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1. CMT.com : Morton Feldman : Related Artists CMT.com presents complete Morton Feldman information including Discography, Message Board and more. http://www.cmt.com/artists/az/feldman_morton/rel_artists.jhtml | |
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5. Morton Feldman: Patterns In A Chromatic Field: Pitchfork Record Review Tzadik; 2004 Rating 8.6 Review by Liam Singer. http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/record-reviews/f/feldman_morton/patterns-in-a-chro | |
6. Feldman, Morton - Ninemsn Encarta Feldman, Morton (19261987), American composer, born in New York, where he spent much of his life until taking up a teaching post at the University http://au.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_781530422/feldman_morton.html | |
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9. Vinyl Records By Feldman, Morton Feldman, Morton Rothko Chapel / For Frank O, Rothko Chapel / For Frank O Hara Classical New - LP Y 34138 Columbia Sealed 1976 Original. http://www.vinyl-records.biz/Feldman_Morton.htm | |
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13. Feldman Morton | Attorneys In Atlantic City Contact information for Feldman Morton, Attorneys in Atlantic City, New Jersey. http://all-lawyer-finder.com/lawyers-and-attorneys-in/New_Jersey/Atlantic_County | |
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16. Morton Feldman - MSN Encarta Feldman, Morton (19261987), American composer, whose experimental music is characterized by the frequent use of extremely quiet, isolated sounds . http://ca.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761582152/feldman_morton.html | |
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19. Feldman,Morton - Music Albums LPs CDs Buy Feldman,Morton cds. 1/2 million import and hard to get titles online to choose from. http://songsearch.icorp.net/dir/f/feldman_morton.htm | |
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