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61. Tufts Philosophy Department of philosophy Medford, Massachusetts - BA, MA. http://ase.tufts.edu/philosophy/ | |
62. The Galilean Library The philosophy Manuscripts cover many aspects of the subject, aimed at helping the beginner navigate his or her way around the terminology, concepts and http://www.galilean-library.org/philosophy.html | |
63. Department Of Philosophy - Department Of Philosophy - University Of Alberta Department of philosophy Edmonton, Alberta - BA, MA, PhD. http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/philosophy/ | |
64. Powell's Books - Philosophy Logic is often perceived as having little to do with the rest of philosophy, and even less to do with real life. In this lively and accessible introduction, http://www.powells.com/psection/Philosophy.html | |
65. Philosophy - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of philosophy from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/philosophy | |
66. University Of York Philosophy Department Department of philosophy York, England - BA (single and joint degrees), MA, MA (Aesthetics the Continental and Analytic Traditions), MPhil, PhD. http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/phil/ | |
67. Philosophy In Latin America - LANIC Claudio Gutierrez, philosophy Universidad de Costa Rica, University of Delaware History of philosophy of Science Working Group HOPOS http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/philosophy/ | |
68. Untitled Document The ressource page aims to be an instrument to aid knowledge and diffusion of the philosophical ideas of the main Polish Philosophers since 1900. http://www.fmag.unict.it/polhome.html |
69. Philosophy Department Department of philosophy Tucson, Arizona - BA, PhD, PhD/JD. http://web.arizona.edu/~phil/ | |
70. Philosophy Online Resources At Education Index Hand picked directory of online philosophy resources. http://www.educationindex.com/phil/ | |
71. Greek Philosophy For Kids Greek philosophy for Kids Why are Greek philosophers so famous? http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/greeks/philosophy/ | |
72. University Of California, Santa Barbara | Department Of Philosophy Department of philosophy Santa Barbara, California - BA, PhD. http://www.philosophy.ucsb.edu/ | |
73. Department Of Philosophy | University Of Pittsburgh Department of philosophy Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - BA, MA, PhD. http://www.pitt.edu/~philosop/ | |
74. Philosophy Section Reorganization - Free Software Foundation We are currently reorganizing our philosophy section. You can find many of the essays in our licensing essays section. If you can t find the essay you are http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/philosophy.html | |
75. Rutgers University - Department Of Philosophy Department of philosophy New Brunswick, New Jersey - BA, PhD. http://philosophy.rutgers.edu/ | |
76. Clemson Philosophy & Religion Department of philosophy and Religion; includes details on curriculum, student groups, and related links. http://www.clemson.edu/caah/philosophy/ | |
77. Carnegie Mellon Department Of Philosophy Department of philosophy Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - BA, MA, MS (Logic and Computation), PhD (Logic, Computation, and Methodology) http://www.hss.cmu.edu/philosophy/ | |
78. Philosophy : The University Of Melbourne Department of philosophy Victoria, Australia - BA, MA, MA (International Justice), PhD. http://www.philosophy.unimelb.edu.au/ | |
79. University Of Science And Philosophy - P.O. Box 520, Waynesboro, VA 22980 - Home The University of Science and philosophy featuring Walter and Lao Russell. http://www.philosophy.org/ | |
80. Philosophy And Philosophers, A Web Directory philosophy and philosophers on the web, a directory. philosophy webpages. From ancient to modern. A comprehensive directory of authoritative philosophy http://www.zeroland.co.nz/philosophy.html | |
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