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25. 24.com Blogs http//childscapes.com/bookpages/Potter_Beatrix.html Orangy Ginger cat who starred in Breakfast at Tiffany s with Audrey Hepburn in 1961. http://blogs.24.com/ViewComments.aspx?mid=34b5becb-2845-4d5e-b92c-042af703386d&b |
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28. Biografia De Beatrix Potter Translate this page Beatrix Potter. (Kensington, Londres, 1866-Sawrey, Lancastershire, 1943) Escritora británica. Es autora de una conocida serie de cuentos infantiles, http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/p/potter_beatrix.htm | |
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33. Beatrix Potter Signature - Fadedgiant Online Author Autograph Guide - Books, Lin Beatrix Potter Fadedgiant Online Guide To Author Signatures And Autographs. Authenticate your signed first editions by comparing against our catalog of http://www.fadedgiant.net/html/potter_beatrix.htm | |
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