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61. Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics And You - Secret Worlds: The Universe Wit Start 10 million lightyears from the Milky Way galaxy and wind up face to face with a proton in Florida. http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/scienceopticsu/powersof10/ | |
62. Java Sucks Rant by Jamie Zawinski, with many detailed criticisms of the java language itself and its supporting libraries. http://www.jwz.org/doc/java.html | |
63. Java Forums Forums supported by the javaTips.org website developers. Topics cover Standard, Enterprise and Micro Edition as well as 3rd party APIs, IDEs and education. http://www.java-forums.org/ | |
64. Java Coffee Break - Your Free Guide To The World Of Java Programming, Packed Ful java Coffee Break features free java tutorials and articles. Learn java now! http://www.javacoffeebreak.com/ | |
65. EAST JAVA : The Real Tropical Country Of Indonesia Tourism Tourism and business guide and directory for East java. Includes maps, images, attractions and business listings. http://www.eastjava.com/ | |
66. JAVA Gallery Of Interactive On-Line Geometry In order to enjoy this exhibit, you will need a javacapable Web browser (Netscape 2.0 for Unix or IBM PC, Netscape 3.0b for Macintosh). http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/java/ | |
67. Java Network Programming FAQ This document contains the answers to commonly asked network programming questions posed by java developers. Includes source code examples. http://www.davidreilly.com/java/java_network_programming/ | |
68. Apache Lucene - Overview We would like to encourage everyone who is currently using Lucene java 2.3.0 to upgrade to Lucene java and related Lucene projects will have extensive http://lucene.apache.org/java/docs/ | |
69. NetBeans IDE - Java SE Features The NetBeans IDE provides java developers with all the tools they need to create professional java SE applications. The NetBeans IDE supports development http://www.netbeans.org/features/java/index.html |
70. Go To Fred's Page java Notes. These java programming notes are written to fill in missing or weak topics in textbooks that I ve taught from. Many pages are useful for http://www.leepoint.net/ | |
71. Java Contracts, Contractor Rates For Java Skills 3month moving average hourly/daily rates, relative demand trend and the top related IT contractor skills for java jobs. http://www.itjobswatch.co.uk/contracts/uk/java.do | |
72. Java Virtual Machine Download Links - Download JVMs The Microsoft java Virtual Machine is no longer available from Microsoft directly due to legal wrangling with SUN, however it still can be downloaded. http://java-virtual-machine.net/download.html | |
73. The Java 3D Graphics Community A java3D community website with FAQ, tutorials, and code. http://www.j3d.org/ | |
74. Java java. Ishihama Yoshiaki ishmnn@cap.bekkoame.ne.jp http//www.asahinet.or. jp/~hq8y-ishm/. Contents. 4DPuzzle; Simulations; HyperDimension; Fractal; Chaos http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/~ishmnn/java/java.html | |
75. All Java Community Content On InfoQ Simon Ritter explains the vision and capabilities of the RealTime java specification (RTSJ), if your java app really, really must respond within a certain http://www.infoq.com/java/ | |
76. JARS.COM - The #1 Java Review Service - Home Free html tutorials and help, images, color codes and more for the web developer. Featuring tutorials on HTML tags, programming, basics, javaScript, frames, http://www.jars.com/ | |
77. How To Think Like A Computer Scientist By Allen B. Downey; Green Tea Press, 2002. Teaches general principles of programming, via java as subject language. Thorough, indepth approach to many http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkapjava/ | |
78. Java Articles With Internationalization your java applications can be adapted to various languages and regions without code changes. The term internationalization is http://www.irt.org/articles/java.htm | |
79. Flex.org - Java Applets, Java Swing, Java GUI Rich Internet Applications with Adobe Flex and java is a great book for java developers who are getting started with Flex. Our Amazon bookstore has a number http://flex.org/java/ | |
80. JavaScript.com (TM) - The Definitive JavaScript Resource: JavaScript Tutorials, javaScript.com is your source for all things javaScript, including tutorials, free java scripts, downloads, tools, javascript source code and other http://www.javascript.com/ | |
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