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1. Index Of /humftp/E-text/Verne_Jules . Parent Directory - 80_days.jv 27-Aug-2005 1521 364K c_earth.jv 27-Aug-2005 1521......Index of /humftp/Etext/Verne_Jules. Name Last modified Size | |
2. Index Of /humftp/Faculty/kwan_tw/E-text/Verne_Jules . Parent Directory - 80_days.jv 27-Aug-2005 1521 364K c_earth.jv......Index of /humftp/Faculty/kwan_tw/Etext/Verne_Jules. Name Last modified Size http://humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/humftp/Faculty/kwan_tw/E-text/Verne_Jules/ | |
3. Zbysaâs Music Profile â Users At Last.fm 5h and 35m ago. Add this track to your playlist Verne_Jules Za_tajemstvim_morskych_hlubin, 6h and 54m ago. Add this track to your playlist Verne_Jules http://www.last.fm/user/zbysa/ | |
4. Jules Verne (1828-1905) French Writer. (18281905) French writer. Jules Verne is often considered the father of science fiction for such books as Twenty-thousand Leagues Under the Sea, http://classiclit.about.com/od/vernejules/Verne_Jules.htm | |
5. Jules Verne, Science Fiction Writer Translate this page Jules Verne. 1828 - 1905. Novels. Verne, Jules, Cinq Semaines en ballon, 1863. Voyage au centre de la terre, 1864. De la Terre à la Lune, 1865. http://www.hycyber.com/SF/verne_jules.html | |
6. Ebooks Libres Et Gratuits Translate this page Ebooks libres et gratuits Livres électroniques Free eBooks. http://www.ebooksgratuits.com/ebooks.php?auteur=Verne_Jules |
7. Works : Verne, Jules : 19th Century - Mega Net http//www.mastertexts.com/Verne_Jules/The_Survivors_of_the_Chancellor/Index.htm. Verne, Jules The Underground City http://www.mega-net.net/library/humanities/literature/by_country/europe/france/1 | |
8. Jules Verne Free Web Books, Online Project Gutenberg Consortia Center, Classic Literature Online, a member of the World eBook Library Consortia, World s Largest eBook Collection. http://worldlibrary.net/eBooks/Adelaide/aut/verne_jules.html |
9. Verne, Jules - MSN Encarta Translate this page Verne, Jules (1828-1905), écrivain français, auteur de quelque quatre-vingts romans, qui fut, au XIXe siècle, un précurseur de la science-fiction. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761576584/verne_jules.html | |
10. Jules Verne: In Search Of The Castaways; Or The Children Of Captain Grant Virtual Library English Verne, Jules In Search of the Castaways; or The Children of Captain Grant. http://www.farid-hajji.net/books/en/Verne_Jules/cg-index.html | |
11. Directory Listing Contents of /litteratur/free_txt/pdf/Verne_Jules/. Name Size Kind Last Modified. 20000LEAGUES.pdf 251K document fre 12. apr 2002, 1649 http://www.pluto.no/litteratur/free_txt/pdf/Verne_Jules/ | |
12. 20000 Leagues Under The Seas By Jules Verne CHAPTER 1 A Runaway 20000 Leagues Under the Seas by Jules Verne CHAPTER 1 A Runaway Reef THE YEAR 1866 was marked by a bizarre development, an unexplained and downright http://www.digital-bookstore.com/texts/verne_jules-20000_leagues_under_the_seas- |
13. MySpace.com - The Great Gig In The Sky - 24 - Male - MX - Www.myspace.com/verne_ http//www.myspace.com/Verne_Jules. The Great Gig in the Sky s Interests. General, Música, lectura, el inmenso espacio del pensamiento, las ciencias, etc. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=123893 |
14. Zephyrin_xirdal http//www.sffworld.com/authors/v/Verne_Jules/sffreviews/meteor.html The Chase of the Golden Meteor by Jules Verne Bison Books 0-8032-9619-3 - 292pp/1998 http://xirdal.lmu.de/zephyrin_xirdal.html | |
15. Biography Center : Biographies Of Jules Verne In Biographies of Verne Jules and, for more detail Biography of , , www.biobble.com/fr/h12/Jules_Verne_biographie.html. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/10246-Verne_Jules.html | |
16. Around The World In 80 Days By Jules Verne - MasterTexts(TM) The complete text of Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne is available at MasterTexts(TM); a site that presents the full texts of literary http://www.mastertexts.com/Verne_Jules/Around_the_World_in_80_Days/index.html | |
17. Verne, Jules eBooks of Jules Verne from the DSG public library. http://www.dentonsoftware.com/DigitalLibrary/Verne_Jules/Catalog.htm | |
18. From The Earth To The Moon ( Read Online ) Jules Verne From the Earth to the Moon By Jules Verne. Chapter I The Gun Club. During the War of the Rebellion, a new and influential club was established in the city http://book.joyurl.com/en/5/verne_jules/n1is_0.html | |
19. BookFizz: JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH By Jules Verne Robert Baldick Home Children s,_young_adult_ _educational Children s_ _young_adult_fiction_ _true_stories Classic_fiction V Verne,_Jules JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE http://books.bookfizz.com/books/YFA/Verne_Jules/JOURNEY_TO_THE_CENTRE_OF_THE_EAR | |
20. Verne, Jules: Adventure: DVDs, Cinema, Movies - Films.ie Verne, Jules Adventure - Selection of DVDs and films to suit all tastes. http://www.films.ie/action-279192-Verne_Jules.html | |
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