Abstract: Choosing a domain name ARTICLES BUILDING A PHOTO WEBSITE Hosting Options Choosing a name Domain registration ISPs ... Conclusions What's in a (domain) name? Maybe the first thing you need to think about is what to call your website. Unfortunately most of the obvious names are gone. Every 3 letter combination has probably been registered already, along with most of the 1, 2, 3 4,5 and 6 letter words in the dictionary, so you're either going to have to register your own name (e.g. bobatkins.com) or you're going to have to make something up. Using your name isn't a bad idea if it's fairly easy to spell. If your name is Zbigniew Brzezinski, you probably don't want to attempt to register the domain zbigniewbrzezinski.com, but if it's John Shaw, johnshaw.com is pretty good. Making something up means combining two or more short words into a name. Keeping it fairly short is good. While you could attempt to register the domain name "theverybestphotowebsiteontheplanet.com", it probably wouldn't be a great idea. Nobody would want to type that many characters and the chances of making a typo are high. Even with a simple compound name you have to be careful. Let's take the example of combining "photo" and "pics". This makes "photopics" - or does it? From the way it sounds, it could easily also be "photopix" or "photopicks" or even "fotopics", "fotopix" or "fotopicks". Now remember what I said about obvious names being taken already? Well here's the situation for these names. | |