community directory books authors ... encyclopedia Email: Password: Register Knowledgerush Search Web knowledgerush Search for images of Search machine Message boards Post comment Search machine A search engine is a program designed to help the user access files stored on a computer , for example on the World Wide Web , by allowing the user to ask for documents meeting certain criteria (typically those containing a given word, a set of words, or a phrase ) and retrieving files that match those criteria. Unlike an index document that organizes files in a predetermined way, a search engine looks for files only after the user has entered search criteria In the context of the Internet, search engines usually refer to the World Wide Web and not other protocols or areas. Because the data collection is automated, they are distinguished from Web directories , which are maintained by people. How search engines work Web search engines work by storing information about a large number of web pages which they retrieve from the WWW itself. These pages are retrieved by a web crawler an automated web browser which follows every link it sees. The contents of each page are then analyzed to determine how it should be indexed (for example, words are extracted from the titles, headings, or special fields called | |