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         Mundy Talbot:     more detail
  1. The eye of Zeitoon. by Talbot Mundy illustrated by Dwight Fr by Mundy. Talbot. 1879-1940., 1920
  2. Purple pirate, by Talbot Mundy by Talbot (1879-1940) Mundy, 1959
  3. Hira Singh: When India Came To Fight In Flanders by Mundy Talbot 1879-1940, Bobbs-Merrill Company. pbl, 2010-09-29
  4. Last Adventurer: The Life of Talbot Mundy by Peter Berresford Ellis, 1984-06

1. Affair In Araby By Mundy, Talbot
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4. Mundy Talbot
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