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         Paleontology:     more books (60)
  1. Urumaco and Venezuelan Paleontology: The Fossil Record of the Northern Neotropics (Life of the Past)
  2. Principles of Paleontology by Michael Foote, Arnold I. Miller, 2006-08-21
  3. Genetics, Paleontology and Macroevolution by Jeffrey S. Levinton, 2001-08-06
  4. Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution by Robert L. Carroll, 1990-01-01
  5. The Paleontology of New Mexico by Barry S. Kues, 2008-12-16
  6. Principles of Paleontology: Second Edition by David Raup, Steven M. Stanley, 1978-03-15
  7. A History of Paleontology Illustration (Life of the Past) by Jane P. Davidson, 2008-06-23
  8. Paleontology: A Brief History of Life (Templeton Science and Religion Series) by Ian Tattersall, 2010-03-01
  9. Albertosaurus: Death of a Predator (Discoveries in Paleontology) by Monique Keiran, 2002-06-24
  10. The Paleobiological Revolution: Essays on the Growth of Modern Paleontology
  11. The dawnseekers: The first history of American paleontology by Robert West Howard, 1975
  12. Field Adventures in Paleontology by Lynne M. Clos, 2003-09
  13. Vertebrate Paleontology by Alfred Sherwood Romer, 1966-06
  14. The First Fossil Hunters: Paleontology in Greek and Roman Times. by Adrienne Mayor, 2001-10-01

1. Paleontology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Modern paleontology sets ancient life in its contexts by studying how longterm physical changes of global geography paleogeography and climate paleoclimate
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Palaeontology redirects here. For the scientific journal , see Palaeontology (journal)
Paleontology palaeontology or pal¦ontology (from Greek: παλαιό (palaeo) , "old, ancient"; όν (on) , "being"; and logos , "speech, thought") is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils This includes the study of body fossils , tracks ( ichnites burrows , cast-off parts, fossilised faeces coprolites palynomorphs and chemical residues. Studies of prehistoric hominins , their culture and their behaviour are the purview of two other disciplines, archaeology and paleoanthropology
edit Background
Modern paleontology sets ancient life in its contexts by studying how long-term physical changes of global geography paleogeography and climate paleoclimate have affected the evolution of life, how ecosystems have responded to these changes and have adapted the planetary environment in turn and how these mutual responses have affected today's patterns of biodiversity . Hence, paleontology overlaps with

2. The Paleontology Portal: Home
Shows photos of fossils of different types. Browse by location, time period or type. Produced by the University of California Museum of paleontology,
Visit these new links: What's new on the Paleontology Portal: The Paleontology Portal now includes all of North America! Would you like to use The Paleontology Portal for your own project? Visit the new site generator. Resources for educators are available in the new online teachers' guide. Explore paleontology in North America by state and time period A collection of fossil images searchable by taxon and time An exploration of famous fossil localities and assemblages Becoming a paleontologist, degree and certification programs, links to jobs Courses, field guides, maps, publications, methods and legalities Search museum paleontology collections Resources of particular interest to K-12 teachers and students Produced by: UCMP PaleoSociety SVP USGS ... RSS how to paleontology news: recent site additions:

3. ScienceDaily: Paleontology News
paleontology News and Research. Read about the latest discoveries in the fossil record including theories on why the dinosaurs went extinct and more.
Paleontology News
Monday, March 31, 2008 Print Email Bookmark
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Anthropology Archaeology Evolution Paleontology
Discovery Of Oldest Known Traces Of Mineralization Caused By Micro-organisms
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Primitive Mouse-Like Creature May Be Ancestral Mother Of Australia's Unusual Pouched Mammals
full story ... Upright Walking Began 6 Million Years Ago, Thigh Bone Comparison Suggests
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4. Paleontologists -
A paleontologist is a scientist who studies paleontology, learning about the forms of life that existed in former geologic periods, chiefly by studying
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5. UCMP - University Of California Museum Of Paleontology
Physically located in Berkeley, California, site contains information about exhibits, outreach, and extensive educational resources and links.
"...the resurrection call aroused another Saurian from his long sleep."
SEARCH GLOSSARY ... SITE MAP Find out what's new at UCMP previous feature next feature The diversity of life through time, a tour through geologic time, and more.
See the exhibits
Information on research and collections at UCMP.
See the work being done at UCMP
Information on education and public programs visiting UCMP and more.
Find out more about UCMP

The Paleontology Portal

a gateway to North American paleontology resources Understanding Evolution
your one-stop source for information on evolution Caldwell finds that stomatopods can perceive circularly polarized light
March 25, 2008
Some stomatopods can detect and analyze circularly polarized light according to research by UCMP's Roy Caldwell and collaborators published in the recent Current Biology . No other animal is known to be able to perceive this sort of light. These stomatopods can actually distinguish between left-handed and right-handed circular polarization. The discovery has been widely reported, including by Wired and Science News UCMP alum Malcolm McKenna dies at age 77 March 12, 2008

6. OLogy
Paleo plus OLogy equals the study of ancient living things like Layers Of Time Stuff to Do Definition of paleontology

7. Science/AAAS | Collections: Paleontology
paleontology Experts Find No Evidence for a MammothKiller Impact Richard A. Kerr Science 7 Mar 2008; 319 1331-1332. Summary » Full text » PDF »
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8. USGS Paleontology Home Page
Home page for paleontology at the US Geological Survey.
Paleontology at the
U.S. Geological Survey
Welcome to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Paleontology Home Page! Paleontology , the science which uses fossils to study life in past geologic time , has served an important role in geologic studies at the USGS since its establishment in 1879. As early as 1882, paleontologists like Othniel C. Marsh and Charles A. White, were making expeditions to the West , and returning with massive numbers of fossil specimens to be labeled, named, and described. In recent years, many of the paleontologic studies at the USGS have moved beyond the early collection, observation, and description endeavors. Today, USGS paleontologists are using the knowledge they gain in their study of fossils to answer important questions such as: (1) what was the world like in the past, (2) what were the forces that made the world change, and (3) how could these forces impact the world in our lifetime and that of future generations. Paleontologic tools also have changed significantly over the years. Scanning electron microscopes , ship-mounted drilling rigs, and computers are a far cry from the picks and hammers of early days, although these tools still are an essential part of every paleontologist's field kit.

9. The Paleontological Society
International organization devoted exclusively to the advancement of the science of paleontology through the dissemination of research by publication and
ABOUT THE SOCIETY About Us Officers Society Committees Constitution and Bylaws ... Apply for 2008 Membership (On the wwweb) PUBLICATIONS Journal of Paleontology Paleobiology Special Publications, Society Papers, Short Courses, and Free Brochures Other Publication Links OTHER LINKS Media Services Paleontology Resources The Paleontological Society Position Statement: EVOLUTION More information... The Journal of Paleontology The Journal of Paleontology publishes original articles and notes on the systematics of fossil organisms and the implications of systematics to all aspects of paleobiology and stratigraphic paleontology. It emphasizes specimen-based research and features high quality illustrations. Comments on articles and replies are also considered for publication. All taxonomic groups are treated, including invertebrates, microfossils, plants, and vertebrates. More information...

10. Internet Public Library: Paleontology
It contains a dictionary of paleontological terms, a translation and pronunciation guide, a writer s guide, an anatomical dictionary, a type dictionary,
Search the IPL
Now you can "Grok" the IPL by selecting "Grok It" below!
Then hit "Map View" for a visualization of your results Traditional (fast) Grok It (clustered)

11. The Society Of Vertebrate Paleontology
Professional, international organization for VPs, publishes the Journal of Vertebrate paleontology.
Your nomination for, or donation to, an SVP award, prize or grant advances important research in the science of vertebrate paleontology. Discover the latest news and events - and now SVP broadcast e-mails - at
SVP Abstract Submission Site Now OPEN!

Posted: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:23
SVP Abstract Submission Site Now OPEN!
SVP Award Submission... SVP's Field Conference is August 5-7, 2008, Apply Now
Posted: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:36
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology North American Summer Field Conference
Hanna and Carbon ... NEW SVP Online Award Submission - Open Today
Posted: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 12:54
Beginning Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. Central Time Zone (USA), through Monday, May 5, 2... Statement from the Executive Committee regarding allegations against Spencer Lucas
Posted: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 11:24

12. Paleontology Careers
Most professional paleontologists are just such lucky people. They are people consumed with a passion to understand the history of life on earth.
I Want To Be A Paleontologist !
Advice for Students and Parents
Paleontological Research Institution
Ithaca, NY There is no luckier person than the person who can make their passion their career. Most professional paleontologists are just such lucky people. They are people consumed with a passion to understand the history of life on earth. Paleontology is fun, thrilling, and fascinating, but it is also hard work. It is not "easier" than the more traditional "core" science disciplines of physics, chemistry, biology, or geology. In many ways, paleontology is more difficult than any other science because to be a good paleontologist you must know a great deal about all of these fields. Paleontology is among the broadest of sciences.
What is paleontology?
What background do I need in high school?
The best starting point is a college preparatory program with as many science and math courses as possible. Outside reading in paleontology and visiting museums with fossil displays is helpful for building up knowledge of fossils themselves. No matter how interested or knowledgeable a student is in paleontology, however, good overall grades in high school are almost always required for admission to a good college or university, which is a necessary prerequisite for a career in paleontology.
What background do I need in college?

13. Nearctica - Paleontology Including Dinosaurs, Trilobites, Amber, Fossils, Collec
paleontology links for a variety of paleontological and geological subjects.
Paleontology - Main Page Special Segments Butterflies of North America Conifers of North America Eastern Birds List of N.A. Insects Home Eastern Wildflowers General Topics Natural History Ecology Family Environment Evolution Home Education Home Conservation Geophysics Paleontology Commercial Organizations Books about Fossils and Paleontology THE BIG THREE Dinosaurs Amber Trilobites THE REST General Paleontology The Geological Time Scale Paleogeography and Plate Tectonics Origins of Life ... Fossils - Commercial Organizations

14. Paleontology And Fossils Resources
Offers extensive list of links about paleontology and fossils, library guides, and lists of books.

CONTENTS Books Contact Links Webrings
Here is a selected list of Web pages dealing with Paleontology and Fossils. Enter on the name of the page to access it. Additions to this list are appreciated.
Classrooms, Courses and Teaching
General Information

15. So You Want To Be A Paleontologist?
Advice on how to become a paleontologist and which colleges offer programs in vertebrate paleontology.

16. Paleontology - Similar pages Index2.htmThe Journal of paleontology publishes original articles and notes on the systematics, phylogeny, paleoecology, paleogeography, and evolution of fossil
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Paleontology Lesson Plans
Grade: 1 - 6 Dinosaur Dig Grade: 3 - 12 Dinosaurs! Grade: kindergarten - 2 Excavating Your Recycling Bin as a Fossil Record Grade: 6 - 12 Fossils with Play-Doh Grade: 3 - 5 Fossils Grade: 1 - 2 Oklahoma Dinosaur Grade: 3 - 5 About Link Policy Topics A-Z Site Search ... Site Map

17. Journal Of Dinosaur Paleontology
Short articles on legal issues of dinosaur collection, dinosaur law, and the case of Sue.

18. Computational Paleontology
Invertebrate and computational paleontology, University of Oslo.
Computational Paleontology
Welcome to my Computational Paleontology homepage! This page is devoted to the use of mathematical models, simulation, computer graphics and computers in general in paleontology:
  • Simulation of ontogeny (growth and form)
  • Simulation of evolution and population genetics
  • Population dynamics
  • Simulation in functional morphology (mechanics, fluid dynamics etc.)
  • Computer graphics
  • Statistics and data management
I'm very interested in getting in contact with anyone working in the field, so please mail me at
New!!! A free and comprehensive statistics, cladistics and morphometrics package for Windows (beta version). Click here
Some of my projects
The images are links to detailed descriptions. Exotic fossil imaging technique
PAST: Software for data analysis

Database for the Ordovician of Baltoscandia

Virtual ichnology
Serial sectioning
This page received the BioMedLink Award.

19. Paleontology
Going beyond the surface of fossils how did prehistoric life actually live? what are professional fossil scientists working on? what can computers do with
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  • Home Education Geology
    Filed In:
    Deeper resources about the science of fossils. Types of Types Book Review: "Time Traveler" by Michael Novacek In "Time Traveler: In Search of Dinosaurs and Ancient Mammals from Montana to Mongolia," paleontologist Michael Novacek tells us not just what he does, but what it's like to be him. Computational Paleontology Code of Fossil Collecting Official policy of the Paleontological Society. Curiosities of Biological Nomenclature Mark Isaak lists a wide variety of taxonomical oddities. Curious Scientific Names A collection of weird and amusing Latin(?) names of organisms by Douglas Yanega. Fossil News The Journal of Amateur Paleontology offers sample articles from the current issue online.
  • 20. U.C. Berkeley Museum Of Paleontology Public Exhibits
    paleontology is a rich field, imbued with a long and interesting past and an even more intriguing and hopeful future. Many people think paleontology is the
    Paleontology is a rich field, imbued with a long and interesting past and an even more intriguing and hopeful future. Many people think Paleontology is the study of fossils. Paleontology is much more. It is the study of what fossils tell us about the ecologies of the past, about evolution, and about our place, as humans, in the world. Paleontology incorporates knowledge from biology, geology, ecology, anthropology, archaeology, and even computer science to understand the processes that have led to the origination and eventual destruction of the different types of animals since life arose. The exhibits that we have set up here are created by Paleontogists. More than just an overview of the diversity that has existed through time on this planet, the exhibits also highlite some of the research Paleontologists are conducting at the Museum of Paleontology. The exhibit might be visualized as starting at the center of a museum with halls spreading in each direction. Off the main hallway, many a smaller branch spread. Unlike normal hallways, the hallways you are following are actually the path that evolution is supposed to have taken. These halls are called scientifically cladograms and they show explicitly the ancestor and decendent relationships among lineages or groups of animals. Reconstructing this pattern of ancestry and descent is one of the many important areas where fossil information proves vital. This hypermedia presentation is being prepared by Robert Guralnick Tony Fiorillo,

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