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41. Gitarra.info - BARRETT SYD- Najlepsze Chwyty Gitarowe BARRETT SYD tabs. On our website you can find a lot of BARRETT SYD tabs. What are you waiting for ? Go and check BARRETT SYD tabs now ! http://www.gitarra.info/artist,9,BARRETT_SYD,1.html | |
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46. Syd Barrett | View The Music Artist Official Site, Record Label And Fan Sites Av View Syd Barrett s official website on VH1.com. Find Syd Barrett s record label website as well as fan sites online. http://www.divas2000live.com/artists/az/barrett_syd/websites.jhtml | |
47. Syd Barrett - AskTheBrain.com Detailed profile of Syd Barrett from AskTheBrain.com The world s first computer generated encyclopedia. http://www.askthebrain.com/barrett_syd-.html | |
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50. Barrett Syd Dark Globe Guitar Tabs @ RockNTabs Fleming Subject b/barrett_syd/dark_globe.crd Dark Globe by Syd Barrett transcribed by Dave Fleming (dave@eng.umd.edu) As always, corrections are http://www.rockntabs.com/b/barrett-syd/dark-globe-guitar-tab.php | |
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52. Guitar Resources: Tablature: Barrett, Syd: Two Of A Kind From Allfallup@aol.com Date Fri, 25 Jan 2002 173540 EST Subject b/barrett_syd/two_of_a_kind.crd TWOOFAKIND words and music by Syd Barrett From the http://www.guitarists.net/tab/print.php?id=2090 |
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