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41. DIVA-GIS -- Free GIS -- Homepage Free GIS software for biodiversity mapping. http://www.diva-gis.org/ | |
42. Monitoring And Assessment Of Biodiversity Program - National Zoo| FONZ The Smithsonian Institution s Monitoring and Assessment of biodiversity Program (formerly the Man and the Biosphere Program) works to assess and monitor the http://nationalzoo.si.edu/ConservationAndScience/MAB/ | |
43. UNDP/GEF UNDPGEF projects in the focal area of biological diversity, or biodiversity, seek to help countries protect the global environment through an ecosystem http://www.undp.org/gef/undp-gef_focal_areas_of_action/sub_biodiversity.html | |
44. Edwin Ginn Library-Multilaterals Project Flora and Fauna biodiversity biodiversity Secretariat. States Parties. Non-Legally Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global http://fletcher.tufts.edu/multi/biodiversity.html | |
45. CONUS BIODIVERSITY WEBSITE: Main Page A guide to the systematics of Conus, a large group of predatory snails known for their potent neurotoxic venoms and the largest genus of marine animals. http://biology.burke.washington.edu/conus/ | |
46. The Environmental Literacy Council - Biodiversity biodiversity, or biological diversity, is a term coined to describe the immense variety and richness of life on this planet. biodiversity includes not only http://www.enviroliteracy.org/subcategory.php/107.html | |
47. Biodiversity Calls attention to the rapidly accelerating loss of plant and animal species to increasing human population pressure and the demands of economic development http://books.nap.edu/catalog/989.html | |
48. Biodiversity - MarineBio.org Todays biodiversity is the result of billions of years of evolution, natural processes, and in more recent years, human activity. Before the advent of Homo http://www.marinebio.com/Oceans/Conservation/biodiversity.asp | |
49. EO Wilson Biodiversity Foundation - Home Joomla the dynamic portal engine and content management system. http://www.eowilson.org/ | |
50. Biodiversity - Encyclopedia Of Earth The word biodiversity is a contracted version of biological diversity . The Convention on Biological Diversity defines biodiversity as the variability http://www.eoearth.org/article/Biodiversity | |
51. Biodiversity And The Global Crisis Simply stated, biological diversity, or biodiversity, is the sum total of all life forms on Earth. It is the variety and variability of all species of http://www.bionet-us.org/ | |
52. Biodiversity Of Mexico - Fauna, Flora, Ecosystems - VN Illustrated Database biodiversity of Mexico Illustrated Database of fauna, flora and ecosystems conservation. http://www.vivanatura.org/ | |
53. Biodiversity Declining At 'Unprecedented Rate' | LiveScience Nearly 16000 plants and animals are threatened with extinction. http://www.livescience.com/environment/041117_species_threatened.html | |
54. Biodiversity Information, links, and references about biodiversity. http://www.geocities.com/darthdusan/favorite.htm | |
55. CCBA The Alliance is developing standards for evaluating climate, community and biodiversity impacts of landbased carbon projects which should enable http://www.climate-standards.org/ | |
56. KU Natural History Museum & Biodiversity Research Center University of Kansas, Lawrence. Holds major research and teaching collections in most areas of biology. Includes a division of Informatics with skills in http://nhm.ku.edu/ | |
57. Bioko Biodiversity Protection Program Bioko biodiversity Protection Program a conservation program in West Africa focusing on rare species of primates, sea turtles and other large vertebrates. http://www.bioko.org/ | |
58. :: CENTER FOR MARINE BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION : SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEA Center for Marine biodiversity and Conservation at Scripps Oceanography exists to promote a holistic, interdisciplinary approach in the education of future http://cmbc.ucsd.edu/ | |
59. Biota The Biodiversity Database Manager Biota The biodiversity Database Manager. Home About Biota Biota 2 Download Purchase Support Biota 1 Site EstimateS Site http://viceroy.eeb.uconn.edu/biota |
60. GEO - Group On Earth Observations | Societal Benefit Areas | Biodiversity The Global Earth Observation System of Systems will support these goals by improving the quality and quantity of biodiversity information and analysis. http://www.earthobservations.org/geoss_bi.shtml | |
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