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         Hassler Hans Leo:     more books (100)
  1. {Sheet Music} Dancing and Springing {Part of the} Columbia & Bernard Glee Club Series-Chorus for Mixed Voices {S.S.a.T.B. } a Cappella by Hans Leo {Composed By} With William Rhodes {Bmus, Ma} {Edited By With English Version By} Hassler, 1938-01-01
  2. AIM, CEKM 45 Hans Leo Hassler, Toccatas by Hans Leo Hassler, 1985
  3. Cantate Domino by Hassler Hans Leo, 2007-04-15
  4. Fair Maid, thy loveliness. German folksong, English translation by Harold Heiberg ... Piano score arr. by Herbert Zipper. < S. A. T. B. a cappella. > (Arthur Jordan Conservatory of Music Choral Series) by Hans Leo Hassler, 1948
  5. Mass Dixit Maria ... Edited by Peter Gano (Penn State Music Series) by Hans Leo Hassler, 1966
  6. My Heart with Love is Springing ( Das Herz Tut Mir Aufspringen ) Chorus for Mixed Voices - SATB Vocal Score a Cappella by Hans Leo ; Greyson, Norman Hassler, 1959-01-01
  7. Feinslieb, du hast mich gfangen Sheet Music by Hans Leo Hassler, 2009-07-05
  8. Sieben Chromatische Motetten Des Barock, vol.14, VI Sheet Music by Hans Leo Hassler, 2009-06-24
  9. Tanzen und Springen Sheet Music by Hans Leo Hassler, 2009-08-13
  10. Luce Negl' Occhi by Hans Leo Hassler, 2009-06-27
  11. Deus Noster Refugium (Church Music Society)
  12. Dixit Maria. (Gabriel came to Mary.) < S. A. T. B. > Edited by A. Edmonds Tozer from the musical text of M. Hermesdorff.Lat. & Eng by Hans Leo Hassler, 1966
  13. 1564 Births: William Shakespeare, Galileo Galilei, Christopher Marlowe, David Fabricius, William Adams, Hans Leo Hassler, William Segar
  14. Verbum caro factum est. (And the Word became as Flesh.) Motet for six-part chorus of mixed voices a cappella. Johni:14. Adaptation of Scripture by M. K. ... Edited by Maynard Klein.Lat. & Eng by Hans Leo Hassler, 1974

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Hassler, Hans Leo
German composer Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612) was born into a family of organists. Studies in Venice, chamber organist in Augsburg, Nuremberg, Ulm and Dresden. Hassler was the most eminent organist of his day.
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Mein Geist ist mir verwirret , null, Amadeus Guitar Duo, 1:36mins., USD 0.49
Hassler Hans Leo
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2. AGRICOLA, Alexander
HASSLER, Hans Leo (15641612) German. Madrigaler. Fair Maiden, Thy Lovliness. Kyrie frm Missa Secunda. Sanctus Benedictus frm Missa Secunda.
HASSLER, Hans Leo (1564-1612) German Madrigaler: Fair Maiden, Thy Lovliness Kyrie frm Missa Secunda

3. Woodbrass Music SA - Sheet Music - Methods - CD - Instruments And Accessories -
Sheet Music (14335). WoodBrass Music Ed. (280); Methods (1090); Other (12965). CDs (1211); DVDs (15); Instruments (163); Material (632)

4. Hassler Hans Leo
Translate this page Hans Leo Hassler. Sie suchen Bücher von Hans Leo Hassler? Vorhandene Titel bei ANTIQUARIO Mein Lieb will mit mir kriegen Für gemischte .

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Hans Leo Hassler
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Mein Lieb will mit mir kriegen : Für gemischte ...

Missa Secunda, für vierstimmigen gemischten Chor a ...

Hans Leo Hassler
finden Sie hier (Stand: 17.12.2007)

5. NUTY.PL - ¦wiat Nut Dla Ciebie - Publikacje: Hassler Hans Leo
Internetowy sklep muzyczny. Nuty Hassler Hans Leo.
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cena 18 z³.
Hassler Hans Leo

Cantate Domino
Ilo¶æ stron: Format:
171.45 x 266.7 Opracowanie na: chór, g³osy: SATB a cappella Rodzaj produktu: nuty drukowane Dostêpno¶æ w magazynie, wysy³ka natychmiastowa Zobacz nuty: Kod produktu:
This masterwork of the 16th century is a standard on many contest lists. This excellent new edition from John Leavitt is ideal for developing the representative style qualities of the era. Available for SATB a cappella. Performance Time: Approx. 1:30.
Lista utworów:
Cantate Domino cena 66,95 z³.
Hassler Hans Leo

Canzon - Trombone Rodzaj produktu:
nuty drukowane Stopieñ trudno¶ci: 6 w skali od do 10 Dostêpno¶æ w magazynie, wysy³ka natychmiastowa Zobacz nuty: Kod produktu: Mo¿liwo¶ci wykonawcze: cena 290,95 z³. Hassler Hans Leo Passion Choral - Wind Band Rodzaj produktu: nuty drukowane Stopieñ trudno¶ci: 4 w skali od do 10 Dostêpno¶æ w magazynie, wysy³ka natychmiastowa Autorzy Autor aran¿acji/opracowania: Schneiders Hardy Zobacz nuty: Kod produktu: Je¶li chcesz byæ informowany o nowych produktach na tej stronie i jej podstronach wpisz poni¿ej swój e-mail i naci¶nij przycisk WY¦LIJ. Zlecenie takie mo¿esz z³o¿yæ na ka¿dej stronie zawieraj±cej interesuj±ce Ciebie materia³y.

6. Hans Leo Hassler
Translate this page Hans Leo Hassler. In dieser Übersicht finden Sie alle bei uns verfügbaren Noten und Songbooks von Hassler, Hans Leo geordnet nach den jeweiligen
Hans Leo Hassler
In dieser Übersicht finden Sie alle bei uns verfügbaren Noten und Songbooks von Hassler, Hans Leo geordnet nach den jeweiligen Arrangements. Wir versenden portofrei innerhalb Deutschlands bereits ab einem Warenwert von 25 EUR . Darunter beträgt die Versand-Pauschale nur 1,90 EUR. Unsere günstigen Tarife für den weltweiten und europäischen Versand finden sie hier

7. Notenversand Notanorm - Noten Hassler, Hans Leo
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Vater unser; Festive Music in Rudolphinian Prague; Music in Rudolphine Prague; Adoremus Cantate Domino; Organ Music of Renaissance in Bohemia;
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9. Haßler, Hans Leo
Hans Leo Haßler. Beruf Orgelbauer. Quellen1591081604-01-231604-03-151604-06-121608-03-041612-02.
Hans Leo HaŸler
Beruf: Orgelbauer Quellen: IndexH Ha HaŸ HaŸl HaŸle HaŸler IndexH Ha Has Hass Hassl Hassle Hassler

10. H : Hassler, Hans Leo
German Renaissance composer Hans Leo Hassler (15641612) studied in Venice, where he met Gabrieli. He held church and secular positions in Augsburg and
Top Arts Music Composition ... H : Hassler, Hans Leo (3) Related Categories
Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Music: Hymns: Authors and Composers

Web Sites
Classical Music Archives: Hassler
Music files offered in MIDI format.
Status Code: 302 - Location: Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] Hassler, Hans Leo (1564 - 1612) -
Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays from Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers.
Status Code: 200 Edit listing [] - Report dead link [] - Edit Category [] Hassler, Johann Leo -
Brief profile, several mp3 samples of works.
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11. Haà Ler, Hans Leo
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12. Haßler, Hans Leo
Translate this page Meisterwerke der Orgelmusik, Am Brunnen Vor dem Tore, Güttler-Barocke Weihnacht, La bella Ninfa (Europäische Madrigale um 1600), Tanzmusik der Renaissance,
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