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41. Futurism: Manifestos And Other Resources The definitive site on the Futurist art movement of the early 20th Century, featuring most of the original manifestos of the members, and an extensive list http://www.unknown.nu/futurism/ | |
42. Lebanon: The Unknown Crisis- By Justin Raimondo Mar 3, 2008 Lebanon The Unknown Crisis What is the USS Cole doing off the Lebanese coast? by Justin Raimondo. The USS Cole isn t engaged in a http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=12452 |
43. ESPN - Oft-injured Oberholser Seeking New Treatments For Unknown Shoulder Injury For months, Arron Oberholser has felt a sharp ache from the shoulder to his elbow after some swings. He s been to three doctors, none of whom can identify http://sports.espn.go.com/golf/news/story?id=3275229 |
44. IQ Infinity: The Unknown James Joyce Features a biography of Joyce, a portal of links, an annotated and shortened edition of Finnegans Wake, and online resources on Dubliners and Ulysses. http://robotwisdom.com/jaj/ | |
45. Poets.org - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More - The Unknown Citizen The Unknown Citizen. by W. H. Auden. (To JS/07 M 378 This Marble Monument Is Erected by the State). He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/15549 | |
46. Home - UnknownPoets.com Unknown Poets TShirt Thanks to all of you that voted for your favourite t-shirt design. The t-shirt with the highest polling has been selected and you can http://poets.unknowncommunity.com/ | |
47. Cafe Unknown Travel, History, and Portland Oregon by Dan Haneckow. http://cafeunkown.blogspot.com/ | |
48. MySpace.com - Unknown Hinson - Rockabilly / Psychobilly / Rock - Www.myspace.com MySpace music profile for Unknown Hinson with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more. http://www.myspace.com/unknownhinson | |
49. Online Poker Rooms - Unknown Poker Player reviews of the top online poker rooms. Includes bonus information, codes, tournament info and more. http://www.unknownpoker.com/ | |
50. Unknown City Powered by ExpressionEngine. SXSW finalist. Unknown City. Secondhand Fun. When my pockets are empty and my lungs are feeling brave, I love going to B12 http://www.unknowncity.com/ | |
51. Unknown Component: Official Site Features singer and songwriter, Keith Lynch. Includes lyrics and sound clips. http://www.unknowncomponent.com/ |
52. The Unknown Candidate Get the The Unknown Candidate widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! .. all attributed work is provided via The Unknown Candidate http://theunknowncandidate.blogspot.com/ | |
53. Innovative Archaeological Survey Reveals Unknown Aspects Of China's Past For the past 13 years, archaeologists from The Field Museum and Shandong University have used a relatively Unknown archaeological method called regional http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-03/fm-ias030308.php | |
54. TELEPORTING AN UNKNOWN STATE Teleporting an Unknown State is a biotelematic interactive installation. In other words it is a computerbased telecommunications piece in which a http://www.ekac.org/teleporting.html | |
55. Parts Unknown - The Comic Book Store : Welcome! Parts Unknown is a comic book store based in Greensboro NC that sells vintage back issues as well as new comics. http://www.partsunknown.net/ | |
56. Excursions Into The Unknown, Inc. Dale Kaczmarek and Excursions Into The Unknown, Inc. is celebrating it s 26th year as Chicago s best and most informative ghost tours. http://www.ghostresearch.org/tours/ | |
57. Unknown Old Photos....unidentified Faces And Places In The Past Unknown Old Photos. Faces without Names, Mystery Photos, Unidentified People, Could be some of your ancestors . Unknown Women http://www.familyoldphotos.com/3c/1-unknown.htm | |
58. Unknown Armies Collaborative resource page with new NPCs, avatars, rituals, artifacts, rumors and scenarios. Official site maintained by John Tynes. http://www.unknown-armies.com/ | |
59. From Parts Unknown All content ©Keith J. Rainville, 2008, except the work of others that appears for the purpose of editorial review. http://www.frompartsunknown.com/ |
60. Military Fears 'unknown Quantity' - - The Washington Times, America's Newspap The Washington Times Nation/Politics Members of Washington s military and defense establishment are expressing trepidation about Sen. http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080226/NATION/476716 |
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