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         Mansfield Katherine:     more books (56)
  1. Katherine Mansfield: The Woman and the Writer by Gillian Boddy, 1988-11-01
  2. Katherine Mansfield: The View from France (European Connections) by Gerri Kimber, 2008-08-30
  3. A Fine Pen: The Chinese View of Katherine Mansfield by Shifen Gong, 2001-05
  4. Katherine Mansfield (Life and Works) by Jane Phillimore, 1990-10
  5. Katherine Mansfield by Ian Alistair Gordon, 1963-06
  6. Letters of John Middleton Murry to Katherine Mansfield
  7. A Bibliography of Katherine Mansfield (Soho Bibliographies) by B. J. Kirkpatrick, 1990-01-18
  8. Double Lives -- Women in the Stories of Katherine Mansfield (Te Whenua Series. Pacific People, Land and Literature, Vol 4) by Heather Murray, 1991-01
  9. Katherine Mansfield by Clare Hanson, Andrew Gurr, 1981-06
  10. Studies in Short Fiction Series: Katherine Mansfield (Twayne's Studies in Short Fiction) by John F. Kobler, 1990-05-01
  11. Katherine Mansfield (Key Women Writers) by Kate Fullbrook, 1986-09
  12. The Katherine Mansfield Notebooks by Katherine Mansfield, Margaret Scott, 2002-12
  13. The Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield: Volume Three: 1919-1920 by Katherine Mansfield, 1993-04-08
  14. Katherine Mansfield (Twayne's English Authors Series) by Saralyn R. Daly, 1994-01

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Translate this page Mansfield, Katherine, eigenlijk Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp (Wellington 14 okt. 1888 – nabij Fontainebleau 9 jan. 1923), Nieuw-Zeelands schrijfster
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Classic Women's Short Stories (Classic Literature with Classical Music)


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