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         Livingstone David:     more books (47)
  1. David Livingstone and the Victorian Encounter With Africa
  2. Trailblazers: Featuring David Livingstone and Other Christian Heroes (Trailblazer Books) by Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson, 2009-11-01
  3. Livingstone,: The dauntless. 1813-1873 (Makers of history) by James Irvine Macnair, 1935
  4. Henry Stanley and David Livingstone
  5. How I Found Livingstone in Central Africa (Dover Books on Travel, Adventure) by Henry M. Stanley, 2002-02-19
  6. Stanley and Livingstone and the Exploration of Africa in World History by Richard Worth, 2000-05
  7. Livingstone's Legacy: Horace Waller and Victorian Mythmaking by Dorothy O. Helly, 1987-07
  8. Livingstone. by Reginald John Campbell, 1972-02-17
  9. Into Africa: The Epic Adventures of Stanley and Livingstone by Martin Dugard, 2003-05-06
  10. The Travels of Livingstone (Exploration Through the Ages) by Richard Humble, 1991-03
  11. Expedition to the Zambesi: The Zambesi River and its Tributaries (Duckworth Discoverers) by David Livingston, 2001-09-01
  12. How I Found Livingstone: Travels, Adventures and Discoveries in Central Africa by Henry M. Stanley, 2005-11-01
  13. How I Found Livingstone (Adventure Classics) by Henry Morton Stanley, 2006-09-12
  14. Explorers and Discoverers Series: The Norsemen by Social Science Staff of Educational Research Counsil of America, 1974-06

41. People : Livingstone, David
Sites and pages devoted to David Livingstone (18131873), a Scottish missionary and doctor who explored large parts of the African continent.
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David Livingstone

Offers multiple perspective on the missionary-explorer's life.
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A biography.
Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] Giants of the Missionary Trail - David Livingstone
An extensive biography. Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] The Zambesi Expedition A popular account of the expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries, and of the discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa. Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] About Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web Submit a Site Open Directory Project Become an Editor People : Livingstone, David

42. Livingstone, David - Format Imprimable - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Livingstone, David (1813-1873), médecin et missionnaire écossais, l’un des plus célèbres explorateurs de l Afrique centrale et orientale.
var s_account="msnportalencartafr"; Imprimer Livingstone, David Format lecture Dans le menu Fichier, cliquez sur Imprimer. Livingstone, David Pr©sentation Livingstone, David (1813-1873), m©decin et missionnaire ©cossais, l’un des plus c©l¨bres explorateurs de l'Afrique centrale et orientale. ( voir exploration g©ographique). Une jeunesse marqu©e par la pauvret© N©   Blantyre dans un milieu modeste, Livingstone est apprenti dans une filature d¨s l’¢ge de dix ans et suit parall¨lement des cours du soir. Apr¨s avoir termin© ses ©tudes de m©decine et de th©ologie en 1840, il prononce ses vœux : d©sormais membre de la London Missionary Society, il est envoy© comme missionnaire et m©decin dans l'actuelle Afrique du Sud. En 1841, il s’installe   Kuruman, colonie fond©e dans le Bechuanaland (actuel Botswana) par le missionnaire ©cossais Robert Moffat, dont il ©pouse la fille Mary en 1845. M©decin, missionnaire et explorateur Livingstone commence son travail parmi les Africains du Bechuanaland, essayant de remonter vers le nord malgr© l'hostilit© des Afrikaners, colonisateurs blancs d'origine hollandaise. Accompagn© de sa femme, il traverse des r©gions qui n’ont jamais encore ©t© explor©es par les Europ©ens : en 1849 notamment, Livingstone franchit le d©sert du Kalahari et d©couvre le lac Ngami, puis le Zamb¨ze en 1851. Lors d'une nouvelle exp©dition (1852-1856), alors qu'il cherche un passage depuis la c´te est ou ouest vers l'int©rieur du pays, il remonte vers le nord, du Cap jusqu'au Zamb¨ze, puis vers l'ouest jusqu'  Luanda sur la c´te atlantique, puis d©couvre le Kasa¯ en 1854. Il descend ensuite le Zamb¨ze jusqu'  son embouchure sur l'oc©an Indien, d©couvrant au passage, en novembre 1855, les chutes Victoria.

43. - Suchergebnisse: Livingstone David
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Ihre Suche nach livingstone david (Ergebnisse 1 bis 6) Seite: Auf nach Afrika! von Martin Dugard
Stanley, Livingstone und die Suche nach den Quellen des Nils
aus der Reihe Serie Piper
Erschienen bei Piper, 05.2005
Versandfertig ab sofort
EUR Abenteuer und Wissen. David Livingstone. Gerstenberg visuell von Maja Nielsen
Das Geheimnis der Nilquellen. Mit Neil McGrigor auf Spurensuche
aus der Reihe Gerstenberg visuell
Erschienen bei Gerstenberg, 02.2007
Versandfertig ab sofort
EUR Into Africa von Martin Dugard The Dramatic Retelling of the Stanley-Livingstone Story Erschienen bei Bantam Paperbacks, 05.2004 Titel voraussichtlich versandfertig innerhalb 3 Wochen. EUR Wie ich Livingstone fand. Alte Abenteuerliche Reiseberichte

44. | Suchergebnisse: Livingstone David
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Ihre Suche nach livingstone david (Ergebnisse 1 bis 6) Seite: Auf nach Afrika! von Martin Dugard
Stanley, Livingstone und die Suche nach den Quellen des Nils
aus der Reihe Serie Piper
Erschienen bei Piper, 05.2005
Versandfertig innert 1-2 Werktagen
CHF Abenteuer und Wissen. David Livingstone. Gerstenberg visuell von Maja Nielsen
Das Geheimnis der Nilquellen. Mit Neil McGrigor auf Spurensuche
aus der Reihe Gerstenberg visuell
Erschienen bei Gerstenberg, 02.2007
Versandfertig innert 1-2 Werktagen
CHF Into Africa von Martin Dugard The Dramatic Retelling of the Stanley-Livingstone Story Erschienen bei Bantam Paperbacks, 05.2004 CHF Wie ich Livingstone fand. Alte Abenteuerliche Reiseberichte von Henry M Stanley Hrsg. v. Heinrich Pleticha aus der Reihe Alte Abenteuerliche Reiseberichte Erschienen bei Edition Erdmann, 1995 Versandfertig innert 1-2 Werktagen CHF David Livingstone von John Waters Dieser Titel ist leider vergriffen. Es ist keine Neuauflage geplant.

45. Buch Portofrei & Günstig: Ex Libris: Fester Einband - The Last Journals Of Da
Translate this page Buch Portofrei günstig Ex Libris Fester Einband - The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death, Volume I 1866-1868
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up the interior of the continent contributed to 24k - Cached - Similar pages history

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48. David Livingstone - TripAtlas.Com
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David Livingstone
About David Livingstone
'David Livingstone' ( 19 March 4 May ) was a Scottish Presbyterian pioneer medical missionary with the London Missionary Society and explorer in central Africa . He was the first European to see Victoria Falls , which he named in honour of the reigning monarch . He is the subject of the meeting with H. M. Stanley , which gave rise to the popular quotation, ''"Dr Livingstone, I presume?"''
Contents Early life Influences on the young David Livingstone His studies Zambezi expedition ... Other sources
Early life
David Livingstone was born on March 19 in the village of Blantyre Lanarkshire Scotland into a Christian family believed to be descended from the highland Livingstones, a clan that had been previously known as the Clan MacLea
Influences on the young David Livingstone
David Livingstone's father Neil was very religious, a Sunday School teacher and teetotaller who handed out Christian tracts on his travels as a tea merchant, and who read books on

49. 3月19日の今日は何の日?:イã‚
Translate this page http// http//
最新情報を追記型で掲載したマルチメディア、インターネット、IT、デジタル文化関連情報事典です。 ケータイで左のQRコードを読み取って、アクセスしてください。 URLをケータイに送信 スコットランドの知識層に読まれている新聞「SCOTSMAN」が公開している 「FACT OF THE DAY」より

コットランドの探検家で宣教師デヴィッド・リビングストン(Dr. David Livingstone/1813-1873)は1813年3月19日に、南部ラナーク州のブランタイル村で生まれた。リビングストンはビクトリア瀑布 (Victoria Falls)を見た最初の リー(Henry Morton
Scots explorer and missionary David Livingston was born today in in the village of Blantyre, South Lanarkshire. Livingston was the first European to see Victoria Falls

50. À¤³¦¤Î¥á¥Ç¥£¥¢¡¦¥Ë¥å¡¼¥¹ 4·î18Æü¤Îº£Æü¤Ï²¿
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¥¹¥³¥¥È¥é¥ó¥É¤Îμ±ÁؤËÆɤޤì¤Æ¤¤¤ë¿·Ê¹¡ÖSCOTSMAN¡×¤¬¸ø³«¤·¤Æ¤¤¤ë ¡ÖFACT OF THE DAY¡×¤è¤ê

1874ǯ4·î18Æü¤Ë¡¢ÅÁÆ»¤Îµ¸¡²È¥Ç¥ô¥£¥¥É¡¦¥ê¥Ó¥ó¥°¥¹¥È¥ó(David Livingstone/1813-1873)¤¬¥¢¥Õ¥ê¥«¤ÇÌó1ǯÁ°¤Ë»àË´¤·¤¿¤¿¤á¡¢°äÂΤò¥¦¥¨¥¹¥È¥ß¥ó¥¹¥¿¡¼»û±¡(Westminster Abbey)¤ËËäÁò¤·¤¿¡£Èà¤ÎºÇ¤âÂ礭¤¤È¯¸«¤Ï1851ǯ¤Ë¥¶¥ó¥Ù¥¸Àî(Zambezi River)¤Î¾åή¤Ë¤¢¤¤¿¥Ó¥¯¥È¥ê¥¢ßÆÉÛ(Victoria Falls)¤Ç¤·¤¿¡£
On this day in 1874, the body of David Livingstone was buried at Westminster Abbey, the missionary explorer having died nearly a year earlier in Africa. During his life Livingstone travelled to unchartered areas of Africa. His greatest discovery was Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River.

1923 ǯ4·î18Æü¤Ë¡¢¥Ë¥å¡¼¥è¡¼¥¯¡¦¥ä¥ó¥­¡¼¥¹(NEW YORK YANKEES)¤ÎËܵòÏ¥ä¥ó¥­¡¼¡¦¥¹¥¿¥¸¥¢¥à(Yankee Stadium)¤¬´°À®¤·¤¿¡£¥Ù¡¼¥Ö¡¦¥ë¡¼¥¹(''''Babe'''' George Herman Ruth/1895ǯ - 1948)¤¬1920ǯ¤Ë¥ì¥¥É¥½¥¥¯¥¹(Boston Red Sox)¤«¤é¥ä¥ó¥­¡¼¥¹¤Ë°ÜÀÒ¤·¡¢54ËÜÎÝÂǤò¥Þ¡¼¥¯¤¹¤ëÂç³èÌö¤Ç°ìµ¤¤Ë¥¹¥¿¡¼Áª¼ê¤Ë¤Ê¤¤¿¤³¤È¤«¤é¡¢¡Ö¥ë¡¼¥¹¤¬·ú¤Æ¤¿²È(The house that Ruth built)¡×¤È¤Î°Û̾¤¬¤¢¤ë¡£¤Þ¤¿¡¢º¸æ´Ö¤¬°Û¾ï¤Ë¿¼¤«¤¯¤Æ¡Ö¥Ç¥¹¡¦¥Ð¥ì¡¼(»à¤Î«/Death Valley)¡×¤È¸Æ¤Ð¤ì¡¢º¸ÂǼԤËÍ­Íø¤À¤¤¿¤³¤È¤«¤é¡Ö(º¸ÂǼԤÎ)¥ë¡¼¥¹¤Î¤¿¤á¤Ë·ú¤Æ¤é¤ì¤¿²È(The house that for Ruth built)¡×¤È¤â¸Æ¤Ð¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤¿¡£¤¤¤º¤ì¤Ë¤·¤Æ¤â¤¹¤Ù¤Æ¤¬±½¤Ç¤¹¡£

51. Livingstone, O Pioneiro, Basil Mathews, A Traça Livraria Sebo Virtual
Translate this page Assuntos abordados na obra Biografia; David Livinstone Missionário África

52. Livingstone, David; Bibliography By Subject
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The number after the subject (topic or theme) tells how many books on this subject the author has. Please click on the subject to see books. Alternatively, you can see the alphabetically ordered bibliography of Livingstone, David Africa, Central Description and travel Human geography Livingstone, David,1813-1873 ... Contact

53. David Livingstone Specs
»http// Historic Figures David Livingstone accessed on 1 February 2007 Site Search:
David Livingstone
history Blantyre Scotland near Lake Bangweulu Zambia David Livingstone 19 March 4 May ) was a Scottish Presbyterian pioneer medical missionary with the London Missionary Society and explorer in central Africa . He was the first European to see Victoria Falls , which he named in honour of the reigning monarch . He is the subject of the meeting with H. M. Stanley , which gave rise to the popular quotation, "Dr Livingstone, I presume?"
Early life
David Livingstone was born on March 19 in the village of Blantyre Lanarkshire Scotland David Livingstone Centre, Birthplace Of Famous Scot ... , website accessed 22 April 2007. into a Christian family believed to be descended from the highland Livingstones, a clan that had been previously known as the Clan MacLea
Influences on the young David Livingstone
David Livingstone's father Neil was very religious, a Sunday School teacher and teetotaller who handed out Christian tracts on his travels as a tea merchant, and who read books on theology , travel and missionary enterprises. This rubbed off on the young David, who became an avid reader, but he also loved scouring the countryside for animal, plant and

54. Livingstone David - Résultats De La Recherche - MSN Encarta
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© 2007 Bell Inc., Microsoft Corporation et leurs fournisseurs. Tous droits r©serv©s.

55. Buchhandlung Hugendubel - Livingstone David
Translate this page Buchhandlung Hugendubel. BuchBlog. Gedicht des Tages. Unternehmen. Buchhandlungen. Live bei Hugendubel. Hilfe. Kontakt. Abholung Versand
BuchBlog Gedicht des Tages Unternehmen Buchhandlungen ... Kontakt Ihr Suchbegriff: livingstone david Titel 1 bis 4 Treffer: Hardcover Taschenbuch Zeitschrift DVD, Video Audio CD CD-ROM Kalender Nonbooks Suchbegriffe livingstone david Titel A-Z Titel Z-A Autor A-Z Autor Z-A Verlag A-Z Verlag Z-A Erscheinungsdatum aufsteigend Erscheinungsdatum absteigend Preis aufsteigend Preis absteigend Suche als RSS 1-2 Tage 1-5 Tage 1-2 Wochen noch nicht erschienen Maja Nielsen
David Livingstone, 1 Audio-CD


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12,90 EUR
Martin Dugard

Auf nach Afrika!

Lieferbar in 1-2 Werktagen in den Warenkorb 9,95 EUR Maja Nielsen David Livingstone, Verschollen in Afrika, 1 Audio-CD HEADROOM KINDERTONTR„GER Details Lieferbar in 1-2 Werktagen in den Warenkorb 12,90 EUR Maja Nielsen David Livingstone GERSTENBERG (GEBRœDER) Details Lieferbar in 1-2 Werktagen in den Warenkorb 12,90 EUR Titel 1 bis 4 Alle Preise inkl. gesetzlicher MwSt. Deutschlandweit: Versandkosten 3 €, ab 20 € Bestellwert versandkostenfrei. Impressum Datenschutz AGB Kontakt ... Wirtschaft Schnellsuche Zur Profisuche Anmelden Zum Login Neuer Kunde?

56. Livingstone, David - MSN Encarta Winkler Prins Encyclopedie
Translate this page Livingstone, David (Blantyre, bij Glasgow, 19 maart 1813 – Chitambo, Zambia, 1 of 4 mei 1873), Brits zendeling en ontdekkingsreiziger.
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Artikel voor leden Dit artikel is alleen beschikbaar voor leden van MSN Encarta Winkler Prins Encyclopedie. Ben je al lid? Je kunt je hierboven aanmelden. Livingstone, David Introductie Livingstone, David (Blantyre, bij Glasgow, 19 maart 1813 – Chitambo, Zambia, 1 of 4 mei 1873), Brits zendeling en ontdekkingsreiziger. 1. Zending 2. Ontdekkingsreiziger Zie ook: Amundsen, Roald Engelbregt Gravning Baffin, William 54 items Multimedia 3 items Kantlijnartikelen Wil je meer van Encarta Winkler Prins? Word vandaag nog lid en krijg toegang tot:

57. Livingstone, Co Piszczy W Sieci ?
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Termin: livingstone
Inne opowiadania tego autora Trekking Livingstone - Wodospady Wiktorii Morza, Jeziora, Rzeki, Wodospady
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Zobacz powiêkszenie Livingstone -,57 Zobacz powiêkszenie Livingstone -,57 Zobacz powiêkszenie Livingstone -,57 Zobacz powiêkszenie Livingstone -,57 Zobacz powiêkszenie Livingstone -,57 Zobacz powiêkszenie Livingstone -,57 Zobacz powiêkszenie Livingstone -,57 Livingstone David Dodaj do notesu Geografia, Europa, Wielka Brytania, XIX i pocz±tek XX w. Livingstone David (1813-1873), szkocki podró¿nik, lekarz i misjonarz, badacz Afryki. Prowadz±c prace misyjne du¿o podró¿owa³ i dokona³ wielu wa¿nych odkryæ.,,,,livingstone_david,haslo.html

58. David Livingstone —— 维客(wiki)
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David Livingstone
Jump to: navigation search Missionary and explorer Template:Birth date Blantyre Scotland ... Template:Death date and age near Lake Bangweulu Zambia David Livingstone 19 March 4 May ) was a Scottish Presbyterian pioneer medical missionary with the London Missionary Society and explorer in central Africa . He was the first European to see Victoria Falls , which he named in honour of the reigning monarch . He is the subject of the meeting with H. M. Stanley , which gave rise to the popular quotation, "Dr Livingstone, I presume?"

59. LIVINGSTONE 24k -. The Official Website of Livingston FC Comprehensive official site with contact
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