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41. FOX Sports On MSN - BCSFootball - BCS Football Official Website for college football s Bowl Championship series. http://www.bcsfootball.org/ | |
42. Journal Of Physics: Conference Series Offering a fast, efficient and costeffective publishing service, Journal of Physics Conference series will quickly take your proceedings to the global http://jpcs.iop.org/ | |
43. BPL Teens » Author And Series List Click on the letters below to browse alphabetical lists of authors or series names. Or use the search boxes at right to find authors, series names or http://www.bettendorflibrary.com/bpl-bin/series.pl | |
44. Helping Your Child Series The Helping Your Child series are publications for parents to help their children develop new skills and knowledge. Topics include homework, reading, http://www.ed.gov/parents/academic/help/hyc.html | |
45. GPS Time Series Measurements made with the Global Positioning System are sensitive enough to detect motion of the Earth s tectonic plates. http://sideshow.jpl.nasa.gov/mbh/series.html | |
46. The Millennium-Series 2008: European Paintball Series The Millenniumseries European Paintball League. Paintball videos of the Millennium-series tournaments. © The MILLENNIUM-series Ltd. 2008. http://www.millennium-series.com/ | |
47. Fourier Series Applet This java applet demonstrates Fourier series, which is a method of expressing an arbitrary periodic function as a sum of cosine terms. http://www.falstad.com/fourier/ |
48. Celebrity Series Of Boston 2007-2008 Performance Season The Celebrity series of Boston is a nonprofit performing arts presenter in Boston, Mass. http://www.celebrityseries.org/ | |
49. Browse Princeton Catalog By Series BROWSE BY series. Jump to Bollingen series Advances in Financial Engineering Annals of Mathematics Studies The Bard Music Festival Blake http://press.princeton.edu/series.html | |
50. ASP Conference Series Volumes Since 1988 the nonprofit Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) has published the renowned Conference series as part of its century-old mission to http://www.astrosociety.org/pubs/cs/confseries.html | |
51. Windows Media Player 9 Series Find product information and support options for Windows Media Player 9 series. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/9series/player.aspx | |
52. X-Series Xseries Blog Get macromedia Flash Player Get macromedia Flash Player Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy © 2006 Hutchison Whampoa Limited. http://xseries.three.com/ | |
53. IndyCar.com IndyCar series team owner/driver Sarah Fisher will participate in a celebrity runway INDY RACING LEAGUE, INDYCAR® INDY PRO series are trademarks of http://www.indycar.com/ | |
54. Astronomy And Astrophysics Supplement Series From 1st January 2001, Astronomy Astrophysics Supplement series has merged with the main title Astronomy Astrophysics. ISSN (print edition) 03650138 http://aas.aanda.org/ | |
55. World Series Tickets, 2007 World Series Tickets On Sale Now! World series Tickets are now available at TickCo Premium Seating. Great seats available for all games. Browse the largest online inventory of World series http://www.tickco.com/sports_mlb_world_series_tickets.htm | |
56. Select Language - SteelSeries www.steelseries.com/ 4k - Cached - Similar pages Time series Data LibraryA collection of over 500 time series, maintained by Rob Hyndman. Time series are organized by subject. http://www.steelseries.com/ |
57. MPC Data Projects IPUMSInternational is an integrated series of census microdata samples from 1960 At this time, the series includes eighty samples drawn from twenty-six http://www.ipums.umn.edu/ | |
58. Lemony Snicket ::: Klaus Baudelaire (Official site) Features biographical information, list of author s books, excerpts, character sketches. http://www.lemonysnicket.com/ | |
59. Olympus US Open Series - Home The Olympus US Open series Report includes Roger Federer s 50th career title in Cincinnati and an impressive showing in Toronto by Justine Henin. http://www.usopenseries.com/ | |
60. Nokia Nseries Nokia Nseries. Nokia Nseries Nokia Nseries Experiences Games, Internet, Maps, Music, Photography, TV and Video Nokia Nseries Products Nokia Nseries http://www.nseries.com/ | |
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