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         Main Back:     more books (98)
  1. Careers in finance: the action is back on main street.: An article from: The Black Collegian by Tony Chapelle, 1993-09-01
  2. LOBBYISTS APPEAR TO CUT BACK SPENDING.(Main): An article from: The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, NM) by Unavailable, 2010-01-30
  3. Looking Back at Main Street Eastern Oregon
  4. Retailers moving back to Main Street as downtown housing options expand.(Focus: Real Estate Quarterly): An article from: Mississippi Business Journal by Becky Gillette, 2007-11-12
  5. A LAID-BACK MARKET.(Main): An article from: The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, NM) by Unavailable, 2009-06-15
  6. ARBITRATOR: STATE UNION WORKERS SHOULD GET BACK PAY.(Main): An article from: The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, NM) by Unavailable, 2009-07-11
  7. Main Street and the back sides of Main Street by Charles R Goodwin, 1988
  8. Main Front: Soviet Leaders Look Back on World War II by Marshall of the Soviet Union Sokolov, 1987-08
  9. Mission England--What Really Happened?: A Report on the Main Meetings of 1984 by Philip Back, 1986-01
  10. PANEL BACKS EASING OF TERM LIMITS.(Main): An article from: The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, NM) by Unavailable, 2010-07-14
  11. VOTERS BACK SFCC EXPANSION PLANS.(Main): An article from: The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, NM) by Unavailable, 2010-08-04
  12. STATE KICKS OFF BACK-TO-SCHOOL CAMPAIGN.(Main): An article from: The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, NM) by Unavailable, 2010-07-31
  13. MAN ONCE CLEARED OF MURDER BACK IN PRISON.(Main): An article from: The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, NM) by Unavailable, 2009-06-05
  14. PERFORMANCE PUTS SHEPARD TRAGEDY, HATE CRIME DEBATE BACK IN SPOTLIGHT.(Main): An article from: The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, NM) by Unavailable, 2009-10-13

21. CSS Problem - Tech Support Forum
in the URL instructs the browser to open the parent folder above my css files (the main folder), go to the images folder, then load main_back.gif If you are
Welcome to Tech Support Forum home to more then 136,000 problems solved. Issues have included: Spyware, Malware, Virus Issues, Windows, Microsoft, Linux, Networking, Security, Hardware, and Gaming Getting your problem solved is as easy as:
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10-16-2006, 03:12 AM permalink Dale Ward Registered User Join Date: Jul 2006 Posts: 27 OS : XP CSS Problem Hi, Gang! Can somebody examine this CSS code and tell me why my background image is not displaying? Code: Thanks a lot, folks! 10-16-2006, 08:44 AM

22. PPT ( 1) -
Translate this page imghttp// gif/img .com/preview/ppt/437TGp_bizpeople_light_ani/main_back.gif/img

23. ViewMalware
Create/Open File C\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\main_back.gif (OPEN_ALWAYS) . http// (

24. ­}­}¥J©P°O
Translate this page - 2k - Cached - Similar pages FOR THE FUTURE OF IRAQPlease note that this homepage may not appear properly on your screen depending on your browser or work environment.

25. Delta Kappa Epsilon 1k - Cached - Similar pages FLASH http// Format Shockwave Flash

26. Back Issues
Viewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying frames.

27. 126 N.Main



1k Cached - Similar pages FLASH Format Shockwave Flash

29. ¸®´ª½ºÆ÷ÅÐ
Translate this page Thu Dec 02 112642 2004 error client File does not exist C/Inetpub/eco/search_user/images/main_back.gif,

30. 2002.03.12 1845 B C\Os Meus Documentos\Agostinho\AgostinhoLucas
Translate this page Economia/Web /home/www-data/www.decon/docente/rosa main_back.gif 2002.03.12 1845 /public_html/rosa main_back.gif 2003.07.03 1702

31. Screen_center_frameset 1k - Cached - Similar pages Untitled - 1k - Cached - Similar pages FLASH Format Shockwave Flash

32. MySpace Electropunk Div Overlay 1.0 At Hyalineskies
Using the rectangular marquee tool, start at x 0 y 0 , crop to a dimension of 800x840 , and then use the Save for Web option to overwrite main_back.gif .
MySpace Electropunk Div Overlay 1.0
Warning It is offered with no technical support. Requests for help will be immediately deleted. Mike Davidson After spending hours writing really MySpace, and that was exactly what I wanted it to be. have a little fun I was angry. I was confused. How could people be so stupid? How could people take the work of someone else and write it off as their own? In some of the cases, I found myself wondering why I had ever developed a div overlay guide for MySpacers at all. I secretly wanted the social network to die.
Forgetting the wrongs
Creative Commons By-Nc-Sa 2.5 Licence
Not for the faint of heart
Once again, let me warn everyone that is downloading this: customising this layout will require skills in Photoshop as well as general knowledge of HTML . This div overlay, much like my last one, is not a copy-and-paste job; instead, it will work the best and be the coolest if you spend some time customizing it and slicing images properly. If you are new to MySpace DIV overlays, read the guide before you continue: it will save you literally hours of time and frustration.

33. This File Describes Button Layout And Images For The Opera Web
26 Border = 1 Back = main_back.png Forward = main_forward.png Reload = main_reload.png Stop = main_stop.png Home = main_home.png Active Bookmark Folder

34. » An Ultimate Solution For IE6 Position: Fixed Problem (Blog Archive) Alex Mauz
body, html {margin 0; padding 0; background fff url(/images/main_back.gif) repeatx 0 0;} overlay_div {opacity 0.75; height 100%; width 100%;

35. Include Virtual=/inc/ % Dim Cn, Rs, Ps, Ns, SQL No
Translate this page images/main/main_back.gif tr td align= center table width= 800 border= 0 cellspacing= 0 cellpadding= 0 tr td height= 1 /td /tr ! & rs(note_no) &

36. Computer Only Freezes Unless I'm In Safe Mode [RESOLVED] - Geeks To Go!
C\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\main_back.gif C\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\perfect_cleaner_box.jpg C\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\product_1_header.gif
@import url(; @import url( "" ); Home Forums Search Downloads ... FAQ geek noun
Obsessive Computer User: somebody who enjoys or takes pride in using computers or other technology, often to what others consider an excessive degree
Someone with greater than normal computer skills. Live Chat! Help Search Members ... Contact Welcome Guest Log In Register to Geeks to Go Computer Help Forum! Here you'll find free, friendly help and support for all your computing questions. Once registered - you'll have the ability to post your question in the appropriate category below. Additionally, if you can assist another member by sharing your computing knowledge, please feel free to post a reply! Best of all - Registration and all assistance, is FREE! Once you've completed registration, simply click the appropriate category below, click on the "new topic" button, and post your question! What are you waiting for?

37. Mud Magic: Java Mud Telnet Client - Parameter Applet Settings
main_back, Value any accepted color string (from the set Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, Light Gray, Dark Red, Dark Green, Dark Yellow,

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  • Screenshots Installing Form Values Java Telnet Client Most of the form values for the applet are self explanitory. Once you unpackage the client, review the config.php file and set your values accordingly. This page is placed here for reference purposes only. You can set all of these values within the config.php file, without the need to modify the APPLET form code. Detailed comments are listed in the config.php file.
    Applet Form Name Description Value : any string value. This value will be put under "Visit !" under the About menu. Default value : "Download client"

    38. New Document 1k - Cached - Similar pages Troj/SpyDldr-J Trojan (, TFactory, Win32/Hoax main_back.gif rf.gif rf_header.gif scan_btn.gif security-center-bg.gif security-center-logo.gif security_center_caption.gif sep_hor.gif sep_vert.gif

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    null){document.MM_srj++=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=ai+2;} } // /script link href= web/main_back.css rel= stylesheet type= text/css
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