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21. PHost - Formulas Beam_hit_odds = EFF_BeamHitOdds + Trunc((Beam_Kill_Power + Beam_Expl_Power) * EFF_BeamHitBonus / 100) Beam_recharge_rate = BeamRechargeRate + http://phost.de/phost4doc/formulas.html | |
22. Changeset 7441 - EAthena - Trac 1432, 4276,Lord_of_Death_Card,Lord of Death Card,6,,10,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus2 bAddEff,EFF_Stun,500; bonus2 bAddEff,EFF_Curse,500; bonus2 bAddEff,EFF_ http://svn.eathena.ws/bugs/changeset/7441 | |
23. Forums - Commentaires De Matchs UnG vs EFF_; Summer CS1.6 QUALIFER 2005 PiXeLoGi vs eo.cs; Summer CS1.6 QUALIFER 2005 7u vs lReMl; Summer CS1.6 QUALIFER 2005 lReMl vs 7u http://forums.esfrance.net/archive/index.php/f-57-p-11.html | |
24. $Id DetectorInfo.cc,v 1.1 2002/12/09 085035 Hpereira Exp %4i %11.4f %8.3f %5i %10.6f %5.3f %5.1f %6.1f , rotMNum_, wirD_/10, ang_, nWir_, wirP_/10, EFF_, bkg_, tGate_ ); out += string(line); if( type_ ! http://buldog.fuw.edu.pl/svn/trunk/coral_old_alignment/DetectorInfo.cc | |
25. WebSVN - EXT2 - Rev 13 - /vstplugins/zynaddsubfx/src/UI/EffUI.h const char *label=0); void init(EffectMgr *EFF_); void draw_freq_line(REALTYPE freq,int type); void draw(); int getresponse(int maxy,REALTYPE freq); http://svn.jacklab.net/filedetails.php?repname=eXT2&path=/vstplugins/zynaddsubfx |
26. !/usr/bin/env Python Program To Sort Effelsberg Webcam Pics And in current working dir files=os.listdir(os.getcwd()) sort out EFF_* files time systime=time.time() for x in files if string.find(x, EFF_ )! http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/Enno.Middelberg/python/make_movie.py |
27. Macro Real_ld2 Pol Q2 Epsil Th_pq Tmin Tmax NBt Mess [pol] [Q2 eff/EFF_r.dat shell ../shell/extr_efftable.sh r ve/cr a1(1) r;ve/cr eff/EFF_r.dat * mess reading EFF_r.dat htrk = a6(1) strk = a8(1) cpult http://www.jlab.org/~ccbutu/HALL_C/LT_deuterium/kumac/real_ld2.kumac |
28. Antarec/src/Setup.cc - View - 1.8 Mrkid_ = 0; OMid_ = 0; tdelay_ = 0; hv0_ = 0; hv_ = 0; tcorr_ = 0; EFF_ = 1; hv_ = hwitem.hv2; tcorr_ = hwitem.tcorr; EFF_ = hwitem.eff; http://antares.in2p3.fr/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/antarec/src/Setup.cc?rev=1.8;content- |
29. Search_results BRASS_ Svc_ WG_ Type BRASS_ Svc_ WgType_ ID WG_ Type_ Cd BRASS_ Svc_ ID EFF_ Start_ Dt EFF_ End_ Dt 0 91151542 91151540 01/ 01/ 1991 1 91151543 91151540 01/ http://www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/idcplg?IdcService=GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION&Revisio |
30. MP3Shitter 02_va__stereoshaker_-_rocknroll-bfhmp3.np3 03_va_-_three_drives_-_air_traffic-bfhmp3.np3 04_va_-_ess-EFF_-_hope-bfhmp3.np3 http://www.mp3shitter.com/info/id98662.html | |
31. Radiator Extremal Optimization Define an initial distribution of elements, and compute eEFF_ i for each one and for the radiator. Define an initial temperature for the problem. http://www.sbmac.org.br/bol/boletim_2000/fabiano/radiator_extremal.htm | |
32. CID=00169532 IP=darwin.kaist.ac.kr PORT=9500 Translate this page The percentage errors are defind as ( TEX $\varepsilon EFF_{\_3D\;planar\;solver}$ /TEX - TEX $\varepsilon EFF_{\_3D\;solver}$ /TEX )/ TEX $\varepsilon http://darwin.kaist.ac.kr:20080/thesis01/NONMUN/00169/532/orimage.ori | |
33. Changeset 1199 - Livejournal - Trac 3129, $styleid = $u { ${ EFF_ view}_style };. 3086, 3130, } else {. 3087, my $prop = s1_${ view}_style ;. 3131, my $prop = s1_${ EFF_ view}_style ; http://code.sixapart.com/trac/livejournal/changeset/1199 | |
34. Sub Query Question [Archive] - DBforums EFF_ TIME_ID) from file_venue A, file_control B where A.FILE_CONTROL_ID = B.FILE_CONTROL_ID and A.STATUS_CD != D group by A.VENUE_ID,A.TIME_ID,B.FILE_NM; http://www.dbforums.com/archive/index.php/t-1199359.html | |
35. How Do I Set Up My Greatland Outdoors Screened Gazebo? J EFF_ The preschool I work at also aquired the Gazebo with no directions so when and if you get them would you mind emailing them to me? Thank You http://www.homeabc.net/Other/2465-1-other.html | |
36. All Of These Stats Are The Total Points An Object Has // Points percentscale_ n = b; } \ int EFF_ n() { return int(logf(s_ n/pointscale_ n+1)*percentscale_ n)+100; } RPGSTATNAMES undef N define N(n) int s_ n; http://io.debian.net/~tar/debian/sauerbraten/sauerbraten-0.0.20070819.dfsg/rpgga |
37. Phys. Rev. D 62 (2000): Emidio Gabrielli - Model-independent Constraints On Lept The photon (g) and Z-penguin ~a!, ~b! and the box ~c! diagrams for the m!EFF_ process, and the magnetic-penguin ~d!, ~e! diagrams for the m!eg process, http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.62.055009 | |
38. ./atlas/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetCosmicRecExample/root/Monitoring/SCT/sct stream_effnum, stream_effden,stream_histtitle; 045 stream_eff SCT/eff/EFF_ i j; 045 stream_eff SCT/eff/EFF_ i j; 046 stream_effnum http://alxr.usatlas.bnl.gov/lxr/diff/atlas/InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetCosmi |
39. PCFORUM Donating to the EFF_. Subjects Ann Winblad, Cory Doctorow. Event. Place PC Forum 2003. Date March 24, 2003. Time 537 pm. Edit PhotoBack Information http://www.preclick.com/pcforum/show_photo.php?id=909 |
40. OPG And Seth Finkelstein Supreme Court CIPA Amicus Brief 20010306_ EFF_ nrc_ paper1. html .. 2 Seth Finkelstein, The PreSlipped Slope Censorware vs. the Wayback Machine Web http://sethf.com/anticensorware/legal/OPG_Seth_Finkelstein.html | |
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