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1. E-book - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Because they take up little space, ebooks can be offered indefinitely, Although they require electricity to be read, the production of e-books does not http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-book | |
2. Etext Center: Collections Wide range of publiclyavailable e-books from the University of Virginia Library in Microsoft Reader and Palm formats. http://etext.virginia.edu/ebooks/ | |
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5. E-Books: Online Book Collections ebooks Collections. Searchable collections of electronic books and other non-periodical texts available online through Columbia Libraries, along with some http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/eresources/ebooks/ | |
6. EBooks@Adelaide: Free Web Books, Online University of Adelaide Library ebooks, The University of Adelaide Australia Works are licensed under a Creative Commons License. eBooks@Adelaide http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/ | |
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11. E-Books Broad range of information covering eBooks eCovers. To include who is producing the hardware, software; who s writing, publishing, selling ebooks; http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/e-books | |
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13. SSJCPL: E-Books There are several software programs available that make reading ebooks more enjoyable than simply scrolling through text. Look below for a list of Internet http://www.stockton.lib.ca.us/ebooks.htm | |
14. E-Books ebooks. Note I cannot vouch for the quality of all the materials offered on the external sites http//www.accesstoinsight.org/outsources/e-books.html. http://www.accesstoinsight.org/outsources/e-books.html | |
15. Bartleby.com E-book Store All ebooks are available in the following three formats. Microsoft E-book Reader (download) Windows; Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader (download) Windows, http://www.bartleby.com/ebook/ | |
16. Browse Princeton E-Books By Subject Each displays links to book descriptions, which in turn offer links to online vendors where these ebooks may be purchased and downloaded in Microsoft http://press.princeton.edu/ebooks.html | |
17. DigitalKoans » E-Books Posted in ebooks, Publishing on February 18th, 2008. The wholesale e-book market continues to expand, up about 24% in 2007 with $31.7 million in sales http://www.escholarlypub.com/digitalkoans/category/e-books/ | |
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19. TeleRead: Bring The E-Books Home News on ebooks, digital libraries, publishing and related topics such as copyright. Podcasts available. http://www.teleread.org/blog/ | |
20. David Meerman Scott ebooks Audio Seminars Books. The New Rules of Viral Marketing. How word-of-mouse spreads your ideas for free (2008). New for 2008 download now http://www.davidmeermanscott.com/products_ebooks.htm | |
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