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61. Codango: ASP Scripts, Reviews, ASP Examples, Hosting a guide to asp applications, scripts, components, tutorials and articles for the novice to professional developer. http://www.codango.com/asp/ | |
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67. TableEditoR - 2eNetWorX :: ASP, VB, Asp.Net, Vb.Net, C#, DotNet, .Net OpenSource Community of volunteer developers working on the projects together, features asp, VB, asp.Net, Vb.Net, C , dotNet, .Net OpenSource Projects. http://www.2enetworx.com/dev/projects/tableeditor.asp | |
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74. 2008 Presidential Election Profiles for 2008 presidential candidates of campaign funds raised and spent. http://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/index.asp | |
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76. DevX Learn to take advantage of the inner workings of asp.NET s security model to help eliminate security vulnerabilities from your web applications. http://www.devx.com/ | |
77. BBBOnLine, Inc. - Dispute Resolutions The BBBOnLine Privacy Program offers a Privacy Dispute Resolution program for consumers with online privacy complaints against BBBOnLine Privacy Program http://www.bbbonline.org/privacy/dr.asp | |
78. Pew Internet & American Life Project The Pew Internet American Life Project will create and fund original, academicquality research that explores the impact of the Internet on children, http://www.pewinternet.org/index.asp | |
79. Code Of Ethics Welcome to The National Association of Social Workers. http://www.socialworkers.org/pubs/code/code.asp | |
80. NIH VideoCasting NIH VideoCasting National Institutes of Health FAQ Search Test your computer Download Real RSS Podcasts Create VideoCast Web http://videocast.nih.gov/default.asp | |
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