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Dotcomguy: more detail |
41. The Trademark Blog: Something To Do With DotComGuy A press release having something to do with dotcomguy auctioning his name or something. Probably not worth your time if you re busy. http://www.schwimmerlegal.com/2004/07/something_to_do.html | |
42. ITinfo: DotComGuy Has Only A Virtual Life dotcomguy, an eccentric stuntman from Texas has become a volunteer shutin with only an Internet connection linking him to the outside world. http://www.dgl.com/itinfo/2000/it000101.html | |
43. DotComGuy dotcomguy, a 26year-old former systems manager, will embark on a Y2K adventure by literally stepping into the Internet and living for one year a project http://static.userland.com/userLandDiscussArchive/msg013543.html | |
44. Stockpickr! Dotcomguy - User Page Enter a portfolio, get recommendations automatically from hedge funds, mutual funds, super investors. http://www.stockpickr.com/user/dotcomguy/ | |
45. The Null Device: Items For Tags Dotcomguy Well, it does if you re the poor shmuck known as dotcomguy. A year ago, he volunteered in a brave, noble experiment in the realms of human um, OK, http://dev.null.org/blog/tags/dotcomguy | |
46. DotComGuy Auctions Internationally Known Trademark. - Journal, Magazine, Article The registered trademark, dotcomguy(R) and the domain name registration http//www.dotcomguy.com, will be offered for sale through an auction at http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/summary_0199-141747_ITM | |
47. Webmaster Forums - View Profile: Dotcomguy Go Back, Webmaster Forums View Profile. Reload this Page dotcomguy dotcomguy is not a member of any public groups http://www.ahfb2000.com/webmaster_help_desk/member.php?u=6437 |
48. No More DotComGuy | Geek.com dotcomguy (aka Mitch Maddox) has emerged from his Dallas town house after a year of only being able to venture out into his own backyard. http://www.geek.com/no-more-dotcomguy/ | |
49. StartSampling Forums - View Profile: Dotcomguy A place to find quality samples, great deals, or new products that you can t live without. Talk about it in the StartSampling forums! http://forums.startsampling.com/member.php?u=768 |
50. PhpFoX User-User Support - View Profile: Dotcomguy The ultimate solution for your online community websites. phpFoX is easy to use, easy to customize and packed full of advanced software features found on http://forums.phpfox.com/member.php?u=6217 |
51. K-Rate Standard Edition Demo - Dotcomguy dotcomguy. Offline, Views 327, Votes 0, Rating Member Comments For dotcomguy. Information available to members only http://standard.kratedemo.com/view/dotcomguy.html | |
52. DotComGuy - Deal Of Days' DealTalk Help & Guides dotcomguy General ChitChat. dotcomguy (Only registered and activated users can see links) *stumblori* http://forums.dealofday.com/DotComGuy-t-9215.html | |
53. K-Rate Lite Edition Demo - Dotcomguy dotcomguy. Offline, Views 198, Votes 0, Rating. Rate dotcomguy. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. User Profile. Joined From Sat, Nov 06, 2004. Gender Man http://lite.kratedemo.com/view/dotcomguy.html | |
54. Dotcomguy's My Christianforums.com Homepage Blessings 1000 Posts 109 Referrals 0 Find all posts by dotcomguy Send a message via MSN to dotcomguy dotcomguy@denny.daugherty.name http://christianforums.com/u24953 | |
55. Man Formally Known As "DotComGuy" Changes His Name To "Mitch" - Democratic Under Meanwhile, an auction for the dotcomguy name and the domain name dotcomguy.com was to end in April, but it s been extended and it s now on eBay. http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=105 |
56. IPhone Underground Forums - View Profile: Dotcomguy The iPhone Underground is a discussion group focused on the Apple iPhone. Find Apple iPhone news, info, hacks, secretes and more. http://iphoneunderground.com/member.php?u=722 |
57. Techdirt: DotComGuy Ditching The DotCom Name In 1999, we wrote about the dotcomguy a guy who legally changed his name to dotcomguy and rounded up a bunch of sponsors who would pay him to live all of http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20040316/1211213.shtml | |
58. DotComGuy Goes Bust And Changes Name - Oddities - RedOrbit DALLAS Call it the dotcomguy bust. The man who legally changed his name to dotcomguy changed it back Tuesday - to Mitch Maddox. In 2000, Maddox spent one http://www.redorbit.com/news/oddities/71808/dotcomguy_goes_bust_and_changes_name | |
59. DotCom Guy To Live Online For A Year - ZDNet.co.uk Man to change name to dotcomguy, spend the next 12 months getting food, entertainment, social interaction through Net. http://news.zdnet.co.uk/internet/0,1000000097,2076128,00.htm | |
60. Dotcomguy - User Profile - Steves-digicams.com Forums Not logged in Login Register. Steves-digicams.com Forums dotcomguy Username dotcomguy. Joined Sun Dec 21st, 2003. Posts 10. E-mail Private http://www.stevesforums.com/forums/view_user.php?id=12427 |
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