by Defoe. Daniel. 1661?-1731., 1868-01-01
  7. The address of the majestrates and Town Council of Aberdeen to t by Defoe. Daniel. 1661?-1731., 1716-01-01
  8. Madagascar; or. Robert Drury 's journal. during fifteen years ' by Defoe. Daniel. 1661?-1731., 1890-01-01
  9. The pacificator; a poem. by Defoe. Daniel. 1661?-1731., 1700-01-01
  10. The declaration of the free-holders of Great Britain. in answer by Defoe. Daniel. 1661?-1731., 1716-01-01
  11. Life. adventures. and piracies of Captain Singleton and Life of by Defoe. Daniel. 1661?-1731., 1882-01-01
  12. Novels and miscellaneous works. With pref. and notes, including those attributed to Sir Walter Scott Volume 3 by Daniel, 1661?-1731 Defoe, 2009-10-26
  13. The history of the devil containing his original; a state of his by Defoe. Daniel. 1661?-1731., 1851-01-01
  14. The proceedings of the Government against the rebels. compared w by Defoe. Daniel. 1661?-1731., 1716-01-01

61. Defoe Daniel - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia
Defoe Daniel (16601731), angielski pisarz i publicysta. Przedsi biorca i dziennikarz wspó pracuj cy z rz dem. Wydawca czasopisma Review,,,,defoe_daniel,haslo.html
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Defoe Daniel
Dodaj do notesu Literatura, Europa, Wielka Brytania, Historia nowo¿ytna Defoe Daniel (1660-1731), angielski pisarz i publicysta. Przedsiêbiorca i dziennikarz wspó³pracuj±cy z rz±dem. Wydawca czasopisma Review (1704-1713), z dodatkiem satyrycznym.
Autor ponad 200 prac z dziedziny ekonomii, polityki, etyki, a tak¿e pamfletów . Opowiada³ siê za liberalizmem i tolerancj± religijn±, za co skazano go na karê prêgierza. Uchodzi za wspó³twórcê nowo¿ytnej powie¶ci.
W swojej twórczo¶ci ³±czy³ elementy reporta¿u, opisu podró¿y czy kroniki policyjnej z fikcj±, np. Dziennik roku zarazy (1772, wydanie polskie 1959), opisuj±cy straszliw± epidemiê d¿umy w Londynie 1665. Pisywa³ te¿ romanse obyczajowe: Dole i niedole s³awnej Moll Flanders (1722, wydanie polskie 1951) i

62. Rororo Monographien · Defoe, Daniel Biographie
Translate this page Gesamtübersicht. Nach Titeln, Thema Kunst, Thema Literatur, Thema Musik, Thema Philosophie, Thema Politik, Thema Wissenschaft. Aquin, Thomas von

63. Daniel Defoe - Biographie De Daniel Defoe - Dicocitations ™
Translate this page Daniel Defoe - Romancier et journaliste anglais (v. 1660-1731) auteur de Robinson Crusoé, dont l oeuvre romanesque reflète les nombreux voyages et le goût
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Biographie et Fiche de : Daniel Defoe
Romancier et journaliste anglais (v. 1660-1731) auteur de Robinson Crusoé, dont l'oeuvre romanesque reflète les nombreux voyages et le goût pour l'aventure. Aucun lien pour cet auteur !
L' oisiveté est la lie de l' existence [ Robinson Crusoe, II ] Daniel Defoe
La crainte du danger est mille fois plus terrifiante que le danger présent [ Robinson Crusoé (1719) ] Daniel Defoe
La vraie grandeur consiste à être maître de soi-même [ Robinson Crusoe ] Daniel Defoe
Tous les hommes seraient des tyrans s'ils le pouvaient [ The Kentish Petition, Addenda ] Daniel Defoe
votes Voir l'ensemble des 5 citations Aucun commentaire pour cet auteur ! Ajouter un commentaire sur cet auteur Aucun contemporain ! Frédéric Jézégou Jean-François Meylhoc - Dico - citations ® Droits de reproduction et de diffusion réservés / Usage strictement personnel de la base citation. Hébergé par

64. Memorie Di Un Cavaliere Defoe Daniel
Translate this page Memorie di un cavaliere Defoe Daniel Libri; Scheda Libro Memorie di un cavaliereIn Memorie di un cavaliere a raccontare, anzi a scrivere il romanzo,
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Memorie di un cavaliere
di Defoe Daniel
Dettagli del Libro: Autore: Defoe Daniel Editore: Mondadori Genere: letteratura straniera Collana: Oscar classici ISBN: Data pubblicazione: 1999 Prezzo di copertina: € 6,71 Prezzo scontato: € 5,03 Risparmio: € 1,68
Gestione prodotto Segnala ad un Amico Invia un commento al libro Leggi i commenti al libro Descrizione: In "Memorie di un cavaliere" a raccontare, anzi a scrivere il romanzo, è un giovane gentiluomo inglese che attraversa l'Europa di inizio '600 dilaniata dalle guerre, passando da assedio ad assedio, da avventura ad avventura, fino all'estremo ritorno in patria. I vostri commenti al libro Inserisci un tuo commento al libro Nessun Commento disponibile a Memorie di un cavaliere Defoe Daniel Torna su Altri libri del genere letteratura straniera Nel buio che precede l'alba
di Boyden Joseph Un giovane uomo che vuole solo morire. Un'anziana donna che può curarlo solo con il potere delle parole. Definito da Isabel Allende "un romanzo che lascia il segno", l'esordio narrativo di un talento eccezionale. Una storia potente, commovente, tragi...

65. Róbinson Crusoe: Capítulo XI
Translate this page Capítulo XI. Un naufragio, el festín de los caníbales y Viernes . Cierta mañana de diciembre salí de mi morada muy de madrugada, sorprendiéndome distinguir
Un naufragio, el festín de los caníbales y "Viernes"

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Defoe Daniel (1660-173 ...
Defoe Daniel (1660-1731
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    por SIMUN Daniel Defoe escribió otros libros, pero indudablemente el que le ha dado la inmorat[...] Vida de Daniel Defoe por Daniel Defoe (Gran Bretaña, 1660-1731) Novelista y periodista inglés cuya obr[...] daniel defoe. Moll Flanders por Daniel Defoe (1660-1731), agente comercial, espía, periodista y escritor, publicó su[...] Daniel Defoe por ggubia (Londres, 1660-Moorfields, actual Reino Unido, 1731) Escritor inglés. Abandonó la ca[...] Da tu opinión , ¡ Regístrate ahora ! ... ¿Falta una categoría? Notes 1ª División > Zaragoza Pablo Aimar Alberto Zapater Cesar Sergio Garcia ... Carlos Diogo TOP 5 categorías Lo más apreciado : La Vida es bella (1997) Barrio Sésamo Nivea Cream Soft Horton ... Participar ...
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    DANIEL DEFOE (1660-1703)
      Robinson Crusoe
      Daniel Defoe, the son of a butcher, was born in London in 1660. He attended Morton's Academy, a school for Dissenters at Newington Green with the intention of becoming a minister, but he changed his mind and became a hosiery merchant instead.
      In 1688 Defoe took part in the Monmouth Rebellion and joined William III and his advancing army. Defoe became popular with the king after the publication of his poem, The True Born Englishman (1701). The poem attacked those who were prejudiced against having a king of foreign birth.
      The publication of Defoe's The Shortest Way with the Dissenters (1702) upset a large number of powerful people. In the pamphlet, Defoe, a Dissenter, ironically demanded the savage suppression of dissent. The pamphlet was judged to be critical of the Anglican Church and Defoe was fined, put in the Charing Cross Pillory and then sent to Newgate Prison.
      In 1703 Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, a Tory government official, employed Defoe as a spy. With the support of the government, Defoe started the newspaper, The Review. Published between 1704 and 1713, the newspaper appeared three times a week. As well as carrying commercial advertising The Review reported on political and social issues. Defoe also wrote several pamphlets for Harley attacking the political opposition. The Whigs took Defoe court and this resulted in him serving another prison sentence.

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