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         Manners J Hartley:     more books (46)
  1. "A queen's messenger," by J Hartley Manners, 2010-06-23
  2. The wooing of Eve: an entirely artificial and sentimental comedy in three acts by J Hartley Manners, 2010-06-15
  3. The woman intervenes; . . by J. Hartley Manners, 1913-12-31
  4. The house next door; by J Hartley Manners, 2010-06-15
  5. Happiness: And Other Plays, by J. Hartley. Manners, 2009-04-27
  6. Peg o' my heart by J Hartley Manners, 2010-08-31
  7. The Harp of Life: A Play by J Hartley Manners, 2010-04-04
  8. The girl in waiting; a comedy in four acts by J Hartley Manners, 2010-06-25
  9. Peg o' My Heart; A Comedy of Youth by J. Hartley Manners, 2009-10-05
  10. The harp of life: a play by J Hartley Manners, 2010-06-24
  11. THREE PLAYS, All Clear, God of My Faith and God's Outcast by J. Hartley Manners, 1920-01-01
  12. Happiness: and other plays by J Hartley Manners, J Hartley. Just as well Manners, 2010-06-24
  13. The National Anthem: A Drama by J. Hartley Manners, 2009-01-27
  14. Happiness and Other Plays by J. Hartley Manners, 2009-12-26

1. - Manners J Hartley
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