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Home - Composers - Bruneau Alfred |
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1. Alfred Bruneau (1857-1934) Translate this page Bruneau Louis Charles Bonaventure Alfred, * 3.3.1857 Paris, 15.6.1934 Paris. Compositeur et critique musical. Son père, originaire de Niort, violoniste, http://www.musicologie.org/Biographies/bruneau_alfred.html | |
2. Requiemsurvey.org Source http//56.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BR/bruneau_alfred.htm. Requiem. Period Romanticism. Composed in 1886. Musical form mass http://www.requiemsurvey.org/composers.php?id=141 |
3. Title bruneau_alfred BRITTEN_Benjamin BRIDGE_Frank BRIXI_FrantisekXaver dir=rtl |
4. Bruneau, Zola Translate this page http//www.musicologie.org/Biographies/bruneau_alfred.html. http//www.resmusica.com/aff_articles.php3?num_art=2653 http://www.ecoles.cfwb.be/argattidegamond/cartable musical/Bruneau/Bruneaubio.ht | |
5. Bruneau Alfred Translate this page Alfred Bruneau. Sie suchen Bücher von Alfred Bruneau? Vorhandene Titel bei ANTIQUARIO Die russische Musik. Die russische Musik Die Musik - Sammlung . http://www.antiquario.de/a_autoren/br/Bruneau_Alfred.html | |
6. (LdJ P-E. Prouvost D'Agostino «La Clé Des Chants») Radio Courtoisie, Le Translate this page http//fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Bruneau http//www.musicologie. org/Biographies/bruneau_alfred.html. le naturalisme, dont furent les frères Goncourt http://radio-courtoisie.over-blog.com/30-categorie-166108.html | |
7. Paul Milliet In VIPseek Translate this page www.musicologie.org/Biographies/bruneau_alfred.html. Liens d aide A propos de VIPseek A propos de Seekport Confidentialité Contact http://vipseek.seekport.fr/topic/Paul__Milliet/ | |
8. Alfred Bruneau - LoveToKnow 1911 From LoveToKnow 1911. ALFRED BRUNEAU (1857), French musical composer, was born in Paris. His parents were devoted to music, and he was brought up to play http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Alfred_Bruneau | |
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