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Cvs: more detail |
21. CVS Repository - Directory - Debian-boot cvs.debian.org/ cvs command http://cvs.debian.org/ | |
22. CodeProject: HOWTO: CVS With VS.NET. Free Source Code And Programming Help An introductory HOWTO on setting up cvs with VS.NET; Author leppie ; Section Macros and Addins; Chapter General Programming. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/macros/cvs_with_vsnet.aspx | |
23. CVS Task Important This task needs cvs on the path. If it isn t, you will get an error (such as error 2 on windows). If cvs doesn t work, try to execute http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/cvs.html | |
24. Cvshome.org Archive - Ximbiot - Your Source For CVS & Subversion Support www.cvshome.com/ cvs/manual/; http://www.cvshome.com/ | |
25. SourceForge.net: Exiting With Error Error. This Project Has Turned Off cvs. About SourceForge.net Privacy Statement Terms of Use Advertise Get Support Our Supporters Subscribe http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=5470 |
26. GCC: Anonymous Read-only CVS Access - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FS Anonymous readonly access to the GCC project cvs source repository. http://gcc.gnu.org/cvs.html | |
27. Cvs cvs.gnome.org/bonsai/rview.cgi?cvsroot=/cvs/gnome Similar pages cvs - cvs - Fortune 500 2006 - CNNMoneycvs Rank 53 (Previous rank 55) Get quote cvs. CEO Thomas M. Ryan Address 1 cvs Dr., Woonsocket, RI 02895 Phone 401-765-1500 Website http//www.cvs. http://cvs.gnome.org/bonsai/rview.cgi?cvsroot=/cvs/gnome |
28. Moldova Hotels, Chisinau Hotels - Moldova Hotel Online Reservation, Chisinau Hot Moldova Hotels, Chisinau hotels On line, Resorts, B B and Chisinau apartment rentals. Housing, Chisinau Transfers, Car Rentals, Moldova Sightseeing Tourist http://www.cvs.md/ | |
29. Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) : American Pregnancy Association Chorionic villus sampling is a diagnostic test for identifying chromosome abnormalities and other inherited disorders. http://www.americanpregnancy.org/prenataltesting/cvs.html | |
30. Version Control With CVS On Mac OS X The Concurrent Versions System (cvs) is a powerful opensource tool for source code maintenance. It is provided on the the Xcode Tools CD that accompanies http://developer.apple.com/internet/opensource/cvsoverview.html | |
31. WebFunds Guide - CVS Cheat Sheet cvs get lib contracts java, D\webfunds ..\cvs get lib contracts java cvs commit TODO. difference between repository and your copy, $ cvs diff TODO http://www.webfunds.org/guide/cvs.html | |
32. Wine HQ - The Wine CVS Tree Note We are switching development from cvs to Git. Instructions for using the Wine GIT tree can be found on the GitWine page on the Wine Wiki. http://www.winehq.org/site/cvs | |
33. The UClinux CVS Repository The uClinux cvs Repository. This site, cvs.uclinux.org, is the development archive for the development, enhancement, and maintainence of uClinux. http://cvs.uclinux.org/ | |
34. Tools Concurrent Versions System, cvs, is a powerful method of allowing many developers If you will be using the main cvs repository requires a gnome.org cvs http://developer.gnome.org/tools/cvs.html | |
35. NetBSD CVS Repositories This is a WWW interface for NetBSD cvs Repositories. You can browse the file hierarchy by picking directories (which have slashes after them, e.g., src/). http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/ | |
36. Zope CVS Repository (Backported from Z (dir) ZODB/, 3 years, jim, ATTENTION_THIS_AREA_IS_NOW_CLOSED. txt/1.1 Added a marker file to ward people away from the cvs head. http://cvs.zope.org/ | |
37. CVS Caremark - Investor Relations - Overview cvs Caremark is the 1 provider of prescriptions in the nation. The Company fills or manages more than 1 billion prescriptions annually. http://investor.cvs.com/ | |
38. Example CVs A range of example cvs, covering letters and application forms for students and graduates, complete with interactive help. http://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/cv/cvexamples.htm | |
39. O'Reilly Media | Essential CVS Essential cvs is a complete and easyto-follow reference that helps programmers and system administrators apply order to the task of managing large http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/cvs/ | |
40. CVS The goal of the cvs component is to provide the best cvs integration in the best IDE. Because the cvs plugin includes a pure java client, the support works http://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/platform-cvs/ | |
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