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         Munro Hector Hugh:     more detail

1. Munro, Hector Hugh (Saki) (1870-1916) - MavicaNET
URL http// shown in filters Personalia. 18701916, English author, b. Myanmar. He began his career writing
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2. Munro Hector Hugh
Translate this page Hector Hugh Munro. Sie suchen Bücher von Hector Hugh Munro? Vorhandene Titel bei ANTIQUARIO The Best of Saki. Introduced by Tom Sharpe.

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Hector Hugh Munro
Sie suchen Bücher von: Hector Hugh Munro? Vorhandene Titel bei ANTIQUARIO
The Best of Saki. Introduced by Tom Sharpe.

Tobermory and some other stories : [engl./dt.] = ...

Hector Hugh Munro
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3. Munro, Hector Hugh - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Munro, Hector Hugh Nome anagrafico dello scrittore britannico Saki.
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Munro, Hector Hugh
Articolo Trova nell'articolo Anteprima di stampa Invia Munro, Hector Hugh Nome anagrafico dello scrittore britannico Saki Trova nell'articolo Anteprima di stampa Invia Come citare l'articolo:
"Munro, Hector Hugh," Microsoft® Encarta® Enciclopedia Online 2007 © 1997-2007 Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati. © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati.
Risultati di Windows Live® Search Munro, Hector Hugh - Hutchinson encyclopedia article about Munro ... Hutchinson encyclopedia article about Munro, Hector Hugh. Munro, Hector Hugh. Information about Munro, Hector Hugh in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. Munro, Hector Hugh - definition of Munro, Hector Hugh by the Free ... Definition of Munro, Hector Hugh in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of Munro, Hector Hugh. What does Munro, Hector Hugh mean? Munro, Hector Hugh synonyms, Munro, Hector Hugh ... ... Encyclopedia article about Munro, Hector Hugh. Information about Munro, Hector Hugh in the Columbia Encyclopedia, Computer Desktop Encyclopedia, computing dictionary. Tutti i risultati in Risultati di Windows Live® Search © 2007 Microsoft

4. Ñàêè (Ãåêòîð Õüþ Ìàíðî) (1870-1916) - MavicaNET
Translate this page URL http// . 1870-1916, English author, b. Myanmar.
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URL: åêòîð Õüþ Ìàíðî âûáðàë ñåáå ïñåâäîíèì "Ñàêè", ïî èìåíè ïåðñîíàæà "Ðóáàéàò" Õàéàìà, ïîòîìó ÷òî åìó òàê ïîíðàâèëîñü. Îí ðîäèëñÿ â Áèðìå è ïðîèñõîäèë èç ñåìüè, ñâÿçàííîé ñ êîëîíèàëüíûìè ïîõîäàìè è ïóòåøåñòâèÿìè; îäèí åãî äåä áûë ïîëêîâíèêîì â Èíäèéñêîé Àðìèè êîðîëåâû, à äðóãîé - êîíòðàäìèðàëîì. Åãî îòåö ñëóæèë ãëàâíûì èíñïåêòîðîì âîåííîé ïîëèöèè â Áèðìå. rus
Hector Hugh Munro Quotes and Quotations
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Munro, Hector Hugh
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