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         Sammartini Giovanni Battista:     more books (31)
  1. Giovanni Battista Sammartini and His Musical Environment by M. Cattoretti, 2002-10-01
  2. Giovanni Battista Sammartini: Die Konzerte (European university studies. Series XXXVI, Musicology) (German Edition) by Ada Beate Gehann, 1995
  3. Thematic Catalogue of the Works of Giovanni Battista Sammartini by Newell Jenkins, Bathia Churgin, 1976-01-01
  4. C34P, Instrumental Parts (set of 7), Giovanni Battista Sammartini: Il pianto delle pie donne by Giovanni Battista Sammartini, 1990
  5. C34KV, Keyboard/Vocal Parts (set of 1), Giovanni Battista Sammartini: Il pianto delle pie donne by Giovanni Battista Sammartini, 1990
  6. Classical 67, Giovanni Battista Sammartini: Four Concertos by Giovanni Battista Sammartini, 2002
  7. Classical 34, Giovanni Battista Sammartini: Il pianto delle pie donne by Giovanni Battista Sammartini, 1990
  8. The Symphonies of G. B. Sammartini: Volume 1, The Early Symphonies (Harvard Publications in Music) by Giovanni Battista Sammartini, 1968-01-01
  9. Sonata in G Major: Violoncello and Piano (Schott) by Alfred Moffat, 1986-04-01
  10. 1700s Births: Jean-François Oeben, Mary Toft, Arnaud I de La Porte, Giovanni Battista Sammartini, Mentewab, George Faulkner
  11. Giovanni Battista Sammartini's Sonate a tre Stromenti Six Notturnos for String Trio, Op. 7 (Early Musical Masterworks Ser.) by Bathia, Ed. Giovanni Battista SammartinilChurgin, 1981
  12. Themataic catalogue of the Works of Giovanni Battista Sammartini; orchestral and Vocal Music by Newell and Bathia Churgin Jenkins, 1976-01-01
  13. Giovanni Battista Sammartini: Four Concertos (Recent Researches in the Music of the Classical Era)
  14. Sammartini - Sonata in G major for Cello and Piano (No. 927) by Giovanni Battista Sammartini, 1948

1. Sammartini, Giovanni Battista - MSN Encarta
Sammartini, Giovanni Battista (170175), Italian composer, one of the earliest composers of symphonies. An organist and choirmaster in his native
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Giovanni Battista Sammartini
Encyclopedia Article Find Print E-mail Blog It Multimedia 1 item Giovanni Battista Sammartini (1701-75), Italian composer, one of the earliest composers of symphonies. An organist and choirmaster in his native Milan, he began as a church composer but later produced a great quantity of instrumental music, including 70 symphonies and more than 200 ensemble sonatas. Sammartini's major contribution was the extensive development of thematic material in symphonic form. He was also significant as the teacher of the Austrian composer Christoph Willibald Gluck and as a model for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the German composer Johann Christian Bach, and according to some scholars, for the Austrian Joseph Haydn. More from Encarta Offer: Live online homework help Math, Science, History and English

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The search seeks the exact word or phrase that you type, so if you don’t find your choice, try searching for a keyword in your topic or recheck the spelling of a word or name. Sammartini, Giovanni Battista Sammartini, Giovanni Battista (1701-1775), Italian composer, one of the earliest composers of symphonies. An organist and choirmaster in his native Milan, he began as a church composer but later produced a great quantity of instrumental music, including 70 symphonies and more than 200 ensemble sonatas. Sammartini's major contribution was the extensive development of thematic material in symphonic form. He was also significant as the teacher of the German composer Christoph Willibald Gluck and as a model for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Christian Bach, and, according to some scholars, for Joseph Haydn. "Sammartini, Giovanni Battista," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2007

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5. Gluck, Christoph Willibald - Related Items - MSN Encarta
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8. Sammartini, Giovanni Battista - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Sammartini, Giovanni Battista (1700 ou 1701-1775), compositeur et pédagogue italien.
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Sammartini, Giovanni Battista
Article Rechercher dans tout le texte de l'article Afficher cet article au format imprimable Envoyer M©dias 1 ©l©ment Sammartini, Giovanni Battista (1700 ou 1701-1775), compositeur et p©dagogue italien. Nomm© ma®tre de chapelle en 1728   Milan, sa ville natale, il enseigne au Collegio de’ Nobili   partir de 1730, o¹ il a Gluck pour ©l¨ve de 1737   1741. Auteur des symphonies   trois mouvements les plus anciennes de la musique occidentale, il contribue de mani¨re d©terminante au d©veloppement du style classique et   l’©volution de la forme sonate Outre de la musique sacr©e (l’oratorio Ges¹ bambino adorato dalli pastori de 1726), il a compos© de la musique de chambre et s’est consacr©   l’op©ra ( Memet en 1732

9. Sammartini, Giovanni Battista - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Sammartini, Giovanni Battista (1700-1775), italienischer Komponist. Sammartini wurde im Jahr 1700 oder 1701 vermutlich in Mailand geboren, wo er als
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Sammartini, Giovanni Battista
Enzyklop¤dieartikel In diesem Artikel suchen Druckerfreundliche Version der Seite Versenden Multimedia 1 Objekt Sammartini, Giovanni Battista (1700-1775), italienischer Komponist. Sammartini wurde im Jahr 1700 oder 1701 vermutlich in Mailand geboren, wo er als Organist und Kapellmeister an verschiedenen Kirchen wirkte. Zu Beginn seiner Laufbahn schrieb er ¼berwiegend Kirchenmusik , sp¤ter eine Vielzahl von Instrumentalwerken, die seinen Ruhm begr¼ndeten. Mit seinen Sinfonien Triosonaten Concerti grossi und Violinkonzerten ¼bte er entscheidenden Einfluss auf den Instrumentalstil im œbergang vom Barock zur Klassik aus. Sammartini trug haupts¤chlich zu einer ausgedehnten Entwicklung des thematischen Materials bei und hatte maŸgeblichen Anteil an der Entwicklung der Sonatensatzform . Dar¼ber hinaus spielte er eine wichtige Rolle als Lehrer von Christoph Willibald Gluck sowie als Vorbild f¼r zahlreiche Komponisten der Vorklassik und der Klassik, wie

10. Sammartini, Giovanni Battista - Versione Stampabile - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Fare clic qui per stampare questa pagina Stampa. Sammartini, Giovanni Battista, Articolo. Per stampare le informazioni, scegliere Stampa dal menu File.
var s_account="msnportalencartait"; Stampa Sammartini, Giovanni Battista Articolo Per stampare le informazioni, scegliere Stampa dal menu File. Sammartini, Giovanni Battista Sammartini, Giovanni Battista (Milano 1701-1775), compositore italiano. Organista e maestro di cappella nella citt  natale (dove trascorse tutta la vita), cominci² come compositore di musica sacra, ma produsse in seguito una grande quantit  di musica strumentale, tra cui 80 sinfonie e pi¹ di 200 sonate per ensemble. Sammartini ebbe il merito di dare notevole impulso allo sviluppo della sinfonia. Maestro del compositore tedesco Christoph Willibald Gluck, venne preso a modello da Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Christian Bach, e, secondo alcuni studiosi, da Joseph Haydn. "Sammartini, Giovanni Battista," Microsoft® Encarta® Enciclopedia Online 2007 © 1997-2007 Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati. © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati.

11. Sammartini, Giovanni Battista - MSN Encarta Winkler Prins Encyclopedie
Translate this page Sammartini, Giovanni Battista (Milaan ca. 1700/1701 – aldaar 15 jan. 1775), Italiaans organist en componist, was vanaf 1728 organist en kapelmeester
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Sammartini, Giovanni Battista
Encyclopedieartikel Zoeken in dit artikel Printervriendelijke pagina bekijken E-mail Multimedia 1 item Sammartini, Giovanni Battista (Milaan ca. 1700/1701 – aldaar 15 jan. 1775), Italiaans organist en componist, was vanaf 1728 organist en kapelmeester in Milaan, waar hij vele psalmen voor koor met instrumentale begeleiding componeerde. Hij behoort tot de vroegste componisten van de symfonie en leverde een belangrijke bijdrage tot de ontwikkeling van deze muziekvorm. Zijn symfonie«n zijn meestal driedelig; de eerste dateren waarschijnlijk al van v³³r 1740 en zijn geschreven voor drie- of vierstemmig strijkorkest met basso continuo . Later werden aan deze bezetting twee hoorns en ook wel twee hobo's toegevoegd. Sammartini schonk grote aandacht aan de muzikale vormgeving. Zijn thematiek is zangerig en kent slechts weinig versieringen. Hij be¯nvloedde o.a. Joseph Haydn en Gluck , welke laatste zijn leerling was (1737–1741).

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