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         Ockeghem Johannes:     more books (52)
  1. JOHANNES OCKEGHEM & JACOBOBREC (Garland Composer Resource Manuals) by Picker, 1988-04-01
  2. Johannes Ockeghem: Great Religious Composers by Ernst Krenek, 1953
  3. Quellenstudien zu den Motetten von Johannes Ockeghem (Neue Heidelberger Studien zur Musikwissenschaft) (German Edition) by Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl, 1990
  4. Johannes Ockeghem Masses and Models by Fabrice Fitsch, 2000-01-01
  5. Komponist (Renaissance): Orlando di Lasso, Johannes Ockeghem, Heinrich Isaac, Josquin Desprez, Jakob Arcadelt, Nicolas Gombert (German Edition)
  6. Johannes Ockeghem: Collected Works, vol. III (Motets and Chansons) (Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences) (English and Latin Edition) by Dragan Plamenac, Richard Wexler, 1992-06-01
  7. Johannes ockeghem by Vendrix/Philippe, 1998-12-01
  8. 1497 Deaths: Albert Brudzewski, Philip Ii, Duke of Savoy, Johannes Ockeghem, Benozzo Gozzoli, Lê Thánh Tông, Elizabeth Tilney
  9. Yale 1-5, Guillaume Dufay, Johannes Ockeghem, and Jacob Obrecht: Missae Caput by Guillaume Dufay, Johannes Ockeg, & Jacob Obrecht, 1964
  10. Johannes Ockeghem: Masses and Models.(Review): An article from: Notes by Kevin N. Moll, 1999-03-01
  11. Johannes Ockeghem, Collected Works, First and Second Volumes: Masses I- VIII and Masses and Mass Sections IX-XVI by Johannes; Plamenac, Dragan (ed.) Ockeghem, 1959
  12. 1410s Births: Louis, Duke of Savoy, António de Noli, Agnes Bernauer, Johannes Ockeghem, Piero della Francesca, Jacquetta of Luxembourg
  14. Franco-Flämischer Komponist: Orlando di Lasso, Johannes Ockeghem, Heinrich Isaac, Josquin Desprez, Nicolas Gombert, Johannes Tinctoris (German Edition)

1. Johannes Ockeghem Biography
Johannes Ockeghem biography and related resources.
Biography Base Home Link To Us Search Biographies: Browse Biographies A B C D ... Z Johannes Ockeghem Biography Johannes Ockeghem (c. 1410- c.1497) was the leading composer of the Second Dutch School. Ockeghem is considered the most important composer between Dufay and Josquin Des Prez.
Although often thought to be Flemish, Ockeghem was born in Saint-Ghislain, in the provence of Hainaut (now part of modern Belgium), part of the Duchy of Burgundy. Like many composers in this period, he started his musical career as chorister: in his case, in the Notre Dame in Antwerp. Around 1452 he moved to Paris where he served as maestro di cappella to the French court, as well as becoming treasurer of the St. Martin cathedral in Tours.
Very few of his works have survived: some 14 masses, 10 motets, some 25 chansons, and a single requiem. This Missa pro Defunctis is the earliest surviving example of a polyphonic requiem mass.
A strong influence on Josquin Des Prez, Ockeghem was famous throughout Europe for his expressive music and his technical mastery. His technical prowess is demonstrated most clearly in the astonishing Missa Prolationem, composed entirely in canonical style, and his no less astonishing 36(!) part canon Deo Gratias. - but even these technique-oriented masterpieces demonstrate his insightful use of vocal ranges and unique expressive tonal language. Being a renowned bass singer himself, certainly his use of complex bass lines sets him apart from the other composers in the Dutch Schools.

2. Ockeghem, Johannes : Medieval : Composers - Mega Net
Login. mega net. Search Mega Net. Home Entertainment Arts Culture Classical Music Composers Medieval Ockeghem, Johannes
Login Search Mega Net: Home Entertainment Classical Music Composers ... Medieval : Ockeghem, Johannes Ockeghem, Johannes - Classical Net Learn about the 15th-century composer known for his masses and chansons. Check out a comprehensive discography. Ockeghem, Johannes - Discogaphy Lists recordings of work by one of the most significant of 15th-century composers, writing as medieval music was veering toward the Renaissance. Ockeghem, Johannes - Discussion Deck Join a forum or leave a message about this composer whose life and music straddled the 15th century. Connects to other composer message-boards. Ockeghem, Johannes - Johannes Ockeghem Homepage Scholarly approach to the Renaissance composer offers a biography, Library of Congress citations and reviews of his music. Ockeghem, Johannes - MSN Encarta Read a brief extract about the Flemish composer. Access selected links, articles, and news headlines. Ockeghem, Johannes - San Francisco Bach Choir

3. Ockeghem, Johannes - Ninemsn Encarta
Ockeghem, Johannes (c. 14201496), Franco-Flemish composer, the most important composer of his generation in the Netherlands school that dominated
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Ockeghem, Johannes
Encyclopedia Article Find in this article View printer-friendly page E-mail Ockeghem, Johannes (c. 1420-1496), Franco-Flemish composer, the most important composer of his generation in the Netherlands school that dominated early Renaissance music . Possibly a pupil of the eminent Netherlands-school composer Gilles Binchois, Ockeghem served as composer and choirmaster to three French kings: Charles VII Louis XI , and Charles VIII . At his death, a D©ploration (lament) was composed by his pupil (according to tradition), Josquin Desprez , and a lament by the philosopher Erasmus was set to music by the French composer Johannes Lupi. Ockeghem's masses motets , and chansons (secular part-songs) show great skill at counterpoint based on melodic imitation. One of his 14 surviving masses, the

4. Vinyl Records By Ockeghem, Johannes
No Image Available, Missa Pro Defunctis Classical Used LP 2533 145 Archiv Winner, Grand Prix Du Disque. Pro Cantione Antiqua, London . more details
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7. Ockeghem Johannes - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia
Ockeghem Johannes (ok. 1410ok. 1497), kompozytor franko-flamandzki, wybitny przedstawiciel stylu a cappella. Dzia a jako piewak w ko ciele,,,,ockeghem_johannes,haslo.html
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Ockeghem Johannes
Dodaj do notesu Muzyka, Europa, Francja, Belgia, ¦redniowiecze Ockeghem Johannes (ok. 1410-ok. 1497), kompozytor franko-flamandzki, wybitny przedstawiciel stylu a cappella. Dzia³a³ jako ¶piewak w ko¶ciele Naj¶wiêtszej Marii Panny w Antwerpii (1443-1444), nastêpnie by³ uczniem G. Dufaya w Cambrai, od 1451 przebywa³ na dworze królewskim w Pary¿u jako muzyk kapeli dworskiej, piastuj±c zarazem stanowiska ko¶cielne w katedrze w Tours.
Jego technikê polifoniczn± znamionuje znaczna niezale¿no¶æ g³osów, ich linearny, niekiedy zró¿nicowany tonalnie charakter.
Skomponowa³ 10 pe³nych i kilka niepe³nych cyklów mszalnych, najstarsze zachowane Requiem motety religijne i ¶wieckie, ponad 20 chansons.

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9. Ockeghem, Johannes - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Ockeghem, Johannes, auch Okeghem, (um 1410 bis 1497), frankoflämischer Komponist. Der langjährige französische Hofmusiker zählt mit seinen Messen,
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Ockeghem, Johannes
Enzyklop¤dieartikel In diesem Artikel suchen Druckerfreundliche Version der Seite Versenden Artikelgliederung Einleitung Werk
Druckerfreundliche Version des Abschnitts Ockeghem, Johannes , auch Okeghem, (um 1410 bis 1497), frankofl¤mischer Komponist. Der langj¤hrige franz¶sische Hofmusiker z¤hlt mit seinen Messen Motetten und Chansons zu den zentralen Musikerpers¶nlichkeiten des 15. Jahrhunderts. Ockeghem wurde um 1410, vermutlich in Saint-Ghislain in der N¤he von Mons, der Hauptstadt der damaligen Grafschaft Hennegau (heute Belgien), geboren. Es wird vermutet, dass er seine musikalische Ausbildung durch Gilles Binchois an der Kirche Saint-Germain in Mons erhielt. Fr¼heste ¼berlieferte Dokumente weisen ihn f¼r die Jahre 1443/44 als

10. Ockeghem, Johannes - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Ockeghem, Johannes (v. 1420-v. 1497), compositeur franco-flamand, l un des maîtres de l école flamande de sa génération, qui domina la musique des
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Ockeghem, Johannes
Article Rechercher dans tout le texte de l'article Afficher cet article au format imprimable Envoyer Ockeghem, Johannes (v. 1420-v. 1497), compositeur franco-flamand, l'un des ma®tres de l'©cole flamande de sa g©n©ration, qui domina la musique des d©buts de la Renaissance. On pense qu’Ockeghem fut l'©l¨ve du c©l¨bre compositeur de la mªme ©cole, Gilles Binchois. Ockeghem servit en tant que premier chanteur aupr¨s de trois rois de France : Charles VII Louis XI et Charles VIII . € sa mort, son ©l¨ve Josquin des Pr©s composa, selon la tradition, une D©ploration (lamento) et une ©pitaphe du philosophe ‰rasme fut mise en musique par le compositeur fran§ais Johannes Lupi. Les messes motets et chansons (m©lodies profanes) d'Ockeghem t©moignent d'une grande ma®trise de l'art du contrepoint imitatif. Sur les quatorze messes qui nous sont parvenues, la

11. Ockeghem, Johannes - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Ockeghem, Johannes (Termonde, Fiandre 1420 ca. - Tours 1496 ca.), compositore fiammingo, con Dufay uno dei massimi esponenti della
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Ockeghem, Johannes
Articolo Trova nell'articolo Anteprima di stampa Invia Ockeghem, Johannes (Termonde, Fiandre 1420 ca. - Tours 1496 ca.), compositore fiammingo, con Dufay uno dei massimi esponenti della musica rinascimentale . Studi² forse con Gilles Binchois e fu poi insigne maestro di cappella di tre re francesi: Carlo VII Luigi XI e Carlo VIII . Alla sua morte, il suo allievo Josquin Desprez , compose, secondo la tradizione, una D©ploration (componimento di rimpianto composto in morte di personaggi celebri), mentre lo stesso Erasmo da Rotterdam scrisse un lamento funebre musicato da Johannes Lupi. Ockeghem compose messe mottetti e chanson (canti polifonici profani): ogni sua opera evidenzia un raffinato uso del contrappunto basato sull'imitazione melodica, tecnica che in alcuni casi ha raggiunto vertici difficilmente eguagliabili. Una delle 14 messe pervenuteci, la

12. Ockeghem, Johannes - MSN Encarta Winkler Prins Encyclopedie
Translate this page Ockeghem, Johannes, ook Okeghem, Ockenheim of Hoquegan (Dendermonde? ca. 1420 – Tours 6 febr. 1497), Vlaams componist, was van 1443 tot 1444 zanger
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Ockeghem, Johannes
Encyclopedieartikel Zoeken in dit artikel Printervriendelijke pagina bekijken E-mail Ockeghem, Johannes , ook Okeghem Ockenheim of Hoquegan (Dendermonde? ca. 1420 – Tours 6 febr. 1497), Vlaams componist, was van 1443 tot 1444 zanger aan de Antwerpse kathedraal en in 1448 te Moulins aan het hof van Karel I, hertog van Bourbon. Omstreeks 1452 werd hij kapelzanger aan het hof van Karel VII te Parijs en in 1465 werd hij door diens opvolger Lodewijk XI bevorderd tot kapelmeester, een functie die hij ook onder Karel VIII bleef uitoefenen; daarnaast was hem ca. 1459 bij zijn intrede in de geestelijke stand het winstgevend ambt van schatmeester van de abdij St.-Martin van Tours geschonken. In 1470 ondernam hij een reis naar Spanje en in 1484 bevond hij zich o.m. te Brugge en te Damme. Ockeghem wordt algemeen erkend als de vernieuwer van de tweede Nederlandse Scholen . Hij heeft grote invloed gehad op meesters als Josquin des Prez , Brumel, De la Rue en Comp¨re. Zijn bewaard gebleven oeuvre omvat 11 missen, waaronder een

13. Ockeghem, Johannes - Format Imprimable - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Cliquez ici pour imprimer cette page Imprimer. Ockeghem, Johannes, Format lecture. Dans le menu Fichier, cliquez sur Imprimer.
var s_account="msnportalencartacafr"; Imprimer Ockeghem, Johannes Format lecture Dans le menu Fichier, cliquez sur Imprimer. Ockeghem, Johannes Ockeghem, Johannes (v. 1420-v. 1497), compositeur franco-flamand, l'un des ma®tres de l'©cole flamande de sa g©n©ration, qui domina la musique des d©buts de la Renaissance. On pense qu’Ockeghem fut l'©l¨ve du c©l¨bre compositeur de la mªme ©cole, Gilles Binchois. Ockeghem servit en tant que premier chanteur aupr¨s de trois rois de France : Charles VII, Louis XI et Charles VIII. € sa mort, son ©l¨ve Josquin des Pr©s composa, selon la tradition, une D©ploration (lamento) et une ©pitaphe du philosophe ‰rasme fut mise en musique par le compositeur fran§ais Johannes Lupi. Les messes, motets et chansons (m©lodies profanes) d'Ockeghem t©moignent d'une grande ma®trise de l'art du contrepoint imitatif. Sur les quatorze messes qui nous sont parvenues, la Missa prolationum est enti¨rement b¢tie sur des canons, qui repr©sentent la forme la plus parfaite de l'imitation. Une autre, la Missa cujusvis toni

14. Ihr Musik-Preisvergleich Für Historische Perioden Ockeghem, Johannes
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15. Musique: Ockeghem, Johannes
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Ockeghem, Johannes
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