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         Geophysics:     more books (100)
  1. Introduction to Applied Geophysics: Exploring the Shallow Subsurface by H. Robert Burger, Anne F. Sheehan, et all 2006-07-06
  2. Applied Geophysics by W. M. Telford, L. P. Geldart, et all 1990-10-26
  3. The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics by C. M. R. Fowler, 2004-12-20
  4. Environmental and Engineering Geophysics by Prem V. Sharma, 1997-12-13
  5. Paleoclimatology (Series on Geology and Geophysics, No. 18) by Thomas J. Crowley, Gerald R. North, 1996-04-04
  6. Field Geophysics (Geological Field Guide) by John Milsom, 2003-05-23
  7. 3D Seismic Imaging (Investigations in Geophysics No. 14) by Biondo L. Biondi, 2006-09-20
  8. Fundamentals of Geophysics by William Lowrie, 2007-10-22
  9. Handbook Of Geophysics In Archaeology (Equinox Handbooks in Anthropological Archaeology) by Alan J. Witten, 2006-09-01
  10. Electromagnetic Methods in Applied Geophysics:Vol.1, Theory (Investigations in Geophysics No.3) by Misac N. Nabighian, 1993-06
  11. Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics by John M. Reynolds, 2010-10-30
  12. Whole Earth Geophysics: An Introductory Textbook for Geologists and Geophysicists by Robert J. Lillie, 1998-05-22
  13. Near-Surface Geophysics (Investigations in Geophysics No. 13) by Dwain K. Butler, 2005-11-01
  14. Fractals and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics by Donald L. Turcotte, 1997-07-13

1. Geophysics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
geophysics, a branch of Earth sciences, is the study of the Earth by quantitative physical methods, especially by seismic, electromagnetic,
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Geophysics , a branch of Earth sciences , is the study of the Earth by quantitative physical methods, especially by seismic electromagnetic , and radioactivity methods. The theories and techniques of geophysics are employed extensively in the planetary sciences in general. The field of geophysics includes the branches of:
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2. Geophysics
geophysics invites submission of manuscripts for consideration in its upcoming special sections. Full information about each call for papers is found in the
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Calls for papers
Geophysics invites submission of manuscripts for consideration in its upcoming special sections. Full information about each call for papers is found in the links below. Submissions are made from Geophysics ’ Manuscript Central site. Please read the Instructions to Authors guidance before submitting manuscripts. 4D Gravity Monitoring
An upcoming special section of Geophysics will focus on 4D gravity monitoring. Interested authors should submit their manuscripts no later than 28 February 2008. ( Read more Rainbow in the Earth section
A special section of Geophysics will focus on scale-frequency phenomena through physical measurements, data acquisition/analysis, or theoretical approaches. Interested authors should submit their manuscripts no later than 1 April. ( Read more About Geophysics
Geophysics , published by SEG since 1936, is an archival journal encompassing all aspects of research, exploration, and education in applied geophysics. Its articles, generally more than 175 per year in six issues, cover the entire spectrum of geophysical methods, including seismology, potential fields, electromagnetics, and borehole measurements. Geophysics , a bimonthly, provides theoretical and mathematical tools needed to reproduce depicted work, encouraging further development and research. (

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Peerreviewed journal of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) available under subscription. Everyone has access to TOC and abstracts.
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    4. Department Of Geophysics, Stanford University
    Welcome to the Department of geophysics! We are regularly ranked among the top three or four geophysics programs in the country. One of our unique strengths
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    Department of Geophysics
    Geophysics Home People Research Graduate Program ... Internal Resources Welcome to the Department of Geophysics! We are regularly ranked among the top three or four geophysics programs in the country. One of our unique strengths is our combination of applied and basic research...
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    Department News Justin Brown receives 2007 AGU Fall Meeting Outstanding Student Paper Award Kaushik Bandyopadhyay receives 2007 AGU Fall Meeting Outstanding Student Paper Award Greg Beroza was elected a fellow of AGU Evidence Mounts for Electromagnetic Earthquake Precursors ... More News >> Today's Events Upcoming Events >>
    Biological oceanography students collect seawater samples in Antarctica with the help of crew members on board the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya. Announcements Obsolete pangea services end on April 7. AppleTalk support on Earth Sciences network ends April 7 People Research ... Contact Us Last modified
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    5. Geophysics On The Internet
    geophysics involves the application of physical laws and principles to a study of the Earth and other astronomical bodies. The Internet is a world wide
    Geophysics On The Internet Geophysics involves the application of physical laws and principles to a study of the Earth and other astronomical bodies. The Internet is a world wide collection of clients (your machine) and servers (computers which house potentially useful material). This page is dedicated to providing you access to the wealth of geophysical information on the Internet.
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    Comments and Suggestions Welcomed Updated on January 13, 2001
    Partially funded by a grant from the Foundation of the
    Society of Exploration Geophysicists
    Since October 13, 1997
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    Geology and Geophysics Topic InterNIC Academic Guide Clearing House Approved John C Butler
    University of Houston
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    geophysics references HyperPhysics, R Nave
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    7. Earth And Space Sciences (Geology And Geophysics) At UW
    The Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington (formerly Geology and geophysics)
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    Staff Grad Students ESS Dept Procedures ... Support the Department ESS Events and News Events Alumni News Awards ... Positions Available Department of Earth and Space Sciences Annual Awards Ceremony May 22, 2008 ESS Open House for Washington Weekend, April 25. Program details Geosciences at the University of Washington ranks 5th in entire world in a survey of scientific journal publications. Earth Hazards Initiative Earth and Space Sciences Geology Geophysics Geological Sciences University of Washington

    8. -- Sperling Geophysics Corporation
    Sperling geophysics Corporation provides a full range of geological and geophysical services to assist the oil and gas community in all forms of petroleum
    Sperling Geophysics Corporation
    We have 30 years of seismic exploration experience finding oil and gas fields, and providing clients with the best possible technology in geophysical evaluations We also provide a full range of other geological and geophysical services to assist the oil and gas community in all forms of petroleum exploration Our clientele range from largest Petroleum Companies (i.e., EXXON, AMOCO, SHELL) to large corporations (i.e., General Motors, Kellogg's) to governments (i.e., States of Michigan, Ohio), to Independant Oil and Gas Companies, and to the individual Oil and Gas investor If you are an independent Oil and Gas firm who is looking for a Geophysical Consultant , or a second opinion on a prospect, please contact us we have provided such service to scores of companies like yours. If you are an individual investor thinking of Investing in an Oil and Gas Venture and need an independent and knowledgeable opinion? Try us, we provide second opinions for oil and gas prospects.

    9. Department Of Geophysics Welcomes You
    CSM has one of North America s oldest geophysics programs and one of the world s foremost departments in applied geophysics.
    Welcome to the Web site of the CSM Department of Geophysics. The Geophysics Department is located in the Cecil H. and Ida Green Graduate and Professional Center on the Colorado School of Mines Campus in Golden, Colorado. Congratulations! Paul Sava honored with Reginald Fessenden Award at the September 2007 SEG meeting in San Antonio
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    10. Geophysics Authors/titles Recent Submissions
    Subjects Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics (physics.aoph); geophysics Subjects Fluid Dynamics (physics.flu-dyn); geophysics (physics.geo-ph) physics physics.geo-ph
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    Thu, 27 Mar 2008
    arXiv:0803.3756 pdf other
    Title: Statistical Physics Approaches to Seismicity Authors: D. Sornette (ETH Zurich), M.J. Werner (ETH Zurich) Comments: 31 pages, entry in the Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, Springer Subjects: Geophysics (physics.geo-ph)
    Wed, 26 Mar 2008
    arXiv:0803.3615 ps pdf other
    Title: Inversion of marine heat flow measurements by expansion of the temperature decay function Authors: Andreas Hartmann Heinrich Villinger Journal-ref: Geophys. J. Int., 148(3), 628-636, 2002 Subjects: Geophysics (physics.geo-ph)
    arXiv:0803.3299 (cross-list from astro-ph) [ ps pdf other
    Title: Tidal torques. II. Two derivations of the despinning-rate formula Authors: James G. Williams Michael Efroimsky Comments: Submitted to: Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy Subjects: Astrophysics (astro-ph) ; Geophysics (physics.geo-ph)

    11. Institute For Geophysics, Jackson School Of Geosciences, The University Of Texas
    Conducts geophysical investigations of the history, structure, and dynamics of the earth s crust and of earthquake phenomena.

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    Field Work
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    Institute for Geophysics; J.J. Pickle Research Campus, Bldg. 196; 10100 Burnet Road (R2200); Austin TX 78758-4445
    Phone: (512) 471-6156; FAX: (512) 471-8844

    Last modified: 28 Mar 2008 08:23
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    12. Yale Department Of Geology And Geophysics
    Yale University Department of Geology geophysics. People New Faculty Graduate Program Undergrad Program Job Openings Calendar and Events

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    13. - Funding - Geophysics - US National Science Foundation (NSF)
    The geophysics Program supports basic research in the physics of the solid earth to explore its composition, structure, and processes.

    14. Geophysics Geophysical Data Center and the collocated World Data Center for Marine Geology geophysics,

    15. G-Cubed - Home
    Electronic journal of the American Geophysical Union and the Geochemical Society, which publishes articles related to the physics and chemistry of the Earth

    16. The International Union Of Geodesy And Geophysics (IUGG) | Union Geodesique Et G
    Dedicated to advancing, promoting, and communicating knowledge of the Earth system, its space environment, and the dynamical processes causing change.
    Welcome to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics!
    Mission and Structure
    The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) is the international organization dedicated to advancing, promoting, and communicating knowledge of the Earth system, its space environment, and the dynamical processes causing change. Through its constituent Associations, Commissions, and services, IUGG convenes international assemblies and workshops, undertakes research, assembles observations, gains insights, coordinates activities, liaises with other scientific bodies, plays an advocacy role, contributes to education, and works to expand capabilities and participation worldwide. Data, information, and knowledge gained are made openly available for the benefit of society – to provide the information necessary for the discovery and responsible use of natural resources, sustainable management of the environment, reducing the impact of natural hazards, and to satisfy our curiosity about the Earth’s natural environment and the consequences of human activities. IUGG Associations and Union Commissions encourage scientific investigation of Earth science and especially interdisciplinary aspects. Each Association establishes working groups and commissions that can be accessed by using the links below or at the top of this page.

    17. NMT Geophysics Program
    geophysics Open File Reports Contact Information EES Home Geology/Geochemistry Hydrology geophysics Site Map Search

    18. Science/AAAS | Collections: Geochemistry, Geophysics
    Search Geochemistry, geophysics. Search Criteria Geochemistry, geophysics. Refine by Section. View all, Original Research, News, Reviews,
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    19. University Of Minnesota - Department Of Geology And Geophysics
    NEWS FLASH geophysics program ranks high in Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index reported by Chronicle of Higher Education!
    One Stop Directories Search U of M LINKS Programs Graduate Programs Undergrad Programs Courses Seminars ... Summer Internships People Faculty Researchers Grad Students Staff ... Alumni Resources Facilities Research Groups U of M Geological Society New Student Info ... Geophysics program ranks high in Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index reported by Chronicle of Higher Education!
    N. H. Winchell School of Earth Sciences Research Centers Institute for Rock Magnetism Limnological Research Center Minnesota Geological Survey National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics
    310 Pillsbury Drive SE,
    Minneapolis, MN 55455-0219
    voice: 612-624-1333
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    20. Institute Of Geophysics And Planetary Physics
    For more information about the Institute of geophysics and Planetary Physics contact the Institute office at 310206-2285; email
    Monday, March 31, 2008
    Dr. T. Mark Harrison welcomes you to IGPP. Information for the 15 year review:
    IGPP 15 Year Review
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    UCLA has underway
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    Eighth International School for Space Simulations (ISSS-8) - Kauai, Hawaii, 25 February - 3 March 2007 ( details Past announcements
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    Short Cuts to Centers: CAB CESR CSEOL CPCP ... SSC Site Links: Home History Colloquia Centers ... News Other Information: Contacts Affiliates UCLA
    For more information about the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics contact the Institute office at 310-206-2285; email

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