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21. CSS Problem - Tech Support Forum in the URL instructs the browser to open the parent folder above my css files (the main folder), go to the images folder, then load main_back.gif If you are http://www.techsupportforum.com/design-forum/web-design-programming/121423-css-p | |
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34. » An Ultimate Solution For IE6 Position: Fixed Problem (Blog Archive) Alex Mauz body, html {margin 0; padding 0; background fff url(/images/main_back.gif) repeatx 0 0;} overlay_div {opacity 0.75; height 100%; width 100%; http://mauzon.com/?p=89 |
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36. Computer Only Freezes Unless I'm In Safe Mode [RESOLVED] - Geeks To Go! C\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\main_back.gif C\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\perfect_cleaner_box.jpg C\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\product_1_header.gif http://www.geekstogo.com/forum/Computer-only-freezes-unless-Im-Safe-mode-t176091 | |
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40. Index Of /image _gif mail.gif main_back._jpg main_back.jpg main_reg/ main_reg_top.jpg map.jpg map/ map_small.jpg map_title.gif menu_back.gif message/ http://www.athea.ru/image/ |
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