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         Montiel Sara:     more books (19)
  1. Sara Montiel (Spanish Edition) by Jose Aguilar Lopez, 2007-10-30
  2. Sara y El Sexo (Spanish Edition) by Sara Montiel, 2003-01
  3. Memorial-Vivir es un placer by Sara Montiel, Pedro Manuel Villora, 2000
  4. Memorias. Vivir Es UN Placer (Spanish Edition) by Sara Montiel, 2002-09-17
  5. Chanteuse Hispanophone: Mireille Mathieu, Dalida, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, Belinda Peregrín Schüll, Concha Buika, Sara Montiel, Selena (French Edition)
  6. Chanteuse Espagnole: Victoria Abril, Concha Buika, Sara Montiel, Beatriz Luengo, Montserrat Caballé, Mónica Naranjo, Mari Trini, Soraya Arnelas (French Edition)
  7. Castellano-manchegos dorados: la actriz Sara Montiel; el jefe del Estado Mayor de la Defensa, Fêlix Sanz Roldân, y el ex presidente del Congreso Manuel ... Mancha 2008.: An article from: Epoca by Antolina Bueno, 2008-06-06
  8. Actrice Espagnole: Erika Sanz, Victoria Abril, Penélope Cruz, Sara Montiel, Marisa Paredes, Beatriz Luengo, Assumpta Serna, Inés Sastre (French Edition)
  9. Personnalité Castillane: Pedro Almodóvar, Diego de Castille, Rodrigue de Castille, Nuño Rasura, Sara Montiel, Paterna de Castille (French Edition)
  10. Sara, Quincoces y Garci. (homenaje a artista Sara Montiel, muerte de ex futbolista Quincoces y libro de cineasta José Luis Garci; España)(TT: Sara, Quincoces ... Luis Garci; Spain): An article from: Epoca by Emilio Romero, 1997-05-26
  11. Puro arte: el humo de los habanos recorre desde el siglo XIX las pâginas de la literatura, el cine y la polîtica. Moratinos, Sara Montiel o Francis Ford ... ese delicioso vicio.: An article from: Epoca by Ignacio Peyrô, 2010-01-24
  12. Memorias Vivr Es Un Placer by Sara Montiel, Pedro Manuel Villora, 2001
  13. Sarita Montiel y su vida sexual.: An article from: Proceso by Sanjuana Martínez, 2003-10-12
  14. Sara, Una Estrella [Non-USA DVD format: PAL, Region 2 -Import- Spain]

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Translate this page Biografia de Sara Montiel - Sara Montiel. (María Antonia Abad Fernández, Campo de Criptana, 1928) Actriz de cine y cantante española.

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Wikipedia-Article "Sara Montiel"
Sara Montiel (born March 10 ) is a Spanish actress Sara Montiel is still a much-loved and international known name of the Spanish speaking movie industry. After her unprecedented international hit " El Ultimo Cuple " in ; Miss Montiel achieved the status of mega star in Europe and Latin America. She was the first woman to distill "sex" openly in Spanish cinema at a time when even a low cut dress was not acceptable with the status quo. With the passage of time the title of "legend" has been bestowed on her and in legend she seems to thrive. She was recently portrayed in the Pedro Almod³var film Bad Education by Gael Garc­a Bernal as the character Zahara who was based on the famed Spanish Actor.

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