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1. She Stands Accused By MacClure, Victor
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She Stands Accused
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Price: Author: MacClure, Victor Publisher: eBookbase ( All Products by eBookbase Publish Date: ISBN: Category: Language: English Type: Downloadable Formats:
"More deadly than the male." Kipling's line about the female of the species has been quoted, particularly as a text for dissertation on the female criminal, perhaps rather too often. There is always a temptation to use the easy gambit. It is quite probable that there are moments in a woman's life when she does become more deadly than the male. The probability is one which no man of age and experience will lack instance for making a fact. Without seeking to become profound in the matter I will say this: it is but lightly as compared with a man that one need scratch a woman to come on the natural creature. Now, your natural creature, not inhibited by reason, lives by theft, murder, and dissimulation. It lives, even as regards the male, but for one purpose: to continue its species. Enrage a woman, then, or frighten her into the natural creature, and she will discard all those petty rules invented by the human male for his advantage over, and his safety from, the less disciplined members of the species. All that stuff about `honour,' `Queensberry rules,' `playing the game,' and what not will go by the board. And she will fight you with tooth and talon, with lies, with blows below the belt - metaphorically, of course.

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