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         Geophysics:     more books (100)
  1. Storm and Cloud Dynamics, Volume 99, Second Edition (International Geophysics) by William R. Cotton, George Bryan, et all 2010-10-29
  2. Marine Geology & Geophysics: A derivative of the Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences
  3. A Practical Guide to Borehole Geophysics in Environmental Investigations by W. Scott Keys, 1997-02-01
  4. Modern Geophysics in Engineering Geology (Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication)
  5. Electromagnetic Methods in Applied Geophysics Vol 2: Application/Parts A and B (Investigations in Geophysics)
  6. The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics by C. M. R. Fowler, 1990-06-29
  7. The Evolution of the Pacific Ocean Margins (Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics No. 8)
  8. Paleoseismology, Volume 95, Second Edition (International Geophysics)
  9. Mechanics of Fluid-Saturated Rocks, Volume 89 (International Geophysics)
  10. Principles of Applied Geophysics (Volume 0) by D.S. Parasnis, 1996-12-31
  11. Introduction to Petroleum Seismology (Investigations in Geophysics No. 12) by Luc T. Ikelle, Lasse Amundsen, 2005-11-01
  12. Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics, Volume 36: An Introductory Text (International Geophysics) by John Marshall, R. Alan Plumb, 1987-01-15
  13. Of Poles and Zeros: Fundamentals of Digital Seismology (Modern Approaches in Geophysics) by F. Scherbaum, 2001-06-30
  14. Advances in Nonlinear Dynamos (The Fluid Mechanics of Astrophysics and Geophysics)

41. The Berkeley Course In Applied Geophysics
Text and interactive models derived from course notes and instructional programs. Covers the physical properties of earth materials, with chapters on

42. Department Of Geology And Geophysics — Geology And Geophysics
Department of Geology and geophysics 135 S. 1460 E, Room 719 • Salt Lake City, UT 841120111 • Phone (801) 581-7062 University of Utah College of Mines
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    DEPARTMENT NEWS 21 million dollar Landmark/Halliburton grant awarded Yellowstone Rising Robert B. Smith Received the 2007 Lehi Hintze Award For Outstanding Contributions to the Geology of Utah Annual Awards Luncheon Honors Faculty and Students More News... CALENDAR OF EVENTS January May Atkinson Distinguished Lecture Series Spring 2008 Schedule April - 03:30 PM . Guy F. Atkinson Distinguished Lecture Series: "Earthquake Cycles: A Geologist's View from the Trenches" April - 03:30 PM . Guy F. Atkinson Distinguished Lecture Series: "Finding Trapped Miners with Time Reversal Mirrors" April - 03:30 PM . Guy F. Atkinson Distinguished Lecture Series: "Deciphering Earth's Dynamic Interior Using Seismology

43. GUMP (Geophysical Unit Of Menlo Park)
geophysics Unit of Menlo Park, CA (GUMP) U.S. Geological Survey Western Regional Geology - Western Earth Surface Processes Team. People Richard J. Blakely
Geophysics Unit of Menlo Park, CA (GUMP)
U.S. Geological Survey - Western Regional Geology - Western Earth Surface Processes Team People
Richard J. Blakely

Claire Bouligand

Bruce A. Chuchel

Jonathan M.G. Glen
Janet Watt

Associate Researchers
Robert Simpson

Jack Hillhouse

Alumni Dave Barnes Jim Case Andy Griscom Tom Hildenbrand Howard Oliver Bob Sikora GUMP is a theoretical and applied research group that uses state-of-the-art gravity and magnetic methods to better understand and resolve public issues across a wide spectrum of earth science problems. GUMP staff and laboratories are located on the USGS campus at 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA Map and Directions to the USGS campus in Menlo Park, CA Selected on-line products Facilities Paleomagnetics Lab Western Earth Surface Processes Team ... Accessibility Maintained by Webmaster , Menlo Park, CA Last modified 5/29/2007

44. ES Index Page Buttons
The Center for Computational geophysics was established in 1998 to promote crossdisciplinary studies of the Earth requiring large computational resources.

Facilities Research Past Projects ... Contact
The Center is supported by Rice University, and has research and equipment funding from NSF, DOE, SUN Microsystems, and two industrially sponsored consortia. The Center received a Major Research Infrastructure award from the NSF Earth Sciences Facilities and Instrumentation Program for high performance SMP computers. Matching funds for the SMP machine were provided by SUN Microsystems and Rice. We now have a 20 processor/20 Gbyte memory SUN ES6500 with a 1 Tbyte RAID system, and an 8 processor/ 32Gbyte SUN V880 with 1 Tbyte RAID system. We offer a cross-disciplinary professional M.S. and Ph.D. program through the Computational Science and Engineering Degree Program through Computational Science and Engineering Degree Program, allowing students in the three departments the opportunity to create a flexible research and course program.
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Department of Earth Science
Rice University
Keith-Wiess Geological Labs
6100 Main Street,
Houston, Texas 77005
Mailing Address:
MS 126, PO Box 1892

45. USGS - U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Office Of Ground Water, Branch Of Geophysic
USGS Office of Ground Water, Branch of geophysics homepage Providing technical support, guidance, and applied research that fosters the appropriate use of


Contact USGS

Search USGS

USGS Ground Water Information Branch of Geophysics The Office of Ground Water, Branch of Geophysics (OGW BG) supports the USGS Water Discipline by providing technical support and guidance that fosters the appropriate use of surface and borehole geophysical methods for interdisciplinary earth science investigations and by advancing the development of geophysical characterization and monitoring methods through applied research and technology transfer activities.
Applied Research
About the Branch
Learn about Student Research Opportunities
Related Resources
Learn about Flowmeter Logging BG Home ... U.S. Department of the Interior

46. Geophysics - Department Of Geological Sciences - JSG - UT Austin
Welcome to The University of Texas at Austin geophysics program. Residing within the department of Geological Sciences, our program is devoted to the

JSG Home
Contacts Resources Careers ... DGS Home
Geophysics Exploration
Home Mission Statement Infrastructure Apply to Program
Faculty Students EDGER Forum
EDGER Home Annual Meetings Technical Symposia P-S Research ... Student Research Results Located in the heart of the campus, the John A. and Katherine G. Jackson Geology Building was completed in December 2002. This modern building will house new office space, classrooms, conference rooms, and computing facilities.
About the Program
Welcome to The University of Texas at Austin Geophysics program. Residing within the department of Geological Sciences, our program is devoted to the advancement and promotion of geophysical techniques as they pertain to energy exploration, whole earth structure, tectonics, and environmental/engineering applications. The program currently supports four full-time professors, with auxiliary support from research scientists at the Bureau of Economic Geology and The Institute for Geophysics. BS, MS, and PhD degrees are all offered. Students may pursue research and classroom experience in a wide range of fieldsincluding gravity and magnetics; seismic imaging, migration, and interpretation; rock mechanics and petrophysics; whole earth structure and plate dynamics; and earthquake and engineering applications.
Research Programs
The University of Texas Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) in known internationally as a leading academic research group in geology and geophysics.

47. Institutional Centers: Inside LANL
Institute of geophysics and Planetary Physics, IGPP, is both a Los Alamos National Laboratory institutional center and a branch of the University of
skip to: lanlbar menubar toolbar links ... Centers : IGPP
  • Center Leader
    Gerald Geernaert
    Administrative Assistant
    Deb Rivera
Call for Proposals
The FY '09 Call for Proposals is now posted and available for viewing.
The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at Los Alamos National Laboratory is committed to promoting and supporting high quality, cutting-edge science in the areas of astrophysics, space physics, solid planetary geoscience, and complex dynamical earth systems. These focus areas are selected based on their breadth of scientific challenges facing the international scientific community, as well as on the strategic need to extend Laboratory scientific excellence. IGPP/LANL makes a special effort to promote and support new research ideas, which can be further developed through seed funding into major programs supported by federal or other funding sources.
Collaboration between LANL and university scientists is viewed by LANL as an effective arrangement to promote creativity and extend science beyond today's understanding. This effort is accomplished by:
  • Developing long-term collaborative relationships with universities whose research interests are important to the Laboratory.

48. Hasbrouck Geophysics, Inc.
Complete domestic and foreign geophysical consulting and contracting for the mining, groundwater, environmental and engineering industries.
Hasbrouck Geophysics, Inc.
YOUR "Staff Geophysicist"
Design Acquisition Processing Interpretation

Jim Hasbrouck, PGP
Hasbrouck Geophysics, Inc.
2473 North Leah Lane
Prescott, Arizona 86301
928-778-6320 (Telephone and Fax) 928-925-4424 (Cellular Phone) Services Complete Domestic and Foreign Geophysical Consulting and Contracting Survey Design, Data Acquisition, and Field Supervision ("Bird-Dog") Data Processing, Interpretation, Review and Evaluation Surface, Airborne, and Borehole Geophysical Methods Reflection and Refraction Seismic 2D, 3D, Compressional-Wave, Shear-Wave Time and Frequency Domain Electromagnetics Galvanic Resistivity Induced Polarization Magnetics Gravity and Microgravity Radiometrics Summary of Experience Over 30 Years Experience In All Major Surface, Airborne, and Borehole Geophysical Methods Plus Strong Geological Background Groundwater Exploration and Development Engineering Contaminant Migration Environmental Remediation and Hazardous Waste Minerals and Hydrocarbon Exploration Total Geophysical Project Responsibility: Planning Through Interpretation Complete Fiscal and Managerial Control of Projects Presentation of Project Results To Senior Management To Domestic and Foreign Clients At Technical Conferences and Within Peer-Reviewed Articles Employment History Principal Scientist, Geophysics and Technology Development

49. UCLA - IGPP Space Physics Center
image of rocket and planets to UCLA to Institute of geophysics and Planetary Physics Visitor Research - Library - Education - Missions - Data


Site Map


Useful quick links:
Polar Data

Groundstation Data

Graduate Studies

Undergraduate Studies
Space Grant Program

SPC Groups: Magnetospheric Physics Space Weather Space Physics Space Plasma Simulations ... Help Last updated March 2001.

50. LSU Geology And Geophysics
The Department of Geology and geophysics at Louisiana State University is commited to developing the next generation of world leaders in the sciences with
Department of Geology and Geophysics

51. Geology And Geophysics Conferences, Conventions, Trade Shows And Meetings
Geology and geophysics Conferences. AllConferences.Com Science Geology and geophysics. Advanced Search http//
Geology and Geophysics Conferences AllConferences.Com Science > Geology and Geophysics Advanced Search
Submit a Conference
Linking Information About Us See Also:


Past Events
Event AGU 2001 Fall Meeting Begins December 10, 2001 City San Francisco Country USA
Event 2002 AGU Fall Meeting Begins December 10, 2001 City San Francisco Country USA
Event AAPG Annual Meeting Begins June 3, 2001 City Denver Country USA
Event AGU 2001 Spring Meeting Begins May 29, 2001 City Boston Country USA
Event American Geophysical Union Begins May 28, 2001 City Boston Country USA
... Europe tours

52. Aeromagnetic Data Available From Applied Geophysics, Inc.
Applied geophysics Acquisition, Interpretation and Reprocessing of Aeromagnetic Data.
Acquisition, Interpretation and Reprocessing of Aeromagnetic Data

Web Creation by iNetZ Media Group and Maintenance by Webmaster

53. NMSU Geophysics: An Overview
NMSU s location in the southern part of the Rio Grande Rift affords excellent opportunities for geophysical field studies of rift structures.
New Mexico State University
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- Resources -
Geological Setting
NMSU's location in the southern part of the Rio Grande Rift affords excellent opportunities for geophysical field studies of rift structures. The climate is dry and mild (8.5' annual rainfall, daily high temperatures about 65 degree Fahrenheit in the winter and 92 degree Fahrenheit in the summer), allowing field work to be conducted year-around.
The Graduate Program
The Department of Physics offers graduate study with concentration in geophysics leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. level degrees in either Physics with a concentration in Geophysics or in an interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree. Our recommended curriculum for the masters's degree requires 24 credit hours of course work in geophysics, geology, and physics, plus six hours of thesis credit. The Ph.D. degree requires publishable thesis research. With the present faculty, research will occur principally in the following areas: Mineral physics; seismic studies of lithospheric and upper mantle structure; seismic tomography; seismotectonics involving earthquake and remote sensing data; and geodynamics and planetary physics.
Geophysical equipment available to students includes a broadband seismic recording system, a LaCoste gravimeter, a proton magnetometer, DC resistivity gear, and a down hole temperature probe. In-house geophysics computing facilities include 10 Ultra Sun workstations, and several assorted personal computers. The physics department as well as NMSU also offer additional computing facilities. Laboratory space is commodious.

54. NPG - Volumes And Issues
Nonlinear Processes in geophysics. An Open Access Journal of the European Geosciences Union. ;; ;; ;;
NPG - click here if your browser does not automatically redirect you NPG - click here if your browser does not automatically redirect you

55. GMT And Geophysics Links
Ben HornerJohnson s GMT geophysics Links last updated 2008-JAN-18 . http// one
last updated: 2008-JAN-18
GMT Software:
GMT-3.4.6: GMT-4.2.1: GMT Bug Notes GMT Installation ...
GMT for MacOS X: install fink, type: "fink install gmt" GMT for Win-NT: GMT for OS/2: or or
Front Ends:
unix: iGMT Tcl/Tk another Tcl/Tk front-end Win9x/NT: Win4GMT Mirone M_GMT (beta version)
GMT Documentation:
GMT man pages: GMT supplemental man pages:

56. Geophysics Marketplace
The geophysics Marketplace is the database dedicated to providing industry professionals immediate access to the geophysical products and services they need
Search Home SEG Home Add or Edit Your Listing Desktop Search ... Help? Search Exact Phrase All of the Words State/Province City or ZIP Radius Select AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY AB BC MB NB NF NW NS NU ON PE QC SK YK None 5 miles 10 miles 25 miles 50 miles 100 miles 500 miles Exhibitors Only
Air Guns/Water Guns Cables/Connectors Camp Equipment ... Winches 800-816-6710 Contact Us Media Kit Unless otherwise specified, neither SEG nor the Publisher is affiliated with any listing company and neither makes any endorsement. Neither SEG nor the Publisher warrants the products or services of the companies listed in the Geophysics Marketplace. SEG and the Publisher specifically disclaim any warranties or guarantees of merchantability or fitness for any purpose.

57. Engineering, Groundwater, Electrical Resistivity, And Environmental Geophysics F
Specialists in surface and downhole geophysical survey for engineering, groundwater, electrical resistivity and environmental studies.
All about Quantum Geophysics Engineering Geophysics Environmental Geophysics
Groundwater Geophysics
... Contact Information
Design and maintenance by Advance Design

58. Pggurp.html
NASA s Planetary Geology and geophysics Undergraduate Research Program (PGGURP). Program description. Applications due February 15, 2008
NASA's Planetary Geology and Geophysics Undergraduate Research Program (PGGURP)
Program description
Applications due February 15, 2008
Undergraduates majoring in geology or related fields, who have not been previously selected for this program may apply. This includes class of 2008 graduates, if they have not yet enrolled in graduate school. Preference is given to U.S. citizens.
An 8-week summer internship program, in which qualified students get to work with a NASA-funded planetary scientist. NASA will cover the cost of the student's travel and housing, as well as provide a cost-of-living stipend ($250/week). Up to 15 students may be selected each summer. Care is taken to match the skills of the student with the needs of the NASA mentor.
Interships take place at the NASA-funded scientist's home institution. In the past, sites have included NASA Ames Research Facility, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the U.S.G.S. Astrogeology Branch in Flagstaff, Arizona, and many others.
The precise dates for the internship are determined between the NASA mentor and the student intern. We have found that 8 consecutive weeks is the ideal time to spend.

59. Elohi Geophysics, Inc.
For over 50 years, geophysicists have sought to develop techniques for imaging through the earth s top layer to the underlying rock strata.
For over 50 years, geophysicists have sought to develop techniques for imaging through the earth's top layer to the underlying rock strata. Today, many of our targets are in the top layer, necessitating a whole new approach to sources, sensors, data processing and interpretation. Elohi Geophysics, Inc. was formed to develop and bring to market the tools and techniques required for shallow investigations. EGI's team, Jay Pulli, William Green, and Walter Turpening are all geophysicists with collectively over 60 years of experience. Their objective is to provide fast and cost effective solutions for addressing shallow earth geological, geophysical and engineering problems. "Elohi" is Cherokee for "Earth"
Elohi Geophysics, Inc. Office Locations
Houston Area Elohi Geophysics, Inc., 5116 Bissonnet St., PMB 181, Bellarie, Texas 77401 Tel. Washington D.C. Area What We Do What We Build Sample Projects
For more information, contact... Jay J. Pulli Walter Turpening William Green

Computational geophysics. We support student research through the Departments of Earth Sciences and Physics. Our purpose is to foster multidisciplinary and
T he IGPP is a multi-campus research unit (MRU)
supported by the UC Office of the President and
the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
at UCR. Our research at UCR focuses on Space Physics and Astrophysics, and Earthquake and
Computational Geophysics. We support student
research through the Departments of Earth Sciences and Physics. Our purpose is to foster multi-disciplinary and multi-campus research. More about us...

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